Oct 2019 General General Conference

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OCTOBER 5-6, 2019

Saturday morning session Sunday morning session
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “Message, Meaning, and Multitude” Elder Gerrit W. Gong: “Covenant Belonging”
Elder Terence M. Vinson: “True Disciples of the Savior” Sister Cristina B. Franco: “Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel”
Brother Stephen W. Owen: “Be Faithful; Not Faithless” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: “Your Great Adventure”
Elder D. Todd Christofferson: “The Joy of the Saints” Elder Walter F. González: “The Savior’s Truth”
Elder Sister Michelle D. Craig: “Spiritual Capacity” Elder Gary E. Stevenson: “Deceive Me Not”
Elder Dale G. Renlund: “Unwavering Commitment to Christ” President Russel M. Nelson: ”2nd Great Commandment”
President Dallin H. Oaks: “Trust in the Lord / Spirit World”
Saturday afternoon session Sunday afternoon session
Elder Rubén V. Alliaud: “Found Through the Book of Mormon” President Henry B. Eyring: “Holiness & Plan of Happiness”
Elder David A. Bednar: “Be Watchful Unto Prayer Continually” Elder Hans T. Boom: “Loving and Growing”
President Russell M. Nelson: “Witnesses, Priesthood and YW” President M. Russell Ballard: “Spirit Control Over Our Bodies”
Elder Quentin L. Cook: “New Changes Impacting our YM” Elder Peter M. Johnson: “Power to Overcome the Adversary”
Brother Mark L. Pace: “Come Follow Me: The Lord’s Plan” Elder Ulisses Soares: “Take Up Our Cross”
Elder L. Todd Budge: “Consistent and Resilient Trust” Elder Neil L. Andersen: “Fruit”
Elder Jorge Alvarado: “After The Trials of Our Faith” President Russell M. Nelson: “Temples / Bicentennial Year”
Elder Ronald A. Rasband: “Keeping Promise & Covenant”
Women’s Conference Session
Sister Reyna I. Aburto: “Abide with Me!” President Henry B. Eyring: “Covenant Women in Partnership with God”
Sister Lisa Harkness: “Honoring His Name” President Dallin H. Oaks: “Two Great Commandments”
Sister Bonnie H. Cordon: “Beloved Daughters” President Russell M. Nelson: “Spiritual Treasures”
Welcome: Message, Meaning, and Multitude
• Jesus Christ was the "Meaning Personified.“ Real meaning of
general conference — making Jesus Christ the center of our lives.
• "In matters of faith and conviction, it helps to direct your
inquiry toward those who actually have some!, Can the blind
lead the blind?” Jesus once asked. “[If so] shall they not both
fall into the ditch?”’
• There is commotion, confusion and contention in the world.
However, church members can see clearly by focusing on Jesus
• True meaning can be found by striving to see Christ at the center
Elder Jeffery R. Holland
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
of "our lives, our faith and our service."

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True Disciples of the Savior
• "What we need here is less Wi-Fi and more Nephi“
• See examples of people prioritizing the gospel "naturally and
unashamedly" while he lived in West Africa - members should be
committed to living the gospel.
• “There is no treasure, nor any hobby, nor any status, nor any
social media, nor any video games, nor any sport, nor any
association with a celebrity, nor anything on earth that is more
precious than eternal life.”
• "I plead with all who hear and read these words: Please, please
don’t put your total commitment off until you get around to it at
Elder Terence M. Vinson
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
some nonexistent, future time. Commit now and feel the joy! In
the name of Jesus Christ."

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Be Faithful; Not Faithless
• "Modern technologies...can connect us with friends and family,
with information, & with news about current events around the
world. However, they can also distract us from the most
important connection: our connection w/ heaven."
• “If we are to have any hope of sifting through the myriad of
voices and the philosophies of men that attack truth, we must
learn to receive revelation.”
• Parents: Build strong relationships with their children and all
church members reach out to youth.
• "Whether you are a leader, a neighbor, a quorum member, or
Brother Stephen W. Owen
Young Men General President
simply a fellow Saint, if you have the opportunity to touch the
life of a young person, help him or her connect with heaven."
• Your influence might be exactly the "Church support" that a
young person needs.

