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BIPLOV ROY 20191029
MAMTA SINGH 20194427
YASH ATKARE 20192262
1.Changing Business Environment
The most recent decade has indicated quick
improvement in the data innovation and its
application. This has helped changed the manner in
which we take a gander at the world just as the
manner in which business is directed. Both business
and exchange have increased under the flood of data
innovation with progress in effectiveness, efficiency
and primary concern. Efficiency improvement has
encouraged quick and exact creation in enormous
volumes. Indian budgetary area has likewise profited
by headway in data innovation
Future prediction in the Market Place

• First using the web page and then getting customer on their own app
helps in determines the future needs of a customer as apps are more easy
to use
• Rapidly change in the business dynamics are redesigning the business
models, as the companies are more looking at the variety of price and
availability of product
• Born-In-The-Cloud Platforms Are Increasing Selling Speed, Scale &
Adapting to change in a changing business

Becoming aware of your situation

Understanding change
Building your skills and knowledge
Managing the resources to tackle the changing
environment be
Making your Business model so that it is able to
manage any type of pandemic and economic
concern or other
Emerging Trends

• More data driven

• Using Analytics and BI tools
• Monitoring online
• Virtual interference
• AI driven and AI chat bots

2.B2B Forms of E-commerce
Initial form
Centralised form
Looking inward for benefits
Global e commerce
Initial Form-
First stage of organization when embarks on E commerce implementation.
In this stage a particular department is addressed to improve performance.
For ex BHP steel uses e commerce technology to increase efficiency in
supply chain management which saved cost in purchasing process.

Centralise E commerce Initiative-

In this stage the organization involves the expansion of E commerce to
whole company. As a result it is centralised approach rather than a
departmental approach. In case of BHP the company implemented E
commerce initiative i.e. Electronic Trading Gateway (ETG) to org through
which the company get a benefit of cost , technological, competitive as
well as ties with large customers.

Looking inward for benefit-

In this stage the external participants, customers are involved.
Fro ex when ETG is developed then it expanded implementation
of the ETG systems with various ETG related ideas including the
test certificate over EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

Global E Commerce-
This is the final stage or we can say the company is at its maturity
level. Here technology is no longer an issue but outdated system
is an issue which should be updated. In case of BHP the
technology didn’t change but the use of internet in E commerce
field impacted a lot which they solved but developing various E
commerce strategies like customer service or cost saving.
Types of B2B Business Model
 Sell-Side market place
 Buy-Side marketplace
 Electronic Exchange
 Independent marketplace
Sell-Side marketplace
In Sell-side b2b one organisation sells electronically, either customized/or standardized
products to many other organisations using E-marketing platform
The method used in the purchase of goods and services is basically auction by the seller,
selling via electronic catalogs
It also advertise their product to the set of relevant customers

Buy-Side marketplace-

In Buy-side b2b one organisation makes purchase of goods and services from other
organisations electronically or other way
The method used in the purchase of goods and services is reverse auction.
Electronic Exchange-

Vertical -
• Deals with every segment of specific industry
• Say for example Automotive, petroleum, chemical or textile industries

• Deals with same goods/services across several industries
• Allows buyers to purchase indirect products
• Say for example office equipment
Independent e-marketplace

• It is operated by a third-party
• Which is open for both buyer and seller of a particular industry
• You get access to request quotation and bids for several products of a
particular industry
• Say for example INDIA MART AND ALIBABA
There are several Person • Unmediated Joint B2B
Involved When goods & models.
Services are Brought and • Structure B2B model.
sold by companies. • Amalgam B2B model.
• Outsourced B2b model.
The order is generally bulk
and placed through e-
mails, online sales portal or
via calls.
Unmediated Joint B2B Model

• This model is complex

• Works good for small businesses
• Enterprise is directly to all
• All partners are also connected to
each other
• Single network is used for transfer
of all electronic data.
Structured B2B Model

• Clean & well organized Model.

