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Team - Ingenious Masons (MDI Gurgaon)

Aditya Anand Binayjeet Singh Manav Shangari

PGPM (2yr, ends PGPM (2yr, ends PGPM (2yr, ends

in March 2021) in March 2021) in March 2021)

Work Experience - 18 Work Experience - 4 Work Experience - 25

months months months
SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunity Threats

1. Inefficient supply 1. Synergies from the 1. Covid-19: plants

1.Manufacturing &
chain acquisition closed, sales tanked
2. Demotivated dealer 2. Growing Global 2. Sluggish Economy
ecosystem Demand 3. Accelerated change in
2. Global-Local Presence
3. Late to market in 3. Interest from youth in consumer behaviour
3. Forward looking
electric models hybrid offerings 4. New value entrants in
4. Key systems not 4. C suite’s vision & the near future
4. Recent CSR measures
digitized commitment 5. Margins squeezed
on customer delight
5. Not an aspirational 5. Potential in digital 6. Dealers poached
brand strategy for 2021

4 Point Action Plan

Unified Branding & Marketing Integration of Cultures
1. Run a culture diagnostic: Objective, organization wide.
Marketing Campaigns Share secret sauce. Express “from-to” shifts: Leverage top
Free Driving School for the underprivileged taught by management, role modelling
women drivers: counters gender stereotype, makes a 2. Specify behaviours that will be rewarded: Respect,
difference through CSR customer focus, performance. Remodel KRAs and KPIs
51% customers switch companies
Customer service, Touch after 1 bad experience 3. Cultural artifacts: To foster unity and promote the above
1. App for Fuel filling at customer’s place behaviours: New joint mission-vision statements, changed
2. Partner with food delivery, e-commerce for receiving common dress code
deliveries. (Car location = delivery address, 1-time 4. A story that promotes pride in being together: centrally
digital key -> unlock & store) and collectively developed. Identify influencers, train them to
Channel Channels Email Web Dev Social Videos Mobile Search be change masters
wise Budget % budget 24% 21% 29% 5% 8% 12% 5. Link these into redesigned policies, processes, governance
models. Measure and manage: Pulse Surveys, Mood-O-
Computed by normalizing relevance scores (survey), ROI, success rate
Meters, Gallup Q12

Synergies Realization Transformed Incentivization

Incentives constitute 10- Up to 750 incentive
Identify opportunities to maximize efficiency and
20% of all revenues, yet programs in a month,
minimize costs across various levers such as
painfully undermanaged make it complex, chaotic
Manufacturing, Distribution channels, R&D, Procurement,
Marketing, IT infrastructure, etc 1. Digitization is Key. Data Analysis across touchpoints, dashboards
for salesmen, enables custom offerings, eliminates need to
Identify negative synergies if any and make an action plan remember all plans, fights misinformation. Enables customer
on how to avoid these. profiling
2. Curb cross dealer price wars. Set minimum selling price.
Based on similar past acquisitions an estimated cost Differentiator then auto moves to experience, not price
saving of 5% of revenue of combined entity per annum 3. Promote upselling via higher commission on each upgrade
can be achieved. 4. Separate Incentives as per appraisal: Laggards (quarterly bonus,
social pressure) Core (multi tier targets) Stars (uncapped pay)
Creating a full potential plan that includes improvements
for buying and selling entity in addition to the synergies. IMPACT: As per a McKinsey report, ~5% immediate
returns, i.e. $1.175Bn – $2.35Bn for Briyan motors alone

Forecasting for 2020

1. Forecasting done by historical SG&A spends(2015-18, not 2019) through better allocation of funds
2. Introducing cost synergies of 4.8% of revenue using data from past, similar acquisitions
3. Incentivization of dealers also bring about 1% of impact in the bottom line

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