Q4 WK 4 English V Day1-5

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English 5

Quarter 4
Week 4
Day 1
a. Restate sentences heard in one’s own word
b. Read grade level text with 128 words correct
per minute
c. Show tactfulness when communicating with
 Do a message relay using the tongue twister below
I scream, you scream,
 we all scream
 for ice cream
Explaining the pupils what to do
Vocabulary development
Find the meaning of the words in column A from column B
A. B
1. beak a.top edge of a glass or container
2. half-dead b.a large container
3. pitcher c. very tired
4. brim d.the hard pointed part of the bird
e. no life
The Crow and the Pitcher
A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a
pitcher that had once been full of water. When the
crow put its beak into the mouth of the pitcher, he
found that only very little water was left in it, and that
he could not reach down enough to get at it. He tried
so hard to reach the water, but could not. But then, a
thought came to him. He picked up one stone and
dropped it into the pitcher. He looked another and
dropped it. He did this again and again until the water
came to the brim, afterwards, he drank and drank.
Comprehension Check up
1. How did the crow feel that day?
2. What did the crow see?
3. Why did the crow drink the water from the pitcher
4. How did the crow make the water come to the brim?
5. What did the crow do when the water in the pitcher
came up?
Read again the short selection “The Crow and the Pitcher “and
instruct the pupils to listen carefully and try to get the main point of
every sentence.
Call a pupil to read a sentence (written in meta cards) then call a
classmate to restate the sentence in his/her own words.
Use the following sentences
1. A crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a pitcher that had once been
full of water. When the crow put its beak into the mouth of the pitcher
2. He found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could
not reach down enough to get at it.
3. He tried so hard to reach the water, but could not.
But then, a thought came to him.
4. He picked up one stone and dropped it into the
pitcher. He looked another and dropped it.
5. He did this again and again until the water came
to the brim, afterwards, he drank and drank
Read the paragraph carefully . Choose 5 sentences you like most and
restate it in your own words.
One man bought a beautiful house with an orchard. Nearby an envious
man lived in the old house. He was constantly trying to ruin the mood of his
new neighbor: he threw garbage under his gates and made other nasty things.
One day the man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch and
saw a bucket of slops there. The man took this bucket, poured out the slops,
cleaned a bucket, put the most ripe and delicious apples there and went to his
neighbor. The neighbor heard a knock at the door and gleefully thought:
“Finally I got it!”
He opened the door expecting for a quarrel. However the man gave him a
bucket of apples saying:The one who is rich with something, shares it with
Learn some more
Teacher will tell something about the picture. Listen carefully and
write down at
least 2-3 sentences you remembered.
Read and learn
Read the short election then answer the questions below
  The Donkey and the Sponges
A man drove his donkey to the seaside and purchased there a load
of salt. The man and the donkey went home at once. While crossing a
stream, the donkey stumbled and fell into the water. He lay there for
some time until he regained his energy. Upon arising, the donkey was
delighted to find that he had lost his burden. After that, the donkey again
had a chance to cross the same stream, but this time he carried a load of
sponges. Remembering what happened before; he stumbled intentionally
and again fell into the stream. The donkey was surprised when he found
out that, his load became many times heavier than before
1. What was the donkey’s burden on his first journey?
A. a load of salt
B. a load of hay
C. a load of sponges
2. Why was he delighted after falling into the stream
the first time?
A. His burden became heavier than before.
B. His burden was removed by his master.
C. His burden became lighter than before.
3. What happened the second time he crossed the stream?
A. He purposely fell into the water.
B. He accidentally fell into the water.
C. He fell into the water with his master.
4. Why was the donkey sorry in the end?
A. His burden was changed.
B. His burden became heavier than before.
C. He lost his burden.
5. What is the lesson of the story?
A. Obedience is always rewarded.
B. Doing work the easy way is not always the best way.
C. Look before you leap.
Read the short paragraph and answer the questions below
Scientists found out that Mercury’s atmosphere is very hot.
Venus is hot too. Mars and Pluto are too cold and their
atmosphere is made up of too much carbon dioxide just like
those of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The planet Earth
on the other hand has atmosphere which is made up of oxygen.
Earth also receives enough light and rays from the sun which
makes the planet fit for life.
Choose the letter of the correct answer
1. What is the selection about?
A. The Atmosphere of the Planets
B. The Gases in the Atmosphere
C. The Atmosphere of the Earth
2. A person who studies the planet’s atmosphere is called
A. scientists
B. poets
C. inventors blood 9
3. What makes the other planets too cold?
A. enough carbon dioxide
B. too much oxygen
C. too much carbon dioxide
4. What gas makes up the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. carbon dioxide
B. oxygen
C. nitrogen
5. What makes the planet Earth fit for life?
A. enough light and rays from the sun
B. less heat light and rays from the sun
C. no heat and light rays from the sun
To restate a sentence/ statement heard you
must listen carefully and
remember the main points .
Write about it
Listen to your teacher while reading the following sentence
then restate it in your own words
1. A rich man in a certain town once owned a dog and a cat,
both of which were very useful to him
2. The dog had served his master for many years and had
become so old that he had lost his teeth and was unable to fight
3. The dog was a good guide and companion to the cat who was
strong and cunning.
4. The master had a daughter who was
attending school at a convent some distance
from home, and very often he sent the dog and
the cat with presents to the girl.
5. One day he called the faithful animals and
bade them carry a magic ring to his daughter.
English 5