• All the Entities have different network connected
to service provider. Service provider is directly
connected to Enterprise.
• The service provider audits data, provides data
security and backup.
• A fees is charged by service provider to each
entity of service.
Amalgam B2B Model

• Combination of both Unmediated Joint &

Structured B2B model.
• Enterprise is directly connected to its more
valuable partners.
• Rest partners are connected with service
• Helps in reduction of unnecessary cost

Outsourced B2B Model

• The entire B2B is outsourced to external

service provider.
• Happens when demand is huge and only
enterprise is not able to fulfil it.
• Has 2 way benefits for both external service
provider as well as Enterprise.
• Saves time, money and maintain Goodwill of
the Enterprise.
Place your screenshot here
4.E- &

“ Benefits of E-commerce
• A Larger Market- ECommerce allows you to reach customers all over the country and around the
world. Your customers can make a purchase anywhere and anytime, especially more people are
getting used to shopping on their mobile devices.
• Customer Insights Through Tracking And Analytics -Whether you're sending visitors to your
ecommerce website through SEO, PPC ads or a good old postcard, there is a way to track your
traffic and customers' entire user journey to get insights into keywords, user experience,
marketing message, pricing strategy, and more.
• Personalized Messaging- The platforms give merchants the opportunity to serve up personalized
content and product recommendations to registered customers. These targeted communications
can help increase conversion by showing the most relevant content to each visitor.
• Ability to Scale Up (Or Down) Quickly -The growth of an online business is not limited
by the availability of physical space. Even though logistics can become an issue as one
grows, it's less of a challenge compared to those for running a brick-and-mortar store.
ecommerce merchants can scale up or down their operation quickly, and take advantage
of the unlimited "shelf space," as a response to market trend and consumer demands.
• Fast Response To Consumer Trends And Market Demand-The streamlined logistics,
especially for merchants who do "drop ship," allow businesses to respond to market
and ecommerce trends and consumer demands in a nimble manner. Merchants can
also create promotions and deals on the fly to attract customers and generate more
• Lower Cost -With the advance in ecommerce platform technologies, it has become very
easy and affordable to set up and maintain an ecommerce store with a low overhead.
Merchants no longer have to spend a large budget on TV ads or billboard, nor worry
about the expense for personnel and real estate.
• More Opportunities To "Sell“-Merchants can only provide a limited amount of
information on a product in a physical store. On the other hand, ecommerce websites
allow the space to include more information such as demo videos, reviews, and
customer testimonials to help increase conversion.
• Grow Your Business Organically with Content
• Gain Access to Customer Data Easily
• 24/7 Potential Income – the ecommerce market is open 24/7 so you can access it
“ Challenges of E-Commerce

• Lack Of Personal Touch -Some consumers value the personal touch they get
from visiting a physical store and interacting with sales associates. Such personal
touch is particularly important for businesses selling high-end products as
customers not only want to buy the merchandise but also have a great
experience during the process.
•  Lack Of Tactile Experience-No matter how well a video is made, consumers still
can't touch and feel a product. Not to mention, it's not an easy feat to deliver a
brand experience, which could often include the sense of touch, smell, taste, and
sound, through the two-dimensionality of a screen.
• Price And Product Comparison-With online shopping, consumers can compare
many products and find the lowest price. This forces many merchants to
compete on price and reduce their profit margin.
• Internet Access This is pretty obvious, but don't forget that your
customers do need Internet access before they can purchase from
you! Since many ecommerce platforms have features and
functionalities that require high-speed Internet access for an
optimal customer experience, there's a chance you're excluding
visitors who have slow connections.

• Credit Card Fraud Credit card fraud is a real and growing problem
for online businesses. It can lead to chargebacks that result in the
loss of revenue, penalties, and bad reputation. 

• IT Security Issues More and more businesses and organizations

have fallen prey to malicious hackers who have stolen customer
information from their database. Not only could this have legal
and financial implications but also lessen the trust customers have
in the company.
• All the Eggs In One Basket – E-Commerce businesses rely heavily (or
solely) on their websites. Even just a few minutes of downtime or
technology errors can cause a substantial loss of revenue and
customer dissatisfaction.
• Complexity In Regulations and Compliance-If an online business sells
to customers in different territories, they'll have to adhere to
regulations not only in their own states/countries but also in their
customers' place of residence. Like be it delivery to any state or
5.B2B E-Commerce
The COVID Impact

• B2B ecommerce is changing fast as 2020 progresses.  The
COVID-19 pandemic has rewritten procurement processes
in every industry that purchases physical goods. 2020 trends
in B2B ecommerce are putting new pressure on manufacturers to
define their digital identities.

• According to a new survey of about 1000 B2B executives and

consumers from Bloomreach Inc. and Forrester Research. 46% of
companies are seeing a spike in digital sales. This growth is a
direct consequence of increased online activity like volume of
search, traffic, and orders.

