Tutorial 1:: Building A Simple MS Excel Dashboard

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Tutorial 1:

Building a Simple
MS Excel Dashboard

Want to custom build your dashboard? Get in touch

A Simple Dashboard Structure

Data Dashboard

An interface

Dashboards are used typically for

tracking metrics linked to some data

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This data has a specific structure

Data Dashboard

An interface

For a simple MS Excel Dashboard,

it should be in a “list format”
Note: It can be in a “tabular” or any other format, but lists are the easiest to handle.
*list format ensures unique records
*tabular format is generally a 2x2, 3x4 or a column-row combination

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Example of a “list format”
1. The adjacent data stores records of
a) For Jan and Feb
b) Across India and Singapore
c) For 5 different line items
2. Each “record” is uniquely represented by
{region, month, expenditure}
3. The unique ID of a record is “#”
4. Therefore, Record # 7 is {Singapore, Jan,
Audit and Tax fees} = 44
5. You can
a) Add more records
Example: {India, Mar, Rent} = 80
b) Or add more details to each record
by adding another column
One can add as many records or details
he wishes to.

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To match our metric requirements we need
to filter out the right data

Data Dashboard

An interface

This filtered data can be further processed

to meet our very specific requirements

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This filtering out and processing is done at
the “interface”

Data Dashboard

An interface

A very simple and flexible filter in Excel is

the function “SUMIFS()”

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The interface: “SUMIFS”

It helps to refer to a unique record, or sum a group of records depending on criteria you pass in the
SUMIFS() formula. Try it out for yourself, you will know why I prefer it more than a Pivot Table.
*Please note: In case you are using google spreadsheets then use “=arrayformula(sumproduct(…..)) instead of SUMIFS()

Want to custom build your dashboard? Get in touch

Now let us learn the basic “Dashboard”

Data Dashboard

An interface

A dashboard generally has visual indicators linked to a metric.

The metric is part of the “interface”

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So let us define some metric..
But first let us set some rules…

Rule 1: You have to be creative

Rule 2: Follow Rule 1 tenaciously

And last but not the least,

Rule 3: Write down your comments or queries below this presentation
Now getting back to our study…
Say, I want to track a pie-chart of the % share of all expenditures incurred in Jan and
Feb (and any month’s records I may add in the future to my data)

Something like this:

Travel and Conveyance
Audit and Tax fees
26% Office Supplies


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Then observe the following…
filter metric


The “list format” data is filtered out using SUMIFS(). Then some metrics are
developed using your creativity/requirements and linked to a visual
indicator EXCEL FILE
………and thus your simplest Dashboard is now ready!

Want to custom build your dashboard? Get in touch

Some Practical Advantages of a Dashboard
• Any update in your data, automatically updates your
• If you are conducting regular repeat analysis and reporting, it
will be best to design your dashboard at once and then
simply maintain the correctness of your database
• It provides more flexibility and customization compared to a
pivot table
• It is a one time effort and looks neat, intelligent and
• Its an art that will make your boss very happy!

Want to custom build your dashboard? Get in touch

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