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Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

Sorry forgot to record here.
This part is super easy tho.

Are you hungry?

Yes I am. I haven't eaten since 9:30.

No, I'm not hungry. I ate 3 slices of

and a big glass of juice for lunch.
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

Are you more tired in the
morning or in the evening?


 word repetition – DON'T. Sound confident, and--if

there’s time--just wait; get ready for the next question
Do you like being alone or with your friends?

I like being alone because I often like to relax in

the peace and quiet of my home. Solitude also gives
me greater freedom to do what I want to do.

I prefer being with my friends. I enjoy group

activities like soccer and baseball, and I value
creating memories with friends.

I like... because...

I prefer...
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

Do you think you have a good memory?
What thing would you most like to have?


 hesitation – self-correcting is OK, but try to quickly

prepare the first few words--or stall. You can say “That's
an interesting question/situation.” etc.

intonation – should fall at the end of a sentence (.) and

rise slightly for clauses (, and ;) or interrogative (?).
What kind of movies do you like?

I like horror movies because despite the blood and

gore, I think they're a thrilling and creative spectacle.

I think drama films are the best! I'm a big fan of

”Titanic” because of the way it portrays the depth of
human emotions juxtaposed with the depth of the sea.

I like/prefer... because...
I think...
In my opinion...
In my experience...
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

What is his job?

You can stall with “In this picture”
Used General to Specific description
If you use SP>GN say “because”
What is the weather like in this picture?

It looks like a cold, rainy day. The sky in the background is gray
and the horizon is obscured.

I can see a woman in the middle of the photo; she's walking

away from the camera. She has an umbrella in her right hand
and a bag in her left hand. She's wearing a beige jacket.

In the foreground/background...
It looks like...
I can see a...
He/She is wearing...
They are standing/sitting on...
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

You are at the hospital. How do you get
to the post office from the hospital?

From the hospital, walk down Independence Boulevard

towards the drugstore. Go straight for about two

Turn left at Gate Street, and after about a block you

should be able to see the post office. It will be on your
right, across from the hotel.

From the (START)...
Go straight...
Walk up/down ____ Street
Turn left/right on _____ Avenue
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

You are very unhappy with the poor service
you received at a restaurant.
What will you say to the manager?

I would say “Excuse me, Sir, but there seems to be a fly in

my soup. Your sanitation standards are horrific! Also, I think you
can observe that our waiter seems to be deaf. Whenever we call
him he disappears into the kitchen. We were made to wait an
hour and a half for this table so I’m sure you can understand my
frustration! This is unacceptable! I demand a refund!
Clearly state one or two specific problems {soup, waiter}
Describe how they affected you {frustration}
State a resolution {refund}
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

You want to go to Australia for vacation. Explain
to your spouse why it's a good place to visit.

I would say, “Darling, did you know that Quantas Airlines is

having a sale on all flights this summer? The discount is 50 %
off! I saw it in the newspaper this morning. I thought perhaps it
would be a great opportunity to visit Aunt Nina and the boys in
Brisbane. They’ve been asking us to come see the new house
for weeks now. I’ll book us a seat right now, ok?”

Give a good reason and then supporting details. Repeat if you have
ex. {sale->50%, visit->new house}
End with implied consent.
Use persuasive phrases like “Let’s”, “Shall we”, etc.
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

Talk about what these people are doing.

Adjectives, adjectives, adjectives.
This tests mainly listening and comprehension
Given the situation on a video monitor according to the instructions of
Interviewer explain the situation or problem that is described. How to
accurately understand the situation and accordingly, the correct pronunciation,
expression and fluency is measured can explain.
Part 1 Yes/No Question 10 sec 2

Part 2 Choice Question 10 sec 2

Part 3 Personal Information 20 sec 3

Part 4 Picture Identification 25 sec 1

Part 5 Giving Direction 25 sec 1

Part 6 Basic Survival Situation 30 sec 2

Part 7 Persuading 25 sec 1

Part 8 Situation Response 30 sec 1

Part 9 Reading Passage 30 sec 1

 This winter I plan on spending a lot of time with my
family. I will go to the mountains for some skiing and
sledding. We will all enjoy the snow and the clean air
together. I also want to go fishing with my dad and my
brother. Winter is a great time for vacation.

This tests mainly pronunciation and intonation.
Remember to speak as clearly as you can using correct phonemes.
Practice S-SH, T-TH, B-V, P-F
Don’t neglect your punctuation! You must be able to show each dot with the
sound of your voice. Stop and fall on period, pause on comma or semicolon,
rise on question.
Sound relaxed and confident.

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