• Hence, B2B companies are prioritizing and increasing their e-

commerce budget (e-commerce site, mobile app, social media
site, connected products and IOT, AI, personalization, third-party
online market places, etc.)
CO-VID overview in e-Commerce
• Online sales have experienced huge demand in certain products
• Businesses and consumers responded by stocking up
• Teleworking and remote working are new normal
• Increased demand in online services
• Shift to online B2B sales by means of retail and wholesale distribution services is dependent
on manufacturing activity and on the availability of services

Changing B2B buyers

• Buyers conduct more research before engaging
• Buyers require more business justification
• Expectation of Value added insight
• Buyers expect immediate response
• More consensus driven
6.Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic interchange of business
information using a standardized format; a process which allows one
company to send information to another company electronically rather than
with paper. Business entities conducting business electronically are called
trading partners. 

Many business documents can be exchanged using EDI, but the two most
common are purchase orders and invoices. At a minimum, EDI replaces the
mail preparation and handling associated with traditional business

The real power of EDI is that it standardizes the information communicated

in business documents, which makes possible a "paperless" exchange. 
 For example, consider the difference between the traditional paper purchase order and its electronic
A Traditional Document Exchange of a Purchase Order :-
• This process normally takes between three and five days.
• -Buyer makes a buying decision, creates the purchase order and prints it.
• -Buyer mails the purchase order to the supplier.
• -Supplier receives the purchase order and enters it into the order entry system.
• -Buyer calls supplier to determine if purchase order has been received, or supplier mails buyer an
acknowledgment of the order.

An EDI Document Exchange of a Purchase Order :-

• This process normally occurs overnight and can take less than an hour.
• -Buyer makes a buying decision, creates the purchase order but does not print it.
• -EDI software creates an electronic version of the purchase order and transmits it automatically to the
• -Supplier's order entry system receives the purchase order and updates the system immediately on
• -Supplier's order entry system creates an acknowledgment an transmits it back to confirm receipt
Why EDI?

• EDI allows a company to be more competitive in today's business environment. A study by the EDI Group, Ltd.,
reported that companies using EDI in 1994 experienced reduced cycle times of 40.3%, with a simultaneous drop in
error rates from an average 10.1% to 4.4%. Cost savings averaged $2.20 per document upon implementation of
EDI Saves Time
• Sending an electronic message across the country or around the world requires only seconds or minutes rather
than days. Once the message is received, information is available for use immediately without costly and time-
consuming hand preparation.
• EDI improves accuracy. Every time information is copied from one place to another, there is opportunity for error. 
• Electronic transfer eliminates the need for copying information from one paper document to another, or for re-
keying it into a computerized business application.
• Once the information is entered correctly, there is no additional opportunity for error since it is electronically
entered into all other applications without further human intervention.
EDI Reduces Cost
Overhead costs are reduced by eliminating or reducing human handling in such areas as:
• Mailroom sorting and circulation.
• -Repeated keying of information.
• -Manual reconciliation of different documents (purchase orders, receiving notices, invoices, etc.)
• -Document mailing, telephoning or faxing of information.

Document processing costs are reduced with savings in areas such as:
• Reduced postage and handling costs.
• Reduced costs for printing forms.
• Reduced costs for sorting, distributing, filing and storage of documents.

Inventory carrying costs are reduced through lowered inventory levels achieved by:
• Reducing order processing and delivery cycle time.
• Reducing uncertainty in order cycle time.

Other costs may be reduced, such as:

• Transportation costs, particularly premium freight charges.
• Error costs, which may be as much as five times the cost of processing the document correctly in the first place.
EDI Improves Customer Service
• Because information is available on a "real time" basis, and
is more accurate, concerns and questions of customers can
be addressed more effectively.
EDI Strengthens Supplier Relationships
• Cooperation and coordination required to implement EDI
tends to build trust between trading partners. The sharing
of information which results from EDI, strengthens the ties
between partners and encourages stronger levels of

While this EDI process is able to act as a cost , time saver

and makes the system well.
7.Electronic Funds Transfer
 Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a system of transferring money from one bank account directly
to another without any paper money changing hands. One of the most widely-used EFT programs
is direct deposit, through which payroll is deposited straight into an employee's bank account.
However, EFT refers to any transfer of funds initiated through an electronic terminal

 EFT transactions are quicker and more efficient than paper-based funds transfers. They can also

eliminate paperwork and needless administrative efforts.

