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Lecture 8

sustainability 1
Sustainable development
• meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their
own needs.

–World Commission on Environment and

Development (1987): Our Common Future

sustainability 2
Elements of sustainability

Economy Society

sustainability 3
Elements of sustainability

•biophysical interactions

Economy Society

sustainability 4
Elements of sustainability

•money and capital

•technological growth
•market forces
• Economy

sustainability 5
Elements of sustainability

•human diversity (cultural, linguistic, ethnic)

•equity (dependence / independence)
•quality of life
•institutional structures and organization
•political structures

sustainability 6

Economy Equity

sustainability 7
Sustainability: PROBLEMS
• Depletion of finite resources
–fuels, soil, minerals, species
• Over-use of renewable resources
–forests, fish & wildlife, fertility, public funds
• Pollution
–air, water, soil
• Inequity
–economic, political, social, gender
• Species loss
–endangered species and spaces
sustainability 8
Sustainability: SOLUTIONS

 Cyclical material use

– emulate natural cycles; 3 R’s
 Safe reliable energy
– conservation, renewable energy, substitution,
interim measures
 Life-based interests
– health, creativity, communication, coordination,
appreciation, learning, intellectual and spiritual

sustainability 9
Two key sustainable development concepts:



sustainability 10
Two key sustainable development concepts:

 the concept of needs, particularly the essential

needs of the world’s poor

• the quality of being fair or impartial;

fairness; impartiality
• something that is fair and just

sustainability 11
• Contrast with:

• the state or quality of being equal;

correspondence in quantity, degree,
value, rank, or ability.
• uniform character, as of motion or

sustainability 12
 the idea of limitations (ecological,
technological, and social) which affect the
ability to meet present and future needs

sustainability 13
–- quantitative and qualitative limits
–- living within the regenerative and
assimilative capacities of the planet

sustainability 14
Sustainable development...
• implies limits
 Not predefined absolute limits, but limitations
imposed by:
–the ability of the biosphere to absorb the effects of
human activities
–adaptability of human social and political

sustainability 15
Sustainable development and
economic growth
Economic growth must be made:
–less material intensive (‘dematerialization of the
–less energy intensive
–more equitable in its impacts

• Economic growth may be reduced or curtailed

to meet limitations imposed by environment,
technology, or society

sustainability 16
Institutional gaps impeding
sustainable development
2 major gaps:
• fragmented decision making
–narrow mandates, jurisdictional rigidity, lack of
communication and coordination
• lack of accountabiity
–failure to make the bodies whose policy actions
degrade the environment responsible for their

sustainability 17
materials and energy

sustainability 18
Obsolescent “frontier” civilization:
• Obsolescent “frontier” civilization



One-way flow of materials and energy

sustainability 19
Sustainable civilization:
Energy Efficiency
ENERGY Heat Energy
SOCIETY Low-volume
Waste Minimization Waste
Toxics control Materials
•Cyclical flows of materials
•Appropriate energy usage
sustainability 20
• Sustainability:

How do we move from

rhetoric to reality?

sustainability 21



sustainability 22
• To be useful, principles of sustainability must:

• be easily understood
• be applicable in many contexts
• be transferrable across scales
• translate well from fundamental values
into applied policy and practical action
• identify possibilities for radical
transformative change AND
 positive incremental change
sustainability 23
Guideposts for Sustainability
• Activities are sustainable when they:

1. Use materials in continuous cycles.

2. Use continuously reliable sources of
3. Encourage desirable human traits
(equity; creativity; communication;
coordination; appreciation; intellectual and
spiritual development).

sustainability 24
What Does it Mean for

sustainability 25
By the end of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Define sustainability.

2. List the 3 pillars of sustainability.

3. Give an example of ways that engineers can contribute to a

sustainable future.

4. Give an example of a sustainability indicator/metric for

engineering designs.

sustainability 26
What is Sustainability?

• Meeting society’s present needs without

compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs.
(Brundtland Commission, 1987)

• Humans are integral part of the natural

world and nature must be preserved.

sustainability 27
Triple Bottom Line Solutions

• Good for the environment

• Good for economics

• Good for society

sustainability 28
sustainability 29
The 3 Pillars
• People
– Fair practices for all people and does not exploit interest of
separate parties based on money, status or growth.

• Planet
– Management of renewable and non renewable resources while
reducing waste.

• Profit
– Financial benefit enjoyed by the majority of society.

sustainability 30
Yes, engineers are part of the

sustainability 31
We’re also an integral part of the

sustainability 32
We’re also an integral part of the

sustainability 33
We’re also an integral part of the

sustainability 34
We’re also an integral part of the

sustainability 35
Examples of Other Ways that
Engineers Can Contribute to a
Sustainable Future

sustainability 36
But not if we keep designing things in the
same old way.

