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Continuity and change among the

scribal élites at the Neo-Assyrian court

Graduiertenkolleg “Formen von Prestige in Kulturen des
München - 20/06/13

Lorenzo Verderame
Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali
Historical introduction
Extension of the Assyrian Empire

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Historical introduction
Sargonid Dynasty
• Sargon II (Šarru-kīn, 721-705):
– usurper
– killed in battle against the Cimmerians in Anatolia, his body not recovered
• Sennacherib (Sîn-aḫḫē-eriba, 704-681):
– destruction of Babylon and godnapping of Marduk (689)
– killed by the son Arda-Mullissi; civil war
• Esarhaddon (Aššur-ahhē-iddina; 681-669)
– purge of officials and scholars
– fragile health, leprosy?
– died on the way to Egypt
– division of the thrones: Assyria to Assurbanipal, Babylon to Šamaš-šumu-
• Assurbanipal (Aššur-bani-apli; 669-630)
– not appointed to become king
– scholarly/priestly education
– Šamaš-šumu-ukīn

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Direct appeal to the
Historical introduction king: intervention in
The ideology of loyalty personal affairs,
claim for justice, etc.

Treaty (adû)

Ask for fidelity,
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Historical introduction
The ideology of loyalty

• Network of information
• Each Assyrian subject is “the eyes and the ears
of the king”
• ummânus: divination, rituals, state affairs

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Historical introduction
Clay tablets

• letters (ca. 400)

• reports (ca. 600)
Library of Assurbanipal in Nineveh Letters
Other writing supports/surfaces, (content)
• papyrus
• wax-covered writing boards

Extispicy queries and reports

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The ummânus: a definition
The term ummânu

• sum. um-mi-a
• persons who master their art/discipline and have
reached a superior knowledge and experience in
their field
• tentative translation: master, expert, scholar
• not a profession
• but a title of honor based on personal prestige

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The ummânus: a definition
Who are the ummânus?

• “scholars”
• Parpola (1982)
• asûtu medicine
• āšipūtu exorcism
• bārûtu divination
• ṭupšarrūtu celestial observation
• kalûtu lamentation

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An “academic” struggle
Dramatis personae

Elected in Esarhaddon’s staff

Assurbanipal mentors

Nabû-aḫḫē-erība Issar-šumu-ēreš

descendant of Nabû-zuqup-
Chief Scribe
“personal” ummânu of
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SAA X 48 and SAA VIII 82
Visit of the prince and Mars brightness

Concerning the Crown Prince (DUMU—LUGAL) about whom the king, my lord, wrote to me:

“The planet Mars is bright” (MUL.ṣal-bat-a-nu ba-’i-il) — (true), Mars will be clothed with

brilliance right into the month Iyyar (II); (so) when is it that he (= the Crown Prince) can come

into the presence of the king? (SAA X 48: o. 6–14)

When Mars is bright, have we got no profit from it? He will not return to the area of Subartu; he

will not go outside, either. There is nothing (wrong) — he (the Crown Prince) will come into the

presence of the king within the palace. What is wrong? (SAA X 48: o. 15 – r. 5)

These are words concerning Akkad. Mars remained four fingers distant from Saturn, it did not

come close. It did not reach it. I have (nevertheless) copied (the relevant omen). What does it

matter? Let the pertinent namburbi ritual be performed ... Mars will go away from this (point), it

is [in f]ront of Saturn. [The moon] will complete the day in Nisan (I). (SAA VIII 82: o. 7–10 and r.
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Visit of the prince and Mars brightness

Mars is the star of the Westland; evil for the Westland

and Elam. Saturn is the star of Akkad. It is good for the
king my lord. (SAA VIII 383: r. 5–8)

Mar[s, the star] of Subartu, is bright and carries

radiance; this is good for Subartu. And Saturn, the star
of the Westland, is faint, and its radiance is fallen; this
is bad for the Westland; an attack of an enemy will
occur against the Westland. (SAA VIII 491: r. 7–12)