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The Joy of the Saints
• “The 'joy of the saints' denotes the joy of becoming Christlike."
• Joy especially comes from keeping Jesus Christ’s commandments,
overcoming life's obstacles with the help of Jesus Christ and serving
others as Jesus did, he said. While that won’t prevent bad things from
happening, it will give a blueprint for how to deal with those trials
• Joy to be found in Christlike service.
• "As the seed and children of Abraham, we participate in blessing all
the families of the earth with the blessings of the Gospel, which are
the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.”
• Story about a Haitian woman - lost their husband in a tragic accident a
few days before the dedication of the temple - "ultimate 'joy of the
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
saints'" comes from knowing that Christ pleads their cause.

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Spiritual Capacity
1. Be intentional about creating time and space to feel the Holy
Ghost. “Satan wants to separate us from God’s voice by
keeping him out of holy places.”
2. Act without delay.
3. Get your errand from the Lord. Pray and ask the Lord for an
errand. “When you do you can use your ordinary skills to
accomplish the extraordinary work of the Lord”
4. Believe and trust. Trust God to lead you, even if that takes you
on path unexpected. Each person has unique missions and roles
in life and will receive personalized guidance to complete them.
Sister Michelle D. Craig
First Counselor in the
Young Women General Presidency “Just imagine what would happen if we were as intent on staying
connected with heaven as we are on staying connected to Wi-Fi.”

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Unwavering Commitment to Christ / Faith
• Throw the obstacles of our faith in deep tumultuous water falls
• It would be nice if increased faith were transmitted like the
common cold, and the spiritual sneeze of another could increase
our faith; but faith must be increased personally
• We cannot grow someone else's faith or rely solely on the faith
of others for our faith to grow.
• “For our faith to grow, we must choose faith-building actions,
such as praying, scripture study, partaking of the sacrament,
and serving others”
• Covenants create a sure foundation for spiritual progression, and
Elder Dale G. Renlund
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
anchor us to the Savior, and propel us on the path to our Heaven

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Trust the Lord / Spirit World
• “You are worried about the wrong things. You should worry about
whether you will get to those places. Concentrate on that.”
• Spiritual world is divided between righteous and just from the wicked
and the work of salvation goes forward in the Spirit World. Some
repentance is possible there. All in the spirit world are in some form of
“bondage” including by having spirit separated from body
• All questions about the Spirit World can be answered with the
following: First - Remember that God Loves His children and will surely
do that which is best for us. Second - “Trust in the Lord with all thy
heart and lead not unto they own understanding.”
• My duty is to teach church doctrine, keep God’s commandments, love
President Dallin H. Oaks
Second Counselor in the
and help others, and participate in church temples.
First Presidency • Official doctrine comes jointly from the 15 members of the First
Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

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Found through the power of the Book of Mormon
• In order to progress toward true conversion, converts to the
Church must experience the power of the truths contained in
the Book of Mormon.
• Those who commit to a sincere study of the Book of Mormon
with the spirit of prayer will learn about Christ and learn from
• “It seems that the story of conversion is always the story of how
we are found. ... I had been found directly by the power of the
Book of Mormon.”
• “Jesus Christ Himself is the Lord of lost things. He cares for lost
Elder Ruben V. Alliaud
General Authority Seventy
things. … In the end, nothing is truly lost to Him”
• “I came to know that the Book of Mormon was crucial in the
conversion process by experiencing firsthand the promise that ‘a
man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts.”

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Be Watchful Unto Prayer Continually
• Lesson learned from Cheetahs
1. Beware of evils beguiling strategy. Beware of bad that
pretends to be good. Spiritually dangerous ideas can
appear to be good and enticing. Violating sanctity of life is
described as a “right” and chaos is described as “liberty”
2. Stay awake and be alert. A brief moment of complacency
and casualness leaves us at risk
3. Understand the intent of the enemy. Cheetah is a predator
(all day, every day). Satan’s only intent and purpose (all day,
every day) is to make God’s children miserable, like himself.
Elder David A. Bednar
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Never take the first enticing step of going where you should
not go, or doing what you should not do. He entices us with
the improper us of our bodies.
• Best instruction and lessons learned are in our own heart /
mind. Your home is the true center of Gospel learning.
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Witnesses, Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women
• Reiterated changes to witnesses in temple and baptism
• Changes are procedural. Underlining doctrines and covenants
are not changed
• Invited Youth to participate in Lord’s battalion
• Lord’s youth battalion is led by a Bishop. His first responsibility is
to the youth.
• “The adjustments we will now announce are intended to help
young men and young women develop their sacred personal
• “The First Presidency and the Twelve are united in endorsing
President Russel M. Nelson
President of the Church
these efforts to strengthen our youth.”
• Elder Quentin Cook and Sister Bonnie Cordon will discuss the
adjustments in their conference addresses.