 Examples of common electronic funds transfer transactions include the following:

 Automatic teller machines (ATM)
 Direct deposit payroll systems
 Direct payments between buyer -seller businesses
 Electronic bill-paying via online banking
 International cash  wire transfers
“Three major means of transferring money”
NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer)
•The National Electronic Fund Transfer or NEFT is the simplest and most liked form of money transfer from one bank to bank.
•To make any NEFT transaction, you just need two important pieces of information -- firstly, account number and secondly, the IFSC Code of the destination account.
•In NEFT, there is no cap on the amount of money that can be transferred. However, individual banks may set a limit.
Steps for a NEFT money transfer
Step 1: Go to Fund Transfer tab, and select 'Transfer to other bank' (NEFT)
Step 2: Select the recipient account and enter the relevant details
Step 3: Accept the (Terms and Conditions)
Step 4: Recheck the details, if all and complete the process
RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement
•A Real Time Gross Settlement or RTGS is almost similar to NEFT but the minimum payment and how it credits to the destination account differs.
If you want to transfer more than 2 then you can use this. There is no upper cap on the amount.
•An RTGS money transfer happens on a real-time basis. The bank of the person to whom the money is transferred gets 30 minutes to credit it to his/her account.
Steps to make RTGS funds transfer:
Step 1: Go to Fund Transfer tab, and select 'Transfer to other bank' (RTGS)
Step 2: Select the recipient account and enter the relevant details
Step 3: Accept the (Terms and Conditions)
Step 4: Recheck the details, if all are correct, then confirm and complete the process
IMPS (Immediate Payment Service)
•Immediate Payment Service or IMPs an instant fund transfer service and it can be used anytime. IMPS can be simply defined as NEFT+RTGS.
•In order to avoid fraud complaints, the cap on transaction limit is set very low. For IMPS transfer, you just need to know the destination account holder's IMPS id (MMID) and his/her
mobile number.
Steps to make IMPS money transfer:
Step 1:Using your Customer ID and Password into Net Banking/Mobile Banking
Step 2: Go to Funds Transfer tab (Other Bank Account)
Step 3: Select Debit / Credit Account, mode of transfer as IMPS and beneficiary account
Step 4: Enter the amount to be transferred and click on Submit
Step 5: Click on the confirm button
Step 6: Recheck all the information and approve the transaction using OTP (one time password) received on your registered mobile number
Step 7: And at last, confirm by clicking on the submit button.
How does electronic B2B payment processing work

“ Business payment solutions vary according to the needs of each

company. Electronic processing is the main transaction mode for
B2C business, however, the majority of businesses today still rely on
paper checks and Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers. The
rooted procedures and systems that have been in place are difficult
to redefine for electronic transactions. For business exchanges,
electronic processing still isn’t cleanly streamlined.

However, recent demand and innovation encouraged  a recent shift

to business payment systems. This becomes more critical for the
growing global e-commerce industries.
B2B Payment Cycle

Companies that opt to use an in-house Accounts Receivable

team allows the most control over the transaction, but also
has the most manual work. In this scenario, after the
purchase is initiated from one company to another the seller
must approve the sale and its terms. Business accounting
comes into play, including issuing a purchase order and
sending it through each party’s appropriate channels. Upon
approval, the order is processed. An invoice is generated and
then sent to the buyer for payment, typically within 30 days.
To execute payment, electronic invoicing is on the rise - in
Latin America, over 90% of business while in India this
system has been delayed till now. The final step is payment
that includes a receipt, or, in some cases a late fee is applied.
How are B2B payments are different from
consumer payments

• B2C payments are much simpler than B2B transactions. As explained above, B2B
processing tends to entail large quantities with a higher bill. The process is
complex and takes a substantial amount of time to complete. B2B transactions are
often done on a regular basis. That is, the purchaser tends to repeatedly require
the seller’s service or products, meaning transactions happen on a consistent
schedule. This allows the ability to reduce some of work involved in completing the
payment cycle since a vendor will already be integrated into the system.