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Mercury or venus?
The beginning of the struggle: a letter from Issar-šumu-
ēreš (SAA X 23)
As to what the king, my lord, wrote to me: “One of your colleagues
wrote to me: the planet Mercury will be visible in the month Nisan (I).
What do you take the present month to be?” — we take the present
month to be Adar (XII) and we take this day to be the 25th.
An incompetent one can frustrate [a j]udge, an uneducated one can
make the mighty worry.
Concerning the planet Venus about which the king, my lord, wrote to
me: “When will you tell me (what) ‘Venus is stable in the morning’
(means)?”, it is [writte]n as follows in the commentary: “Venus [is stable]
in the morning: (the word) ‘morning’ (here) means [to be bright], it is
shinin[g brightly], (and the expression) ‘[its] posi[tion is stable]’ means it
[is lighted] in the west.”
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Mercury or venus?
The beginning of the struggle: a letter from Balasî and
Nabû-aḫḫē-erība (SAA X 50)

I have heard it (Mercury) can be seen in Babylon

[He who] wrote (this) to the king, our [lord], may really have
observed it. His eye, however, must have fallen on it. We
ourselves have kept watch (but) we have not observed it. [On]e
day it might be too early, [anoth]er day it might lie flat (in the
horizon). [To see it], our [e]yes sho[uld] (literally) [have f]allen on

But n[ow], perhaps the king, my lord, does not believe (me)! The back of the moon should be
shown to a eunuch who has a sharp eye: there is less than a span left to close. He should
sta[nd] in shadow to observe — the king, [my lord], [will] soon [believe me]. (SAA X 84: r. 5–

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Mercury or venus?
The struggle: a letter from Balasî (SAA X 51)

Concerning the planet [Venus] about which the king, my lord, [wrote to
me: “I am] told that it has [become visible]” — the man who wrote
(thus) to the king, [my lord], is in (complete) ignorance. He does not
k[now] the [...], the cycle [...], (or) the (synodic) revoluti[ons of Venus]
Venus is not y[et] vis[ible]. Tonight, as I am sending [this] message to the
king, [my] lord, we [see] only Merc[ury]; we do not [see] Venus. Presently
it should be situated under [Aries], in opposition to [Saturn]. [Saturn]
(means) the star of the ki[ng]
The ig[noramus] — who is he? Perhaps this [...] who wrote [to the
king], my lord, is in [earnest].
Who [is the man that write]s so [to the king, my lord]? I repeat: he does
not understand (the difference) between Mercury and Venus

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Mercury or venus?
The struggle: a letter from Nabû-aḫḫē-erība (SAA X 72)

[He who] wrote to the king, my lord, “The planet Venus is visible, it is visible [in the
month Ad]ar (XII),” is a vile man, an ignoramus, a cheat! [And he who] wrote to
the king, my lord, “Venus is [...] rising in the constellation A[ries],” [does] not
[speak] the truth (either). Venus is [not] yet visible!
Why does one so [deceitf]ully send such (a report) to the ki[ng, my lo]rd? “Venus is
stable in the mor[ning]”: (this) signifies “morningtime.” If [...], it signif[ies ...]. (But)
[Venus is not] vis[ible at p]resent.
Who is this person [that] so deceit[fully] se[nds] such reports to the king, my lord?
[Tom]orrow they should let me scrutinize th[em], every single one of them.
[As to wh]at the king, my lord, wrote to me: “What do you take the present month
to be?” — we take the present month to be Adar (XII), and the present [day] is
the 27[th]; the coming [month] is Nisan (I).
Why does someone tell lies and boast about it? [I]f he does not know, [he should]
keep his mouth shut. The [kin]g, my lord, should not hesitate (but) promote him [at
Venus is [not] yet [vis]ible.

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Mercury or venus?
The struggle: a letter from Nabû-aḫḫē-erība (SAA X 73)

The month is good, this day is good: the planet Mercury (signifies) the
crown prince, and it is vis[ib]le in the constellation [Ari]es; Venus [is] visible
in [Bab]ylon, in the home of [his] dynasty (lit. father); and the moon will
complete the day in the month Nisan (I). We count this together: it is

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Mercury or venus?
The struggle: a letter from Nabû-aḫḫē-erība (SAA X 74)

On the 1st of Nisan (I) he should c[leanse and p]urify [oneself], make his
food offering to Marduk, libate water and first-quality beer to the right and
to the left; (then) this man will shine like the sun.
On the 2nd he should not go into the street.
On the 4th of Nisan (I) he should prostrate himself before Marduk and
make his sign known; he will (then) be granted fame and prosperity.
[As to what] the king, my lord, wrote [to me] saying that Aššur-mukīn-
palē’’a should appear before the king, my lord — [as so]on as the planet
Venus has become visible, [he may] come. Venus will presently make a
good omen; meanwhile the month Nisan (I) has arrived. The constellation
Aries is setting and will (soon) be completely gone. The king, my lord,
should still wait for its emergence; thereafter he may come. May Bel and
Nabû [let] the king, my lord, [see Aššur-muk]in-pa[lē’’a prosper]

