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Give the meaning of reflexive
Know the major uses of reflexive
Use reflexive pronouns in
Paragraph 1
He was then tried at Areiopagus, which
was the ancient Greek court , and banished
from his home city Athens. He fled to the
island of Crete, where he began to work at
the court of King Minos and Queen Pasiphae,
in the magnificent palace of Knossos.
Paragraph 2
It is said that Daedalus was the first to conceive
masts and sails for ships for the navy of King
Minos , helping Crete become a naval power. The
statues he carved were so exquisite, they looked as
if they were alive. It is said that they would have
escaped were it not for the chain that bound them to
the palace wall.
Paragraph 3
Daedalus also constructed a
wooden cow for the queen to hide
and to satisfy her amorous longings
for a white bull sent by Poseidon,
and by which she became pregnant
with the Minotaur .
Reflexive Pronouns
are pronouns referring to the subject of the sentence.
They are formed by addition of the word “self” or
“selves” to certain forms of personal pronouns .

Myself , yourself, himself , herself, itself

Ourselves , yourselves , themselves
Major Uses
 As the object of the verb or preposition

Ex : She made herself an exotic costume.

I saw the old lady fall and hurt herself.
Manuel went to the movies by himself.
Major Uses
 As an intensifier. In this usage the reflexive
pronoun may come right after the subject or after
the predicate.
Ex: The doctor himself answered the telephone .
The doctor answered the telephone himself.
1. While peeling onions , she cut _________.
2. I don’t regard __________ a good pianist .
3. We arranged the exhibits ________ .
4. You should visit her _________ .
5. The boys cleaned the room by _______ .
6. The puppy fell and hurt __________ .
Construct sentences about “Trees” using the given
pronouns converted to reflexive pronouns .
1. Him
2. Her
3. Them
4. It
Do an advance reading on
the article “ Republic Act No.
10627 or the Anti – Bullying
Act of 2013.

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