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Emotional Intelligence
As popularized by Daniel Goleman (1995)
Emphasizes interpersonal, intrapersonal and
the practical aspects of intelligence.

Learning about EI necessities the understanding of

the individual’s emotion as it is what triggers the
expression of the same.
 “EMOVERE” (Latin) – to move out
Spontaneous responses to certain stimuli.
Complex, a state of feeling that results in physical
and psychological changes influencing behaviours
Emanate from the right area of the brain that is
basically subjective and feeling.

What kind of Emotions
affetc you?
A. Positive Emotion B. Negative Emotion
Pleasant emotion Sadness, disgust,
Happiness, excitement, joy, annoyance, anxiety, anger,
relief, triumph, jubilation. jealousy, fear and the like.
Comes from positive Manifested in unhappy
experiences especially face, tears, discomfort, pain
when one is able to attain and even psychosomatic
or satisfy his expectations illness.
and desire.

Psychologial and
Physical Effects of
Extreme Emotions
Following are the signs that one’s emtional health is suffering
from a degree of imbalance:
1. Loss of Appetite 11. Body Pains
2. Skin Asthma 12. High Blood Pressure
3. Allergies 13. Dizziness
4. Numbness 14. Palpitations
5. Heart burn 15. Hyperventilation
6. Unstable Bowel Movement 16. Muscle Aches
7. Dry Mouth and Bad Breath 17. Cold Sweat
8. Migraine 18. Butterfiles in Stomach
9. Vertigo 19. Hyper Acidity
10. Unexplained Fatigues 20. Mood Swings
Emotional Intelligence or Emotional
Quotient (EQ)
The ability to perceive and express
“ emotions accurately and adaptively, to
understand emotion and emotional
knowledge, to use feelings to facilitate
thought and to manage emotions in
oneself and others. – Salovey&Mayer

Emotional Intelligence or Emotional
Quotient (EQ)

“ Ability to understand people


An individuals ability to determine emotions and

how can it be utilized to decide well on situations
that pertains to the self and the significant others.

Five major categories of skills
involving emotional intelligence
1. MOTIVATION. Possessing the drive to direct
one’s self to the positivities of life.
2. SELF-AWARENESS. Ability to tune in to the
self, being able to understand his self-worth.
3. SELF-REGULATION. Ability to control the
degree of expressing one’s emotions.
4. SOCIAL SKILLS. People skill, understanding of
the significant other.
5. EMPATHY. Understanding what the significant
others feel by trying to understand their predicament

Maintaining its
Steps by which we can decipher and learn to manpulate and manage the
varied emotions pervading the mind and the body

1. Determine the Emotions Afflicting You

2. Decipher What have Caused those
3. Find a Confidante or a Person to Trust
4. Express Your Emotions
5. Have a Moment of Silence and Keep Calm

Steps by which we can decipher and learn to manpulate and manage the
varied emotions pervading the mind and the body

6. Accept that Life is a Challenge that you

Need to Face it.
7. Develop a Mantra and Repeat it to
8. Develop Freshness of Appreciation
9. Be Grateful for Everything
10. Emit Positivity

Assignment # 10
In 1 NB Page
Write the very words you want (or
dream) to hear from your loved one
(family member only) that will really
motivate you in becoming the best
version of yourself.

Any questions?
You can find me at
○ @username

Personal Development : Theory and
by Ethel Magalona & Evelyn

Prepared by:
Ms. Jasper S. Cruz

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