a. Identify different meanings of content specific
words (denotation and connotation) (Health)
b. Use appropriate body movements/gestures
c Show tactfulness when communicating with
Topic :

Identifying the different meaning of

content specific words( Denotation and
Connotation ) Health
Show pictures of a thin and fat girl

Describe the girl in the first picture/second picture

• Which of the words fat and
chubby fives a positive
connotation? Negative
• Which of the words skinny and
scrawny gives positive
connotation? Negative
• Show a video clip about
positive and negative
• https://www.youtube.com/w
• What is a positive
connotation? Negative
Study the following sentences and give the positive and negative
connotation of the word.
1.I recognized the familiar smell of my roommate's cooking.
negative connotation: stench
positive connotation: aroma
2. Scrapple is an inexpensive meal.
negative connotation: cheap
positive connotation: thrifty
3. We stopped for lunch at a diner in West Virginia.
negative connotation: greasy spoon
positive connotation: café or bistro
4 . My parents are committed conservationists.
negative connotation: tree huggers
positive connotation: environmentalists..
5 . My old laptop has finally died.
negative connotation: decrepit
positive connotation: venerable
Group activity
Group I and III - Think of a Positive and negative
connotation for the following word
Positive Connotation Negative connotation
3. unattractive
4. plain
5. smart
Group II and IV – Tell whether the following word is posite or
negative connotation
1. childish
2. stingy
3. economical
4. headstrong
5. fun-size
6. difficult
7. determine
8. self- focused
9. firm
10. underweight
Independent Practice
For each pair of words and a phrase, list the one that is positive in
the “Positive Connotation” category, the one that is negative in the
“Negative Connotation”
1. slim, skinny, less than average build
2. fragrance, odor, a smell sensed by the olfactory nerve
3. a young age, youthful, immature .
4. assertive, firmly confident, pushy
5. hobby, avocation, obsession
Denotation Positive connotation Negative connotation

Denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, the

"dictionary definition."

Connotation refers to the associations that are connected

toa certain word or the
emotional suggestions related to that word.
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
 Negative connotation
1. He made me feel ____( uneasy. , frightened )
2. Some of the makeup were ______ (annoying, amusing)
3. Mike ____ or to go on the ride. (nagged, reminded)
Positive connotation
1. Our trip to the amusement park was ____ (fine, wonderful)
2. We saw _____ animals in the zoo. (fascinating, weird )
3. Some of the Monkeys were _____ (hilarious, funny)
Day 2 DAY 3
A . Use compound sentences to show
problem solution relationship of ideas
B. Write compound sentences
C . Show tactfulness when
communicating with others
Look at the pictures

Give a sentence from the pictures. Combine your sentences into one sentence
Notice the difference between the simple and compound sentence.