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New Changes Impacting our YM
• Grateful for youth who remain strong and faithful – living in
exciting and challenging times - Phone contains good and bad
1. Curriculum is expanded and strengthened in the home
2. Youth activities/program (announced last week)
3. Organizational Change (Youth asked to take on more
responsibility – D&C 107:15 – Bishop is president of YM):
• No more YM presidency at Ward Level
• Does not lessen Bishop’s responsibility to YW
• Bishop cannot delegate certain responsibilities (incl. Youth)
• YW president reports directly to Bishop
Elder Quentin L. Cook
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
• At stake level, a HC will be YM president and counsel with
YW; another HC will serve as Stake SS presidency
• Word “Mutual” is “retired” – “Youth Activities”
• Budget equitably shared with YM/YW (and Primary)
• Instead of “auxiliary” – “organization” and “officers”
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“Come Follow Me” – The Lord’s Plan
• We seek and need a sure foundation on focused on Christ
• Nine months of the worldwide scripture study effort has resulted
in a growth of faith and devotion to the Lord, in improved gospel
instruction in Sunday classes and greater family joy and unity.
• “We are not simply trading one hour less in church on Sunday
for one hour more of scripture study at home”
• Changes in Sunday School Program is not intended to make
Church 1 hour shorter, but 6 days longer
• “How can the attacks of the adversary be increasing
exponentially, while at the same time the influence of the
Brother Mark L. Pace
Sunday School President
adversary is actually decreasing?” – Answer: Come Follow Me
study in the Home!
• “‘Come, Follow Me’ is the Lord’s counterstrategy/proactive
• We are each responsible for our individual growth.
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Consistent and Resilient Trust
• Consistently and resiliently happy – that comes when we put our
trust in him – can happen, even when our life is uncertain
• “The good news of the gospel is not the promise of a life free of
sorrow and tribulation but a life full of purpose and meaning —
a life where our sorrows and afflictions can be ‘swallowed up in
the joy of Christ.’”
• Afflictions and sorrow prepare each person to experience joy if
they put trust in the Lord and His plan.
• Through faith in Jesus Christ and trusting Him, each person can
have light continually even in the midst of trials.
Elder L. Todd Budge
General Authority Seventy
• By choosing to consistently and resiliently trust in Jesus Christ,
He will give assurance and peace.
• “Trusting in the Lord includes trusting in His timing and requires
patience and endurance that outlasts the storms of life.”

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After the Trial of Our Faith
• “No matter the obstacles we face in life, we can trust that Jesus
Christ will prepare a way forward as we walk with faith.”
• Find a quiet place and pour out your hearts to your father. “You
too can become a strong link of faith in your families”
• “Understanding the ‘why’ of the gospel of Jesus Christ can also
help us face our trials with faith.”
• Parents should set the example and help children learn to use
their agency wisely.
• The faith of parents can help children meet their own trials of
Elder Jorge Alvarado
General Authority Seventy

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Making and Keeping Promises and Covenants
• Savior is our example – He has honored everyone of his promises
• Praises and thanks the past scouting organization and all who
have participated in it.
• New Theme in 2020 is “Go and Do” - Means rising above the
ways of the world, receiving and acting on personal revelation,
living righteously with hope and faith in the future, making and
keeping covenants to follow Jesus Christ.”
• “Do we stand by our covenants and promises, or are they half-
hearted commitments?” (e.g., sustain member in a new calling?)
• “Keeping promises is not a habit; it is a characteristic of being a
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
disciple of Jesus Christ.”
• “When we keep promises to one another we are more likely to
keep promises to the Lord.”

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Thru Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me!
• “Achieving perfection is a process that will take place throughout our
mortal life and beyond — and only through the grace of Jesus Christ.”
• Depression, anxiety and other emotional afflictions are real and can
affect anyone and it is appropriate and important to seek help for such
afflictions if they are ongoing.
• “When we open up about our emotional challenges, admitting we
are not perfect, we give others permission to share their struggles.
Together we realize there is hope and we do not have to suffer
• Disciples of Christ have made covenants with the Lord to help lift one
another’s burdens. Followers of Christ therefore have a responsibility
Sister Reyna I. Aburto
Second Counselor
to care for those around them and help lift their burdens, whatever
Relief Society they may be.
• Listening with love and withholding judgement is a key aspect of
increasing one’s compassion and learning to help others as Christ
would do.
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Honoring His Name
• At baptism, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
pledge to taken upon themselves the name of Christ.
• “With our eyes on the Savior, we see ourselves for who we really are
— a cherished child of God.”
• “Our covenant remembering quiets worldly worries, turns self-doubt
into courage, and gives hope in times of trial.”
• “Our willingness to take upon us the name of Christ is more than a
formal exchange of words. It is not a rite of passage or a name tag that
we wear. It is not a saying that we simply place on a shelf or hang on a
wall. His is a name that is ‘put on,’ written in our hearts, and ‘engraven
upon (our) countenances.”
Sister Lisa Harkness
First Counselor
• The Savior’s atoning sacrifice should be remembered through
General Primary Presidency thoughts, actions and interactions with others. “Not only does He
remember our names, but He remembers us always.”

