How To Create A Vision, Strategy & Execution Plan: Cisco Inclusion & Diversity Resource Center

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How to Create a

Vision, Strategy &

Execution Plan

Cisco Inclusion & Diversity Resource Center

Presentation_ID © 2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential 1
Module Introduction

 This module provides an  Templates used in this

overview of how to create a module include:
Vision, Strategy, and
Execution (VSE) plan. This VSE template
document is divided into three  A copy of the template
can be found at the end
Description of the process
of this module.
Behind the Words


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Section 1:


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Why Use This Process?

 The Vision, Strategy, Execution vocabulary drives

effective collaboration by enabling teams to
consistently, collectively, and concisely communicate:
Agreement to shared goals

Alignment to drive differentiation

Accountability for execution

Equally important is the meeting in which you

brainstorm the words used to articulate your VSE. In this document,
we call this the “VSE Session”. The way you prepare for and conduct the VSE
Session is a critical part of the work.

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Creating Your Vision, Strategy, and
Execution Common Vocabulary

1 Prepare for your team’s VSE session

2 Conduct the VSE session

3 Complete follow-up and publish VSE

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Before You Begin…
 Creating your VSE common vocabulary is a positioning and communication exercise. This is not the creation of
your strategy or execution plans – it is the positioning of your vision, strategy, and execution plans – in a way
that is clear and easy to understand.
 You should expect to complete your VSE in stages. Each stage requires that your team complete associated
planning work before you start the stage. This process can also be iterative, as you get deeper in the work, you
may go back stages to refine what you have created, based on new understanding or information.
 In this guide, we focus on the communications exercise – and specifically, the first section in the diagram

Develop and Do Business Determine Amend and

Communicate Vision, Plan and Amend and Workstreams Communicate
High-Level Formulate Communicate and Execution Plan Execution
Strategy Plan
Strategy/Execution Strategy

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Session Roles

Setting expectations for roles and responsibilities will ensure a productive meeting.

Operations Facilitator Participants

 Responsible for session  Along with group  Bring your ideas to
preparation and works leader, clearly articulate the table
with the facilitator in decision-making
 Agree to follow the rule
advance process group will use
that an idea stands until
 Either the ops lead or  Educate the somebody comes up
the facilitator should participants on the with a better idea
have a communications Positioning Principles
 No one person can
background and the definitions of
derail the session. Not
 Work with Team everyone in the group
Leader(s) to ensure  Capture ideas on has to like the result -
attendance by all whiteboard or flip chart no one person can veto
required members what the group comes
 Synthesize ideas and
up with
 Capture notes, action be creative with words
items, and next steps (this person should
and ensures follow-up have communication

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Prepare for Team’s VSE Session
 To be effective, the senior leaders of the organization or team must participate in this exercise because they have to truly own
the VSE statement and believe in it. The time and effort needed to get agreement and buy-in from the senior leaders at the start
saves significant time later.
 Ensure attendance by all team leads and members who have cross-functional decision-making authority. If the meeting
invitation is sent by one of the team’s leaders, you may be able to achieve a higher participation rate, which will help ensure a
strong, inspiring VSE statement. You can also consider devoting a regular meeting to this topic.
 Ensure to schedule enough time for brainstorming. However, even 45 minutes, with the right participants (see above), can work.
 Either the operations lead or the facilitator should have a very strong communications background to help the team members
turn their ideas into strong and effective communications. If this skill is not available on the team, ask a communications expert
to help you.
 Refer to the Session Roles slide for a description of roles and responsibilities for the session’s participants. Using a facilitator is
strongly recommended. Set expectations for participants.
 Send out materials needed by participants so that they can be prepared to make well-informed decisions. For example, it could
be helpful to learn about other organizations’ VSE’s, to see how yours fits in.

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Conduct the VSE Session
2  Set expectations for roles/responsibilities and decision-making – this is a collaborative
exercise, not a consensus exercise so not every one in the group has to like the end result.
 Level-set definitions of Vision, Strategy and Execution (see Behind the Words).
 Discuss the components of a strong vision statement and how the words you use impact
your influence (see Behind the Words).
 Discuss Positioning Principles (see Behind the Words).
 Brainstorm ideas for vision; facilitator can take notes on whiteboard or flip charts so that
everyone can see the ideas that emerge; facilitator should synthesize work of team.
 Agree to a draft of the vision; create outline of strategy/execution.
 Because more wordsmithing is often needed, you should decide how the team will follow up
to create a final version (email, wiki, Webex) – a smaller subset of the team can work to
create the final draft and submit for approval from the whole team.

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Complete Follow-up and Publish VSE
 Using the process identified in your meeting, work together to finish final editing of the
VSE statement.
 Acquire final approval from the team using the decision-making process you identified in
step 2.
 Create a fully scripted version of the VSE statement so that everyone on your team can
deliver the same message. Your VSE presentation should balance telling a story with
providing information on the decisions you made throughout the process and the data
used to make them.
 At this point, you may be able to create only high-level versions of the Strategy and
Execution parts of the your VSE. Once the team has a better understanding of the
strategy and how you will execute, you can repeat these steps to expand the Strategy and
Execution parts of the VSE.