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Mercury or venus?
The struggle: a letter from Balasî (SAA X 52)
Concerning the crown prince [about whom the king, my lord], wrote to me:
“[I have been told that he should not go out]doors on the 1st day” — this
[applies] (rather) to the 2nd day.26
Concerning the 1st and the [4th] days about which the king, my lord,
w[rote to me]: “Which one is fa[vourable]?” — both are fav[ourable]. We
call the 4th day a ‘new day’. A new day has the same qualities as the
beginning of a month; it is favourable.
As to what was said to the king: “On the 1st day he may not go outdoors”,
does the crown prince now go out of the outer gate? Said the king: “The
crown prince should enter into my presence”. What has entering to do with
going out?
Concerning Aššur-mukin-palē[’’a] about whom the king, my lord, spoke —
the 4th day is good, let him come.
The planet Mercury (signifies) the crown prince, and it is bright, clothed
with brilliance. (So) in view of what sh[ould he] not [come]?
The moon comp[leted] the day in [this] month.

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Mercury or venus?
A conclusion? : a report from Balasî (SAA VIII 83)

Concerning Mercury, about which the king my lord wrote to

me: yesterday Issar-šumu-ēreš had an argument with Nabû-
aḫḫē-erība in the palace. Later, at night, they went and all
made observations; they saw (it) and were satisfied.

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The king and his ummânus

In the reign of your royal father, Kalbu, the son of Nabû-ētịr,

without the knowledge of your royal father made a pact [with]
the scribes and haruspices, saying: “If an untoward sign
occurs, we shall [tell] the king that an obscure sign has
occurred.” For a period of time he censored all [...s], if a sign
untoward to him [occurred], and that was anything but good.
(SAA X 109: r. 1–6)

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The king and his ummânus

[...] not to enter [...] who (or which) is not [acceptable] to the king, my lord; what should I [...],
what should I [...]? I would like to undertake and per[form] the work of the king, my lord, and
even do it in excess
He did not visit me when I w[as] crown prince, how could he now visit me? (SAA X 27: r. 3–17)

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The king and his ummânus
I fully master my father's profession, the discipline of lamentation; I have
studied and chanted the Series. I am competent in [...], 'mouth-washing,' and
purification of the palace [...]. I have examined healthy and sick flesh.
I have read the (astrological omen series) Enūma Anu Enlil [...] and made
astronomical observations. I have read the (anomaly series) Šumma izbu, the
(physiognomical works) [Kataduqqû, Alandi]mmû and Nigdimdimmû, [... and
the (terrestrial omen series) Šum]ma ālu.
[All this I lear]ned [in my youth]. Under the aegis of the king, my lord, I have
perfected my [...], and [......]. I am competent in the profession of my father;
[let the lord of kings] do [......].
Among the [...... apprentices] who studied with me [in ......], there are [......]
who [have returned] from Elam, [scribes, chanters], exorcists, haruspices, and
physicians; [I shall gather them] and give them [to the king], my lord.
In all twenty able scholars worth royal desire who will be useful to the king, my
lord, and are guaranteed to meet the king my lord’s desire. I shall gather them
and give them to the king, my lord. (SAA X 160)
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The king and his ummânus

Parruṭu, a goldsmith of the household of the queen, has, like the king
and the Crown Prince, bought a Babylonian, and settled him in his own
house. He has taught exorcistic literature to his son; extispicy omens
have been explained to him, (and) he has even studied gleanings from
Enūma Anu Enlil, and this right before the king, my lord! (SAA XVI 65: o.
3 – 12)

Moreover, (whereas) [Aplāj]a and Nāṣiru have kept [in] their [hands]
non-ca[nonical] tablets and [...s] of every possible kind, I have learned
(my craft) from my (own) father. (SAA X 182: r. 24–28)
I have heard (that) [from the mou]th of my father. (SAA VIII 454: r. 6)
The scribal art is not heard about in the market place! (SAA VIII 338: o.
7 – r. 1)
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Thank you!

Lorenzo Verderame
Istituto Italiano di Studi Orientali
"Sapienza" Università di Roma
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