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Greek Technology is used in our life every day.

They invented the first models of automatic doors, steam

engines, and water pumps. Also,had efficient transportation
such as chariots and warships.

One of the most important inventions of their time were the

• Aqueducts were a creative invention that brought water
all around the city.
• It allowed running water to be used in many ways and as
cities evolved, more civilizations began to use them.
• Now, there is running water in every home and things
are much more sanitary.
• Aqueducts are man-made conduit for carrying water.
Structers were used to conduct a water stream across a
hollow or valley.
• Aqueducts are man-made tunnels that carry
water from one place to another
• Water bridges, also sometimes underground
• It works by openings in a stream, reservior,
• Water moves downhill, and pumps are used to
push water through
• Resemble tunnels made of stone, brick, wood,
metal, ect
• Long miles of pipes and canals

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