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Beloved Daughters / YW Changes
• Young Women organization has a new theme and the class names of
Beehive, Mia Maid and Laurel have been retired
• Wards will organize young women based on specific needs and
circumstances rather than three specific classes – Class Presidencies
are priority
• “At the heart of all we do in Young Women is our desire to help you
gain unshakable faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ and a sure knowledge
of your divine identity as a daughter of God.”
• “You are a beloved daughter of Heavenly Parents. You are a covenant
disciple of our Savior.”
• “Understanding these truths will change the way you face
Sister Bonnie H. Cordon
Young Women General President
challenges. Knowing your identity and purpose will help you align
your will with the Savior’s.”
• “As we diligently implement these adjustments, may we never lose
sight of our purpose: to strengthen our resolve to follow Jesus Christ
and help others come unto Him.”
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Sister Bonnie H. Cordon
Young Women General President

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Covenant Women in Partnership with God
• “For each one who makes … covenants, the service that the Lord calls
him or her to do will be suited perfectly to that person. The covenant
daughters and sons of God, however, all share one important and
joyful call. It is to serve others for Him.”
• EVERY covenant daughter of God will have the opportunity to serve in
calls as a mother, leader or ministering sister.
• Each assignment is preparation for eternal life in loving families and
each assignment requires much of the same preparation.
• Although the assignments appear to be different, “they all require the
preparation of a powerful, loving heart, a fearless faith that the Lord
gives no command save He prepares a way, and a desire to go and do
President Henry B. Eyering for Him.”
Second Counselor in
the First Presidency
• “Becoming a covenant woman in partnership with God is how great
and good daughters of God have always mothered, led, and
ministered, served in whatever way and place He has prepared them
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Two Great Commandments
• God requires His children to obey His commandments because
exaltation comes only through obedience and repentance.
• “Our zeal to keep (the second great commandment) must not cause
us to forget the first, to love God with all our heart, soul and mind.
We show that love by keeping His commandments.”
• God’s prophets and apostles are commanded to teach nothing but
truth — including the “unique importance of marriage” between a
man and a woman and related law of chastity.
• “Be considerate of children who are uncertain about their sexual
orientation, but discourage premature labeling because in most
children such uncertainty decreases significantly over time.”
President Dallin H. Oaks
Second Counselor in the
• The Lord is the is the ultimate judge. He alone has the required
First Presidency knowledge, wisdom and grace to judge.

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Spiritual Treasures
• Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and
keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood
ordinances, has direct access to the power of God.
• “So, I invite you to study prayerfully section 25 of the Doctrine and
Covenants and discover what the Holy Ghost will teach you. Your
personal, spiritual endeavor will bring you joy as you gain, understand,
and use the power with which you have been endowed.”
• The heavens are just as open to women who are endowed with God’s
power flowing from their priesthood covenants as they are to men
who bear the priesthood.  
• If this world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will
President Russel M. Nelson
President of the Church
never recover.
• “All our efforts to minister to each other, proclaim the gospel, perfect
the Saints, and redeem the dead converge in the holy temple.”
• 8 new temples announced

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Covenant Belonging
• Story: child’s long prayer – thankful for patient teacher
• “The age-old paradox is still true. In losing our worldly self through
covenant belonging, we find and become our best eternal self — free,
alive, real — and define our most important relationships.”
• “When we covenant all we are, we can become more than we are”
• “God loves us more and knows us better than we know or love
• Covenant belonging centers in Jesus Christ. Every promised blessing
comes to those who remain faithful to the end.
• “Covenant belonging is to make and keep solemn promises to God and
each other, through sacred ordinances, that invite the power of
Elder Gerrit W. Gong
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
godliness to be manifest in our lives.”
• “Covenant marriage becomes supernal and eternal as we daily choose
the happiness of our spouse and family before our own.”