Simple Sentence Compound Sentence

1. Kevin and Patrick are good 1. Kevin and Patrick are good
neighbors neighbors and they have become
They have become the best of the best of friends.
1. Kevin loves fishing 1. Kevin loves fishing but Patrick
Patricks finds it boring finds it boring.
3. They go home before dark. 1. They go home before dark or they
They waited for the beautiful waited for the beautiful sunset.
1. Kevin usually played his guitar. 3. Kevin usually plays guitar and
Everyone sings or dances everyone sings or dances.
Study how each coordinating conjunctions are used in the
following examples
 For - Explains reason or purpose (just like “because”) 
I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.
And - Adds one thing to another 
I go to the park every Sunday to watch the ducks on the lake and the
shirtless men playing soccer.
Nor - Used to present an alternative negative idea to an already stated
negative idea 
I don’t go for the fresh air nor really for the ducks.
But - Shows contrast 
The soccer in the park is entertaining in the winter, but it’s better in the
heat of summer.
.Or - Presents an alternative or a choice 
The men play on teams: shirts or skins.
Yet - Introduces a contrasting idea that follows the preceding
idea logically (similar to “but”) 
I always take a book to read, yet I never seem to turn a single
So - Indicates effect, result or consequence 
I’ve started dating one of the soccer players, so now I have an
excuse to watch the game each week.
Group activity Group 1 and III Do and Learn
Choose the most appropriate conjunction to go in the blank.
1. Please bring me a towel, _____ I can dry the dishes.
A. but B. not C. so
2. Take you clothes and shoes to your room, _____ put them away.
A. and B. so C. yet
3. Our teacher does not allow cell phones in class, _____ does she use hers during
A. or B. nor C. yet
4. Mom bought a new shelf for my room, _____ I now have a place to put my
A. yet B. so C. but
5. You can turn your paper in during class, _____ you can email it to Mr. Harris by
tomorrow morning.
A. so B nor C. and
Group II and IV
Use the coordinating conjunctions and, nor,so or to
complete each compound sentence.
“Sajid Was A Scout”
1. Please bring me a towel, _____ I can dry the dishes.
2. Take you clothes and shoes to your room, _____ put
English Expressways
them away.
3. Our teacher does not allow cell phones in class, _____
Reading pp.117-119
does she use hers during class
4. Mom bought a new shelf for my room, _____ I now
have a place to put my trophies.
5. You can turn your paper in during class, _____ you can
email it to Mr. Harris by tomorrow morning.
Read and learn
Read each sentence in the paragraph. Identify the compound
The girl scouts of Julian Felipe elementary School
camped for three days. One night, they told stories after supper..
Then they went back to their tents and they fixed their beddings.
The school leader visited each tent and the campers were very
happy for that.. The next day the girls got up early and all of them
jogged around the campsite. Their breakfast afterwards was simple
but it was nutritious.. Next, the girls prepared for the hije and uphill
and down the rainforest.
•Independent Practice
Tell something about the picture using compound
A compound sentence is made up of two or more
independent clauses usually joined by the
conjunctions and, or and but. And expresses
addition, or tells choice, and but shows contrast.
Other conjunctions that may be used are yet, so
and for. Yet means but at the same time, so means
therefore, and for means because.
A comma is usually used before the conjunction in
a compound sentence
Form a compound sentence from the simple
sentences given.Use or, and but to combine each
pair of sentence

1. School can be fun.

It is exciting.
2. The Science experiments need time and
patience .
They are interesting to perform.
3. In, Physical Education we can learn many
kinds of dance.
We are also taught different ball games
4. Our Music teachers teach Filipino songs
Sometimes we learn foreign songs.
5. Mathematics seems challenging

a. Distinguish text-types according to features

(structure and language) Time order
b. Compose a three paragraph descriptive essay
on self-selected topic
c. Show tactfulness when communicating with
Distinguish text types according to
features ( structure and language ) Time
Let’s Try This