• With a B2C transaction, the process is very different. Consumers purchase in

person or online, and they usually pay at the point of sale. That is, the money is
exchanged up front or at the very moment the goods or service is rendered. This is
possible because of digital systems that can quickly do an authorization on a single
purchase at a lower cost.   
8.Uses Lets Build the world with
the power of internet
“When it comes to the success of your
business, internet marketing plays a key
role. To market yourself and to promote

of your products and services, you need the

support by use of the internet”

Reasons, why we use the internet
in B2B through E- Commerce
• To increase the visibility of your business.
• To connect with the customers.
• To cope up with the competition.
• It is good for research and development.
• Legitimate yourself.
Why is the internet important in E- Commerce
• It has the potential to put small businesses on even footing with some
of the larger businesses without needing access to their resources or

• It allows businesses to overcome distances and expand their reach with

their current resources. Businesses no longer have to have physical
locations in order to market and sell their products and services.

• Business owners can also set up an export system without having to go

through a network of distributors.

• It's recommended that entrepreneurs who want to sell their products

and services overseas do so with localization services in order to make
sure their goods are a match for overseas markets and to ensure they
are in compliance with international business regulations
How about the medium especially small scale

• With e- commerce discrimination issues large, medium, small scale

businesses have been eliminated. Internet technologies offer a chance to
each business organization to excel in the market.
• The company can search for the best strategy in running a business in
different scope, as well as provide them information with an update on
current business trend and how to put their business online.
• It enables them to make their business compete both in local and
international market.
• In B2B e- commerce, one promising concept is the “collaborative
commerce”, in which companies set up hubs that can be used not only by
their customers but can interact also with other companies site

• This innovation was found out to change the

way companies do business with one
another. With these portals, companies that
regularly do business with one another will
be able to access real time information about
product availability and pricing. Companies
will be able to send invoices and pay
9.Marketing strategies for Electronic Marketplace

Produce Original Content
•Creating high-quality and original content will set you up for
success because it will resonate with your customers in a way
that makes them want to interact with you, purchase from you,
and maintain a following.

•Companies like Coca-Cola, McDonalds, GoPro are using the

strategy of content marketing to attract the customers.

•Eg. McDonalds is using “McDonalds Question Time” which is

changing perception through honesty thus building good
Market Segmentation
•It is used to break down a target market audience into smaller, more manageable

•Market segmentation can be done on the basis of-

Demographic Segmentation
Psychographic Segmentation
Behavioral Segmentation
Geographic Segmentation

•Specifying the market segment will help us to have a better understanding of


Social Media Marketing
•Utilizing different social media platforms for different
purposes also creates a rich presence for your company that
diversifies your abilities, efforts.

•This will ultimately help you cater to your customers’ needs in

a way that grows your business over time.

•Social media marketing will help us to achieve brand

awareness, high conversion rate, brand loyalty, higher
customer satisfaction.

Search Engine Optimization
•The content within your website should be rich, reliable, and provide information to the
public that is useful and relevant to what they’re looking for.

• It will create a better user experience, high conversion rate, brand credibility, even
promotes cost management.

Understanding Customer Need –Having better knowledge will give consumers

more confidence to shop with your business.

•Conducting market research in advance of launching a product or service will help you
build a picture of your customer base

• Analyzing the customer feedback will help to develop better product and services.
10.Outlook into the future of E-commerce
• When compared to the B2C e-Commerce industry, B2B e-
Commerce is projected to be two times higher than B2C by
• Currently B2B shopping is complicated than B2C due to
nature of transaction.
• It includes a lot of steps like sales interaction, negotiation and
• B2B e-Commerce businesses must adapt a more seamless
transaction system which has easy price negotiation, easy
ordering, order and inventory management for the B2B
E-commerce is a means of conducting business, where the buying or
selling of goods and services or the transmitting of funds or data, occur
via electronic medium. There are no physical market places and the
entire process of marketing and selling of goods, takes place on-line or

E-commerce how it will outlook the future of market are :-

E-commerce take shares but growth cools

The worldwide ecommerce sales topped $3.5 trillion USD, An approx.
increase of 18% from the before years.
Ecommerce is expected to double it sales by 2023 up to $6.5 trillion
Direct to consumer and private-label selling accelerates
16.1% of retail sales expected to happen online in 2020, manufacturers and traditional brand
are increasingly bypassing retail partners and selling DTC. Selling direct key yield benefits
are :-
You own the customer relationship.
Collect and use customer data
Offer personalized products.

