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Topics to be covered

Introduction to Digital Marketing

• The new digital world - trends that shifts from traditional

marketing practices to digital marketing practices

The new digital world - trends that shifts from traditional marketing practices to digital
marketing practices
Digital Marketing

In simple terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or

brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital
marketing is often referred to as online marketing, internet
marketing or web marketing.

Philip Kotler defines digital marketing as

“A form of direct marketing which links consumers with sellers

electronically using interactive technologies like emails, websites,
online forums and newsgroups, interactive television, mobile
communications, etc.”
Characteristics of Digital Marketing
Characteristic Definition

Addressability • Marketers’ ability to identify

customers before they make a

Interactivity • Customers’ ability to express their

needs and wants directly to the firm
• In response to the firm’s marketing
Characteristics of Digital Marketing
Accessibility • Marketers’ ability to obtain digital

Connectivity • Consumers’ ability to be connected

with marketers along with other

Control • Customer’s ability to regulate the

information they view and the rate and
exposure to that information
Traditional Marketing Vs Digital
Traditional Marketing Digital Marketing

Type of Structured and Clear Unstructured and Unclear

Marketing Advertising campaigns, service Status updates, ad campaigns, blogs,
hotlines posts, comments, social media, etc.

Direction of ­Unidirectional (one to many) Multidirectional (many to many)

Communication Information spread by company Both company and consumers talk and
(active) listen (both active). Consumers can
Consumers only listen (passive) also create content, like or post

Scheduling Long-term Short-term

Traditional Marketing Vs Digital
Communication Private Public
with Consumer Communication only between Reactions to comments are public;
company and consumer (via email, anyone can read and join a discussion
phone); discussion is kept secret

Availability During Working Hours All the Time (24/7)

No direct support beyond regular Constant readiness to respond to
working hours (9 to 6) negative comments and consumer

Language Formal, Legally Safe Genuine, Direct

Official Personal responses and short answers
Response time Longer as if somebody is interested Quickly as soon as they see the ad, they
after seeing an ad in print or TV they can click the link and can get more
can’t see the additional information information so decision can be taken
at that instant, they need longer time quickly
for gathering information about the
5Ds of Digital Marketing
• Digital devices – audiences experience brands as they interact with business
websites and mobile apps typically through a combination of connected devices
including smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, TVs and gaming devices.
• Digital platforms – most interactions on these devices are through a browser or
apps from the major platforms or services, that’s Facebook (and Instagram),
Google (and YouTube), Twitter and LinkedIn.
• Digital media – different paid, owned and earned communications channels for
reaching and engaging audiences including advertising, email and messaging,
search engines and social networks.
• Digital data – the insight businesses collect about their audience profiles and
their interactions with businesses, which now need to be protected by law in
most countries.
• Digital technology – the marketing technology or martech stack that businesses
use to create interactive experiences from websites and mobile apps to in-store
kiosks and email campaigns.
Trends that are driving shifts from traditional marketing practices
to digital marketing practices

•  Converting the marketing to sales

• Interaction with customers

• Targeted Reach

• Cost Friendly

• Fair Play
Recent trends in Digital Marketing

• Virtual Reality

• Geo-Location

• Social Media

• Videos & Animations

• Multi Device Advertising

Types of Digital Consumers
Basic Digital Consumers
These are not highly digital users. They are comfortable
with Internet shopping and research, but they are not
mobile or social and have the second-highest likelihood of
buying offline.
Create their own media outlets (e.g. blogs, podcasts,
People who comment on blogs or post ratings and reviews
Types of Digital Consumers
Collect and organize content generated by creators and
Includes anyone who becomes a user of social networking
sites or other online communities to connect and network
Read online information but to not join communities or post
Topics to be covered

• The modern digital consumer and new consumer’s digital


• Marketing strategies for the digital world - latest practices.

The modern digital consumer and new consumer’s digital journey.
Characteristics of Modern Consumer
• 24/7 Alive:
Consumers are always connected to the internet whether on various
social media platforms or through their hand-held devices.
• Customization and Convenience:
They are constantly looking for a seller who can customize the
offerings according to their desired needs. In addition to this, the
seller has to take care of the ease and convenience of the consumer.
• Innovation:
Consumers are looking for experiences that are innovative in nature.
They are persistently looking out for technologies that can ease their
shopping exercise.
Characteristics of Modern Consumer
• Peer contact:
Consumers get influenced by peer reviews and feedback. They use
different social media platforms and take the opinions of other
consumers and change their preferences towards a brand / product /
service accordingly.
• Post-purchasing services:
A consumer now has the power to influence millions of other buyers by
simply uploading the post purchase services of a company. The
consumers are therefore looking for greater transparency, accountability
and efficiency of post-purchase services.
Understanding the Customer’s Journey
Marketing strategies for the digital world - latest practices
Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital marketing strategy is the series of actions that are going to help you achieve your
goal(s) using online marketing. It is a master plan or a blueprint to achieve a long-term or
macro goal.
• Defining customer profiles
• Defining marketing objectives
• Alignment of customer and marketing goals
• Identifying target markets
• Performing competitive analysis
• Managing and allocating resources appropriately to achieve objectives
• Reviewing and optimizing campaign performance
Digital Marketing Strategy- Latest
SMM (Social Media Content Marketing
SEO (Search Engine Email Marketing

Pay-per-click Advertising Viral Marketing

Retargeting SEM (Search Engine


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