Look at the picture, what can you say about the development of the
Are they in a chronological order
Vocabulary Words
Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the underlined word.
1. Her mother saw Rhona at a distance already unconscious.
2. A cat knocked down a lighted kerosene lamp.
3. Rhona hurriedly brought her brother and sister on the
4. Rhona’s mother accidentally broke a drinking glass.
Have you heard of Rhona Mahilum?Read the story of her taleof
courage and heroism
One day when Rhona and his brother and sisters were
sleeping, a cat knocked down a lighted kerosene lamp, and soon
the house started burning. RHona hurriedly brought her brother
and sisters out of the house one by one. She drew watr from the
well and threw it onto the fire. Then she rolled on the grass when
her clothes and hair caught fire.In another place away from the
home, Rhona’s mother accidentally broke a drinking glass.
Then, she sensed that something wrong was
happening in their house.. Rhona’s mother found her
children sleeping on the grass except Rhona. Her mother
saw Rhona at a distance unconscious. Her mother
walked for many hours to bring her to the hospital
where she was treated.. Officials and citizens in Rhona’s
hometown and province heard of her brave deed. They
helped the family.
Comprehension check up
a. How the fire started in Rhona’s house?
b. How Rhona save her brothers and sisters?
c. How Rhona caught fire and saved herself and half of
their house from burning?
d. How Rhona’s Mother sensed what was happening to
their house and children?
e. How Rhona’s mother saved her daughter’s life?
Try and Learn
Arrange the following ideas in order. Then write it in a form of a
_____After paying, wait for your name to be called
_____Fill out the registration form.
_____Present your receipt to claim your ID
_____Go to window and get your registration form
_____Pay the registration fee at the cashier.
Do and Learn
 The events in the stories below are not in the correct order. Arrange
them in sequence to make a short story. Write them in paragraph
  A Boy Scout Hero
 Arturo saved a widow and her child from the storm.
Arturo’s family went to the school for shelter.
The scoutmaster praised Arturo for his bravery.
A strong typhoon began.
The boy scouts left for the jamboree
Learn some more
2. Early Peoples Covering
• They simply dried newly stripped animal skins and wore those
with their hair on.
• The earliest people had no covering other than their skin.
• Finally they rubbed fat into the skins, thus making rough
leather which was better than untreated skin.
• The men used leaves of plants as clothes to keep out heat and
animal skin to keep out the cold.
• Later they scraped off the hair and hung the skin in the smoke
of fires
Read and learn
Rearrange the following sentences to form a good story. Write them in
paragraph form.
• They applied the iodine test and discovered which part st ores
• The pupils opened up the corn grains and examined the different
• The class wanted to know the parts and uses of the corn grain.
• The teacher divided the class into four groups.
• The pupils drew the corn grain showing the endosperm, cotyledon
and embryo.
• Each group brought materials for the experiment.
Talk about it
Read the short selection then arrange te events according to time order
  The Best Treasure
A certain farmer had several sons.  He wanted them to become
farmers.  When the farmer was dying, he called his sons and said to
them.  “Boys, I am about to leave you.  I have hidden my wealth in the
vineyard.  Search for it, it is all I have to give you.  His sons thought that
their father had buried a treasure in the vineyard.  When the father died,
the sons dug in the vineyard, to search for the treasure.  They did not find
the hidden wealth, but they had fine crops of grapes.
___   a.  His sons thought that their father had buried a
treasure in the vineyard.
___   b.  He wanted them to become good farmers.
___   c.  They did not find the hidden wealth, but they had
fine crops of grapes.
___   d.  A certain farmer had several sons.
___   e.     Their father had hidden his wealth in the
The order in which events happen in a story, or
how ideas are arranged in a composition is called
sequence of events or ideas. This helps you
understand what you are reading. It is important to
note time signals such as In 1985, five years after,
first, next , or finally.
Read and understand the following sentences. Arrange them in a
logical order to make a story. Rewrite them in paragraph form.
Give a title to your paragraph.