PWAs and Amps drive mobile commerce

 By 2021, analysts estimate that 53.9% of sales will happen through mobile phones.
 To offer an optimal mobile experience across, some brands opt for a Progressive web
application (PWA) which live on user home screen and supposed to load instantly
regardless whether the use is online.
 One step further combining PWA with an Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) which are
mobile- first stripped down HTML copies of web pages that load instantly and help the
customer to have great online shopping experience.
Automation Power Productivity
Automation will be particularly beneficial to brands expanding internationally which requires
operating multiple stores and larger inventory and fulfillment networks. On average, international
businesses ship to 31 countries, and brands are increasingly using ecommerce automation to scale
faster and more efficiently. Examples:- Ecommerce automation , Warehouse Robotics, Artificial

Voice Recognition Changes The Path To Purchase

Example:- Amazon echo dot at houses help consumer by ordering there daily products through the
help of voice mode with the help of Alexa feature. 

Global e-commerce retail will hit $ 4.9 trillion by 2021

It hits 265% growth rate by rising from $ 1.3 trillion (2014) to $ 4.9 trillion (2021).
These fi gures state eleven more that the future of e-commerce is steady and
without any marks of decline. It also supposes that online stores should further
enhance their brands in the virtual world to keep their positi on .
11.E-commerce Scope &
Why E-commerce

E-commerce make easy to pay for the customers.

In the rising worldwide economy, online business and e-business have progressively become a fundamental part of the
business technique and a solid impetus for monetary advancement. The coordination of Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) in business has changed connections inside associations and those between and among associations and
people. In particular, the utilization of ICT in business has upgraded profitability, empowered more prominent client
cooperation, and empowered mass customization, other than lessening costs.
Types Of E-commerce

Business to Business This is Business to Business exchanges. Here the organizations are working with one another. The last purchaser

isn’t included. So the online exchanges just include the producers, wholesalers, retailers and so forth.

Business to Consumer. Here the organization will sell its merchandise as well as administrations straightforwardly to the buyer. The buyer can peruse

Business to Consumer their sites and see items, pictures, read audits. At that point, they put in their request and the organization sends the products straightforwardly to
them. Prevalent models are Amazon, Flipkart, and so forth.

Buyer to Consumer This is the turnaround of B2C, it is a customer to business. So the purchaser gives a decent or some support of the organization.

State, for instance, an IT consultant who demos and offers his product to an organization. This would be a C2B exchange.

Customer to business This is the turnaround of B2C, it is a customer to business. So the purchaser gives a decent or some support of the organization.

State, for instance, an IT consultant who demos and offers his product to an organization. This would be a C2B exchange.
The ecommerce business

No of internet users in India from 2015 E-commerce share of total B2B sales in
and its further scope India over a period.
• Since the no of Internet Users is been increasing it will also help E-
commerce structure to grow.
• Internet user Increasing meaning that people getting access to their
home place .
• Increase in sales as we can se it in 2nd graph means that customer are
satisfied with the product what they do buy otherwise it may do lead to
• Growth of E-commerce sector genuinely depends on the Internet users
in the market as internet users leads to increase in the this affects of E-
• This will happen because of that customers are getting various choices
at their homes using various user interface life mobile or desktops.
Global Retailing Index
As we can see that E- commerce sector is increasing at a
rapid rate from year 2017 is mainly due to various e-
commerce sectors have been launched during this periods.

Even though they had launched various schemes in the

market to attract the customers like Big billion days and etc.

 They started majorly scheming to customer retentively

process through various voucher and cashback process,
subscription additional benefits

 This enabling customers to use more E- commerce more

and more and to their respected websites.

 Free home delivery is also a good scheme for them to

retain customers as customers is also getting its desired
product to the Doorsteps.
Area’s of
Assumptions Improvement
• By 2040, around 95% of all purchases are
expected to be via e-commerce.
• Financing and protection
• The number of online buyers is expected to
reach 2.16 billion by 2025
• Commercial exchanges, requesting,