Engineers of the future need to think


sustainability 37
Traditional Engineering Design Criteria:
• Function
• Cost
• Safety

Sustainable Engineering Design Criteria:

The above plus:
• Impact on people (society)
• Impact on the planet (environment)

sustainability 38
Questions for future engineers to ask about
their designs:

• Will it be made from recycled materials?

• How much energy will it use?

• Will it be powered by a battery or solar cells?

• Will it be able to be recycled at the end of its

useful life?

• Will it have parts that contain toxic metals

that must be disposed of?
sustainability 39
Examples of Sustainability Indicators/Metrics for
Engineering Designs

What criteria can we use to compare 2 engineering designs to

determine which is more sustainable?

sustainability 40
Life Cycle Analysis

• Process of comparing sustainability indicators

for various engineering designs.

sustainability 41
Life cycle assessment(LCA)
• Life cycle assessment is a way to investigate, estimate, and
evaluate the environmental burdens caused by a material,
product, process, or service throughout its life span. 
• Environmental burdens include the materials and energy
resources required to create the product, as well as the
wastes and emissions generated during the process. 
• By examining the entire life cycle, one gets a more
complete picture of the environmental impact created and
the trade-offs in impact from one period of the life cycle to
• Results of LCAs can be useful for identifying areas with
high environmental impact, and for evaluating and
improving product designs. 

sustainability 42
Defining a Product Life Cycle
• Typically, a product life cycle is defined as a linear progression: 
• First, raw materials are extracted from the earth.  Some examples
are ore, water and oil. 
• Second, raw materials are processed into finished materials.  For
example, bauxite ore is processed into aluminum and oil is
processed into plastics. 
• Third, the materials are manufactured or assembled into a final
product.  This stage can often be considered in two parts: first
materials are manufactured into parts (for example, an aluminum
sheet is manufactured into an automobile body panel).  Then the
parts are assembled into a final product (for example, the body
panel along with the windows, engine, and many more parts are
assembled into a car). 
• Fourth is the use stage when a consumer has control of the

sustainability 43
• Finally is the waste management stage or
end-of-life stage when the product is broken
down into component materials for
remanufacturing or recycling, or is discarded. 

sustainability 44
• a sixth stage of distribution as the materials and
product are transported between stages
• During each of these stages, the activities that occur
require material and energy resources, and generate
wastes and emissions.  Material and energy resources
include items such as ores, catalysts, water, coal,
natural gas, or electricity.  Wastes include solid wastes
(trash) or hazardous wastes.  Emissions include
pollutants released to the air, such as sulfur dioxide or
carbon dioxide or soot, or to the water, such as sewage
or solids.  Life cycle assessment gathers information
about the quantity of these resources and wastes at
each life cycle stage.  
sustainability 45
Why Use Life Cycle Assessment
• Life Cycle Assessment gives you a complete picture of a product’s
environmental impacts. 
• It lets you see during which parts of its life cycle the product most
negatively impacts the environment. 
• For example, the life cycle of an automobile consumes much more
energy during the use phase (through the gasoline used to operate
the vehicle) than during the prior stages to create the materials and
parts for the automobile. 
• Likewise, an LCA helps to identify which impacts are the most
significant across the life cycle. 
• For example, pollutant emissions to water may not be the worst
impact at any individual stage of a product life cycle, but when
summed across all stages may in fact have the largest impact

sustainability 46
Information from an LCA can be use:

• to differentiate the impacts of two comparable

products:  plastic versus paper versus glass cups. 
Each requires different raw materials inputs
(petroleum, trees, or sand), and different types
and amounts of energy to produce.  Likewise,
each production process produces different
wastes and emissions.  But the plastic or paper
cups would likely be thrown away after one or
maybe two uses, adding burdens in a landfill. 
The glass cup would be reused, but would require
water and detergents for cleaning

sustainability 47
• to assess design options for the same product:  automobiles
use a wide variety of materials in the various parts.  Steel has
typically been used, but plastics and composite materials
have been replacing it.  Steel is heavier than the plastics or
composites, adding weight to the car that increases the fuel
needed to operate the car.  However, steel parts are easily
recycled at the end of the vehicle’s life. 

sustainability 48
• to identify where in the life cycle an impact should be
targeted for reduction: 
• A package delivery company may be concerned about its
carbon dioxide emissions.  One option is to make changes to
its delivery vehicles or routing to reduce fuel consumption
and the related CO2 emission.  However, examining the life
cycle of the service might identify the company’s building
electrical usage as a greater contributor to those emissions,
and thus reductions could be gained via energy conservation
measures in offices or purchasing wind power.   

sustainability 49
• Examining the entire life cycle provides a
broad perspective for an analysis and helps to
avoid making decisions that in the end cause
greater harm.

sustainability 50

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