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Section 2:


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Behind the Words
 This section is a primer to help
you build an inspiring and
complete VSE statement. For
each component of the VSE, you
can learn about the following:

•Decisions you make
•What you base your decisions on
•Communication guidelines

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What is Vision?

Definition of Vision Decisions You Make Base Your Decision On

 A vision is a vivid, idealized  What would success look  Understanding of the
description of a desired like? market: Total Addressable
outcome that inspires,  What do we want to Market, Cisco
energizes and helps you accomplish in the future? Addressable Market
create a mental picture of  What market transitions is  Estimates of future
your target this work positioning Cisco, revenue potential over
 Encapsulates the shared customers, or partners for time
goals that the team has and how?  Analysis of customer
agreed to accomplish  Do you have “proof of market concentration and
together and where your concept”? customer value
team is headed proposition
 Should be broad enough to
be meaningful for 5+ years

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A Note About Shared Goals
 Why are shared goals so important?
If a team needs to be cross-functional in order to achieve a vision, it is imperative
that everybody on the team is committed to and working towards the same shared
A shared goal for a cross-functional team is bigger than any one of the functions
involved (if it belongs to a single function, it’s not a shared goal)
When members of a cross-functional team meet to make decisions, they should
put on their “corporate” hat and make decisions from that broad perspective,
considering what is best for the company

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How to Position Your Vision
 Positioning Principles
Sacrifice is the essence of good  Aligning with Your Mission
positioning - recognize that you can’t be
A group’s mission is something that
all things to all people
does not change – it expresses the long-
Be passionate about the words you term purpose of the organization
A great vision will challenge and inspire
A great Vision makes sense to both the group to achieve its mission
internal and external audiences

Cisco’s Mission
Shape the future of the Internet by creating
unprecedented value and opportunity for our
customers, employees, investors, and
ecosystem partners.
Cisco’s Vision
Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play and Learn

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How to Communicate Vision

Characteristics Communicated As…

 Memorable  The end result we want to
 Aspirational but realistic accomplish, in specific terms
 Easy to understand  Description of dynamic shift
 Customer focused in
 Works both internally and customer, partner, or
externally company
 Revenue potential, cost
or cultural change

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What is Strategy?

Definition of Strategy Decisions You Make Base Your Decision On

 Should describe the key  What is the architecture-  Understanding of the
differentiator, or, why your based, sustainable, competitive and partner
company? competitive differentiation: landscape
 Consists of the key strategic why can only your  Understanding of the
actions required to company do this? Services resources
accomplish your vision  Who might be your target needed
 Concise definition of how customers? What is their  Analysis of cross-
your team plans to make compelling reason to buy? functional strategic
progress toward your vision  What is the business integration and
 Covers the next 18-24 model? collaboration that will be
months  Will you build, buy, or needed
partner?  Estimates of the financial
business model

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How to Communicate Strategy

Characteristics Communicated As…

 Can be 3-5 high-level  Why only your
bullets or a statement company can do this
 Sustainable
 The cross-functional
collaboration that is
 Go To Market Strategy

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What is Execution?

Definition of Execution Decisions You Make Base Your Decision On

 Concise description of  What will you deliver?  Sales, bookings, revenue,
what your team will be  How does it impact market market share, sales,
accountable for in share or mind share? productivity projections
measurable terms  How will you impact  Estimates of to impact
 Should be the execution bookings, revenue, growth profitability through gross
plan for the next 12-18 or margin? margin or contribution
months  How or where are we margin
improving/evolving  Predictions of key solution
process? What’s next in the deliverables, acquisitions
lifecycle of this priority? and partnerships

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How to Communicate Execution

Characteristics Communicated As…

Use SMART metrics:  Activities or objectives
 Specific  How we are evolving
 Measurable process
 Agreed-upon  The expected impact
 Realistic to hiring, retention,
 Time-bound employee satisfaction
 The expected impact
to market share or
mind share
Example: Increase number of diverse hires 10% in the next year

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Section 3:


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 I&D integrated into business process and
VISION operations
 I&D accountability is systemic at every level of
the organization
 Inclusion and diversity  Our pervasive culture of inclusion is a key driver
central to the Cisco 3.0 in attracting, engaging and retaining top talent
 Cisco’s executive team consistently and broadly
 Career development and spread the I&D vision
advancement based on
 Cisco’s brand is enhanced by building our
reputation as an I & D leader
 Opportunity to collaborate
with the fullest spectrum
of “the human network” EXECUTION
•Increase diverse candidates in internal and external
hiring process
•Use technology to further flexibility in how we work
and improve collaboration
•Implement inclusion recognition program
•Provide targeted development programs
•Implement executive scorecard
•Roll out training programs to build culture of
• Drive business development through diversity
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•Enhance Cisco’s I&D Reputation
Cisco Confidential 22

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VISION  Key strategic differentiation required to
execute vision

Value proposition for

the next 3-5 years

Activities to be implemented and
measured over the next 12-18 months

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