____ They become nymphs and live underwater.

____ After a few days, the eggs hatched.
____ Finally, they become full-grown dragonflies.
____ First, the dragonfly lays egg on the water.
____ As the nymphs grow, they shed their skin many times
a. Analyze how visual and multimedia elements
contribute to the meaning of a text
b.Observe politeness at all times
Topic : Restating sentences heard in one’s own
Look at the poster, what message the poster gives?

Is this picture considered a multimedia? What element of

multimedia is present in the picture?
Find and Learn
Read the short story
The Greatest Treasure
Once upon a time, the greatest
treasure in the world was hidden in a chest. The
chest was locked and was inside a cave that could
only be found with the help of a map.
A monkey found the key to the chest in a tree, an
elephant managed to move a boulder which stood
in the way, and a snake found the map under some
. All of them tried to find the chest on their own, without
success. An owl realized this and gathered the animals together
to work as a team. The animals took his advice and, after many
adventures and difficulties, they managed to find the chest.
When they opened it, there was just one single piece of
parchment inside. It said that if they had gotten this far then they
had already found the greatest treasure in the world: that of
The animals realized this was true, and they happily
remained friends for life.
Watch the video of the story The Greatest

1. Did you understand the story by just reading the text?
2. How about in the video presentation of the story, did you
understand it? Why?
3. Which of the two presentation of the story do you prefer?
4. What are the different elements of multimedia are
present in the video clip?
Use the lecture below in analyzing the different element present
in the video clip
1. Are there written text in the video/? How does it contribute to
the meaning of the text/ story?
2. Are pictures present in the video? What element of multimedia
is it? What kind of graphic?
3. Is there an audio in the video? What kind of audio is it? Is it
important for the video to have an audio? Why?
4. How important is video in multimedia program?
5. What kind of video did you watch?
Try and Learn
Study the following

Text is the basic element of multimedia. It involves the use of text
types, sizes, colors and background color. In a multimedia application,
other media or screen can be linked through the use of text. This is what
you call Hypertext. To produce an effective multimedia program there
are three things that need to be considered. They are: 
*The position of the text on the screen.
*Length of the message
*And legibility of the text.
Graphics make the multimedia application attractive. They help to
illustrate ideas through still pictures. 
There are two types of graphics used: bitmaps (paint graphics) and vector
(draw graphics). 

A multimedia application may require the use of speech, music
and sound effects. These are called audio or the sound element. There are
two basic types of audio or sound: analog and digital audio. 

Video provides a powerful impact in a multimedia program. In
multimedia applications, the digital video is gaining popularity because
Video provides a powerful impact in a multimedia program. In
multimedia applications, the digital video is gaining popularity because
of the following reasons: 
Video clips can be edited easily. The digital video files can be stored like
any other files in the computer and the quality of the video can still be
maintained. The video files can be transferred within a computer network
 it allows non-linear editing in any part of the video. However, these
digital video files are large in size. Transferring these files can take a
long time especially when using the Internet.
Complete the table
Evaluating the Attributes of Different Multimedia Elements of a
Webpage URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iOlM9XdOYo
( Use the same video. )“ The Greatest Treasure”
Multimedi Attributes Values Comments / Remarks
Eg. Text Font size 8 Too small and the text cannot be
read clearly. Suggested to change
the font size to 12
Learn some more 2.

Tell what element of multimedia is associated with the pictures

Analyze how the following elements of multimedia contribute to the
meaning of the text. Match column A to column B
A. B.
1. text A. It makes the static image like moving
2. graphic B. It gives a powerful impact
2. animation C. it gives message that can be read
4. video D. It makes the presentation attractive
5. sound E. reinforce the understanding of
Information presented

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