Arrays: CC3 Week 1-3

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CC3 Week 1-3

Learning Objectives
 Understand the concepts of arrays.

 Implement Array in java.

-is a collection of Homogenous, Ordered and Finite set
of elements.
-An element is one variable or object in an array.
-Homogenous implies all elements must be of the
same type and have the same structure
-Ordered means that elements are organized in
-Finite means that each array contains a fixed number
of elements.
 Array-name
- All elements in the array are referenced or accessed through the
- Naming arrays follow the conventions for naming identifiers.
 Dimension
- Elements in an array can be grouped into sub-groups or categories.
The sub-groups are called dimensions.
- An array having 1 group is called a single-dimension or one-
dimensional array. An array having more than 1 group is called a
multi-dimensional array.
 Size
- The number of elements that an array can contain is called its size
- Providing values for all the elements in an array is called populating
the array.
 Subscript
- Subscripts define the relative position of an element in an
array. Subscripts always start with position 0.

 A parallel array is one with the same number of

elements as another, and for which the values in
corresponding elements are related.
 Arrays, like variables, are declared and initialized.
 To declare an array,

data-type [] <array-name>;
- data-type – specifies what type of data the array can hold.
Arrays do not support multiple data-types.
- array-name – specifies the array’s name using the naming
rules for identifiers.
- [] – empty pair of square brackets differentiates an array
declaration from a normal variable declaration.

dataType[] VarName; // preferred way.


dataType VarName[]; // works but not preferred way.


VarName = new dataType [arraySize];

Declare/Create Two-dimensional
// Declare array age

// Create array and assign its reference to

age = new dataType[][];

// Combine declaration and creation in one

statement with a value of 10 rows and 5
dataType[][] age = new dataType[10][5];

// Alternative syntax
dataType age[][] = new dataType[10][5];

 Following statement declares an array variable, age,

creates an array of 5 elements of int type and assigns
its reference to age

 Double [] age = new Double[5];

Initial code!
Double [] age = new Double[5];

age[0] = 12;
age[1] = 56;
age[2] = 24;
age[3] = 75;
age[4] = 34;
The length field contains the number of
elements in an array.

for (int x = 0; x<age.length; x++) {

System.out.println (age[x]);
for (int x = 0; x<age.length; x++) {
System.out.println (age[x]);

for (int x = 0; x<5; x++) {

System.out.println (age[x]);
int [] age = new double[5];

age[0] = 12;
age[1] = 56;
age[2] = 24;
age[3] = 75;
age[4] = 34;

for (int x = 0; x<age.length; x++) {

System.out.println (age[x]);
The code is also same as
int [] age = {12, 56, 24, 75, 34} ;

for (int x = 0; x<age.length; x++) {

System.out.println (age[x]);
 Exercise 10.1
Write the statements that will declare and initialize the
following arrays:
1. The first ten letters of the alphabet.
2. The ages of 5 students: 16, 20, 17, 18, 17
3. The salaries of employees. Note: Initialize array elements
to 0.
4. The Boolean values “true”, “false”, “true”, “false”.
5. The grades of 7 students. Assign specific grades to each
 The first ten letters of the alphabet.
1. The ages of 5 students: 16, 20, 17,
18, 17
1. The salaries of 5 employees.
Note: Initialize array elements to
1. The Boolean values “true”, “false”,
“true”, “false”.
1. The grades of 7 students. Assign
specific grades to each element.

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