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Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel
• The simple truths of God’s plan of happiness can be shared with
others and bring great joy.
• “We know God’s plan. We were there with Him as He presented it.”
• Latter-day Saints can share the gospel by inviting others to Church,
sharing the Book of Mormon and participating in the “Come, Follow
Me” program.
• How to participate in Missionary Work:
(1) pray for the desire to help with vital part of the work of salvation.
(2) keep the commandments to have the Savior’s guiding Spirit.
(3) pray for inspiration to know how to share the gospel — and for
the commitment to act upon that inspiration.
Sister Cristina B. Franco
Second Counselor
• The work of salvation includes missionary work, convert retention and
Primary General Presidency temple and family history work.

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Our Great Adventure
• Compares the story of Hobbits to our pre-earth life and quest on Earth
• By the gift and power of moral agency we determined that the
challenge was well worth the risk
• Gospel is a renewal of the call to adventure we accepted so long ago
• Only way to progress in the Gospel is to help others progress as well.
Help the poor and needy and reach out to those in distress.
• “If you hesitate in this adventure because you doubt your ability,
remember that discipleship is not about doing things perfectly, it is
about doing things intentionally. It is your choices that show what
you truly are, far more than your abilities.”
• Today is the day to commit fully to lifelong discipleship
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
• “We do not hide our faith. We do not bury it.”
• Come and join with us. You will discover the greatest adventure.

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The Savior’s Truth – All that is Broken May be Mended
• Story of Savior healing leper and ills of leprosy
• In one way or another we are all broken
• Comfort and peace can be enjoyed by all who faithfully seek the
Savior’s truths and healing touch.
• “Our Savior always wants to bless us. Some blessings may come
immediately, others may take longer, and some may even come after
this life, but blessings will come in due time.”
• When feeling broken by sin or circumstances beyond my control,
remember to surrender to the Lord’s will.
• “Accepting His will — not our own — will help us understand our
circumstances. Nothing bad can come from God. He knows what is
Elder Walter F. González best for us.”
General Authority Seventy
• Because of Christ’s Atonement, it is possible for “all things” that are
broken to be mended.

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Deceive Me Not
• 2 Family Stories: (1) son tried to paint family dog, (2) Uncle Grover –
beware of skunks (mistaken for kitty cat)
• Today many are unable to see things as they really are or be
unhappy/ignore/replace eternal truths
• God taught Moses of his eternal identify – as son of God. Moses could
not be deceived by Satan because Moses knows who he is.
• “We must continue to be faithful and vigilant, for so is the only way to
discern truth and to hear the voice of the Lord through His servants.”
• Righteousness brings blessings; and blessing bring happiness
• Satan’s lies: Obedience will make you miserable, debilitating
comparison, misinformation to cause doubt/fear in our lives
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
• “Wickedness never was happiness”
• “May we recognize Satan's deceptions for what they are; withstand
and see through the lines and influences of the one who seeks to
destroy our souls and steal from us our present joy and future glory.”

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The Second Great Commandment
• Stories: Meet Muslim leaders in New Zealand; Buenos Aires Argentina
(wheel chairs provided); birthday letter to prophet with things they
have in common (revealing the consecration of her parents)
• Consider others who are in need of a helping hand
• Describe Latter-Day Saint Charities: assistance without discrimination
• Ancient law of the Fast: blessing others and ourselves
• Call from Savior in Matthew 5: Feed hungry and clothe naked
• Stories of humanitarian aid from Church and Members
• “When we love God with all our hearts, He turns our hearts to the
well-being of others in a beautiful virtuous cycle.”
• “Living that second great commandment is the key to become a true
President Russel M. Nelson
President of the Church
disciple of Christ”
• Members of the church feel passionately about the fatherhood of God
and the brotherhood of man

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Holiness and the Plan of Happiness
• Increasing in holiness is the only path to greater happiness
• “Qualifying for the gift of holiness requires humility, meekness,
and patience.”
• Story: in the first time in the temple. remembering experience
before he was born - the happiness he felt in the first moments in
the temple
• Some can face death with full countenance of happiness
• Some have been faithful, but still do not feel happiness - like Joseph
Smith - quoted D&C 122
• Same instruction given to Job, who paid a heavy price to become
President Henry B. Eyering holy
Second Counselor in • “Greater holiness will not come simply by asking for it. It will come
the First Presidency by doing what is needed for God to change us.”
• Repentance – “do and be a little better each day” - “when we
choose to repent we choose to be more like Christ”