conveyance installment
The total value of global retail e-commerce
sales will be nearly $4.88 trillion in 2025 • Product administration and support
• Online stores with a loud social media
• Cooperative item improvement
presence will get 32% more sales on average • Distributive co-employable working
those who do not. • Use of open and private
• On average, 52% of ecommerce businesses administrations
have Omni channel capabilities.
• Business to organization (client)
• And these stats do tell us a lot about major • Transport and coordination'
changes in consumer behavior that will
continue to 2021 and beyond. Digital shoppers
should update their business strategies by
considering this figure. Otherwise, there is a
high risk to collapse.
10.Examples of B2B E-commerce practices in
the Indian market
• EDYOO which sells school supplies, goes the extra mile by segmenting their
three major B2B audiences — sellers, schools, and bulk orders — on their
homepage. ”Each link directs customers to a segment-specific sign-up page.
However, the real standout lesson from EDYOO lies in how they apply their
vision “to give parents the power and convenience to manage the entire
lifecycle of their school going children.” To do this, EDYOO partners directly
with local schools to create a single online portal for not only purchasing
textbooks, uniforms, and other supplies, but also paying school fees”.

• Trade India is a B2B ecommerce portal where small B2B businesses in India
enrolled their companies in this portal to get recognized by their targeted
clients. This business is different from the other businesses as it provides a
platform for small B2B companies to sell their products. Hence this is also
one of the best business ideas to get involved in the B2B industry as a B2B
portal provider.
• India mart Intermesh ltd. Is one of the leading B2B ecommerce
companies in Noida, India. Working with a mission of “ to make
doing business, easy , India Mart connects buyers and sellers with
their high quality B2B products like Apparels, Industry machinery,
electrical & electronics , etc.” while India mart is connected with
47lakh suppliers with its smart marketing strategies. Services
include air purifiers, honey comb padding, leather sheets, pop
ceilings, agricultural hand tool.

• Walmart India , though Walmart branch in the USA & UK is

completely based on the B2C process while Walmart India is based
on the B2B process as it sells its products only to traders. While
Walmart B2B website , landed on many states in India and vendors
can easily sell their products on Walmart B2C market places.
• SISCALL fabricates equipment for machinery as well as manufactures
frame for the different machine.

• Jim Trade is another Indian Business Directory featuring Indian

suppliers directory, manufacturers and products directory, Trade Fairs
from directly connects various business through it website it
also provides the complete and updated information on Indian
products and suppliers for buyers.
• Jim Trade is the number one destination for buyers to source Indian
products and for Indian sellers to find trade opportunities and promote
their businesses online. This makes Jim Trade a perfect fit for the list of
b2b websites India.

• Exporters is one of India’s largest searchable B2B

marketplace and Exporters Directory that connects Manufacturers,
Exporters, Suppliers and Buyer. It is the home for countless products
and businesses across the globe. What it does it provides platform to
entrepreneurs and various sellers to directly list their and sell their
product from the portal.
Taking advantage of the unlimited FDI provision for B2B segment in
India, Amazon has their dedicated portal: for
small business owners and traders in India. Amazon is currently
targeting small offices, entrepreneurs, department stores, Kirana
stores, drugstores, clinics, hospitals, hotels, and restaurants.
Currently, Amazon supports targeted niches like-Office Products &
Stationery, Cleaning & Housekeeping Supplies, Bed & Bath, Kitchen
& Dining, Health & Personal Care, and Food & Beverages

• Go4WorldBusiness ( parent company Wyzen

Solutions pvt. Ltd) is an online B2B marketplace for global
exporters & importers dealing with heavy equipment and
machines on rental, lease and purchase.
• Udaan is a B2B trade marketplace that is specially designed to empower, retailers, wholesalers,
traders, and manufacturers using technology as a source. Udaan is run by Hive loop Technology
Pvt. Ltd and is a special initiative for small and medium businesses in India. The main idea was to
connect wholesalers, traders, retailers and manufacturers on a single platform via a mobile
app.The udaan app enables users to access to real insights into active trends and many other
premium B2B trade features.It has enabled small and medium business owners to use the power
of technology to nurture and scale their businesses.Udaan is a Business to business marketplace
on which manufacturers and wholesalers can sell their products to retailers via an online platform
or mobile app.
• And, the company provides logistics, secure payments, and technical support also. They also work
on assets light model .They do not believe in owning assets and also are not planning to go asset-
heavy as of now.Udaan helps businesses discover customers, suppliers, and products across
categories and connect them to get the best deal. The platform also facilitates secure payments
and gives logistics support.
• The company also offers accounting, order management and payment management solutions to
merchants on their platform.
• Udaan intends to provide working capital(funds) to them at a reasonable rate. So, apart from
being a platform for retailers and wholesalers, it has also started underwriting loans for these
small businesses.

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