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Lesson 3 for

April 18, 2009

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the
moon, and in the stars; and on the earth
distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea
and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing
them from fear and the expectation of those
things which are coming on the earth, for
the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”
Luke 21:25-26
Jesus Whoever has Jesus
has life
is life

We relate to
Jesus every We have life
day every day
Titus 2:13
“One of the most solemn and yet most glorious truths
revealed in the Bible is that of Christ’s second coming, to
complete the great work of redemption. To God’s pilgrim
people, so long left to sojourn in ‘the region and shadow of
death,’ a precious, joy-inspiring hope is given in the promise
of His appearing, who is ‘the resurrection and the life,’ to
‘bring home again His banished.’ ”
Ellen G. White, Maranatha, January 5)
“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with
a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with
the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will
rise first.
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught
up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with
the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with
these words.”
1 Thessalonians 4:14, 16-18
“Hope and faith
strengthen the
soul to pass
through the
dark shadows of
the tomb, in full
faith of coming
forth to
immortal life in
the morning of

(Ellen G. White, That I may know Him, December 22)

“For God so
loved the world
that He gave
His only
begotten Son,
that whoever
believes in Him
should not
perish but have
John 3:16
“And God will wipe away
every tear from their
eyes; there shall be no
more death, nor sorrow,
nor crying. There shall be
no more pain, for the
former things have passed
away… He who overcomes
shall inherit all things, and
I will be his God and he
shall be My son… But I
saw no temple in it, for
the Lord God Almighty and
the Lamb are its temple.”
Revelation 21:4, 7, 22
“Hope has been set before us, even the hope of eternal life.
Nothing short of this blessing for us will satisfy our
Redeemer, but it is our part to lay hold upon this hope by
faith in Him who has promised. We may expect to suffer,
for it is those who are partakers with Him in His sufferings
who shall be partakers with Him in His glory. He has
purchased forgiveness and immortality for the sinful,
perishing souls of men, but it is our part to receive these
gifts by faith…
Ellen G.
G. White,
White, That
That II may
may know
know Him,
Him, March
March 14)

“…Believing in Him, we have this hope as an anchor of the

soul, sure and steadfast. We are to understand that we may
confidently expect God’s favor not only in this world but in
the heavenly world, since He paid such a price for our
salvation. Faith in the atonement and intercession of Christ
will keep us steadfast and immovable amid the temptations
that press upon us in the church militant. Let us contemplate
the glorious hope that is set before us, and by faith lay
hold upon it.”
Jesus is hope. He can solve all the
problems of mankind:

► Solution for this world:

the New Earth.
► Solution for death:
the resurrection.
► Solution for men and women:
everlasting life.

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