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Loving and Growing
• We need all instruments (including the gong)
• “We all know where we can do better. There is no need to
repeatedly remind each other but there is a need to love and
minister to each other and in doing so provide a climate of
willingness to change.”
• Don’t be too quick to judge and too slow to listen
• Love is the source of power to invite others to come and see, come
and help and come and stay.
• By creating an environment of love, people will be empowered to
make the changes they need to and become better people. 
Elder Hans T. Boom • “The gospel light will provide warmth and healing and will help you
General Authority Seventy understand who you really are and what your purpose in life is.”
• “Heavenly Father will never leave us when we reach for Him. We
can fall and get up and He will help us brush off the dirt from our

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Giving Our Spirit Control Over Our Bodies
• Reflecting on the revelation of the spirit world and passing of his wife
• Please do not miss an opportunity to express love of family members
and love each day with gratitude
• “Reunion” is word that reflects the plan of happiness to President
• “Am I ready”? The most basic certainty of life is that we all will die. No
one escapes death.
• “Living right” is a confusing concept today - truths are confusing
• Our spiritual self is at battle with carnal natural man
• “This is who you and I really are, and who you have always been: a
son or daughter of God, with spiritual roots in eternity and a future
President M. Russel Ballard
Acting President of the
overflowing with infinite possibilities. You are — first and foremost
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and always — a spiritual being.”
• Repentance is an “indispensable weapon” in the battle over self and
should be exercised daily to help prepare one to return to the presence
of the Lord after death.
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Power to Overcome the Adversary
• As offspring of God, each has power to overcome the adversary.
• Tools of the Adversary:
1. Deception - have us forget who we really are so that we forget who
really can be
2. Distraction - from spiritual influences that can - let us be careful and
not casual in our use of technology
3. Discouragement - from not being able to live up to expectations,
including our own
• “My dear friends, please do not let anyone steal your happiness. Do not
compare yourself to others.”
• How do we overcome the adversary?
1. Love God by keeping commandments and our capacity to see our true
Peter M. Johnson selves and others as God sees them
General Authority Seventy 2. Pray every day, every day
3. Read and study the Book of Mormon - study with a question in mind
4. Take sacrament prayerfully every week, every week. “There is a
spiritual enlightenment associated with the sacrament — it is personal,
it is powerful, and it is needed.”
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Take Up Our Cross
• “(Jesus Christ) can relieve our burdens by strengthening our
shoulders so much that we can endure them.”
• Those who are to follow the savior must we willing to give up all that
they have and are
• Continue in faith on the Lord’s path even if life circumstance pull away
- including those without an eternal companion, suffering with same
sex attraction
• Also to those dealing with serious sins and addictions.
•  The Savior’s gift of grace is not necessarily limited to “after all we can
do.” His grace is available before, during and after a person’s efforts to
Elder Ulisses Soares • Refuse to be “held hostage” by those who have caused harm. Choose
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
to forgive.
• We cannot impose upon the Lord a deadline for the fulfillment of
blessings - we need to trust him enough to be still and know that he is
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• Savior compared good fruit to things of eternal worth
• Lehi’s dream – “even after savoring the fruit, staying true to the Gospel
of Jesus Christ is not easily done”
• “Through the grace of Jesus Christ and by honoring our covenants,
we receive the immeasurable promise of living with our righteous
family throughout eternity.”
• Expansion of the great and spacious building is across the river and
threatening to invade our homes with the megaphone of the internet
• Story of Jason Hall: diving accident - faith through life and son’s
comments at funeral
• Joy has little to do with circumstances of our lives and instead the
Elder Neil L. Andersen
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
focus of our lives
• “Like Lehi of old, President Russell M. Nelson beckons to us and all of
God’s family, to come and partake of the fruit of the tree. May we
have the humility and strength to follow his counsel.”

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Temples / Bicentennial Year
• “Crowning jewel of the Restoration is the Holy Temple”
• All requirements to enter the temple relate to personal holiness;
some temple recommend questions have been edited for clarity.
• “Sacred ordinances and covenants are pivotal to preparing a
people who are ready to welcome the Savior at His Second
• “In some respects, it is easier to build a temple than it is to
build a people prepared for a temple.”
• We are to prepare for a unique general conference next spring,
commemorating 200 years since the First Vision.  
President Russel M. Nelson
President of the Church
• “Select your own questions. Design your own plan. Immerse
yourself in the glorious light of the Restoration.”

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