Personal Development: Theory and Practices L12-Persons and Careers

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and Careers
The progress and action French – carriere
taken by a person -road or race course
throughout a lifetime,
especially those related to
Course or progress
that persons occupations.
through life.
- Business Dictionary

Career Aspects
Composed of
-Individuals life
jobs held, titles earned
and work accomplished
Occupation or a Sequence of
profession that related jobs
usually involves usually pursued
special training or within a single
formal education industry or sector.
and skills about

Planning for your Career

◦ Parents Suggestions
◦ Inspired by friends
◦ Take an Interest Test
◦ Own Choice

“ Multiple
By Howard Gardner

Multiple Intelligences
1. Musical – possessing skills in music, sensitivity
to tone, rhythm and melody
2. Verbal – skills in the production of words and
languages to express meaning
3. Spatial – skills in spatial configuration and think
4. Interpersonal – skill to interact and understand
5. Intrapersonal – skill to understand oneself and
the internal aspect
Multiple Intelligences …
6. Bodily Kinesthetic – ability to manipulate
objects in using body movements.
7. Mathematical – ability to perform mathematical
operations and abstract thinking
8. Naturalist – ability to observe patterns in nature
and understand natural and man-made systems
9. Existential – ability to understand, conceptualize
larger questions about life and human existence

Online Activity #1

• Take the Multiple Intelligence Test

• Print your Test Result (Report)
• Write your Realization at the back

This concept means REASON for
doing a certain act or performing a What is
behavior yours?

What drives individual to achieve

a goal whether it will benefit them.

It directs a person to attain certain

goal as thoughts influences
Need Theory
We all have deficencies.

These needs drives us to perform

and even extend beyond

We are pushed by our needs

to wake up early
in the morning.

Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs
1. Physiological Needs. Or physical needs and it is
comprised of food, shelter, clothing, water, medicines
and all that suffices basic human need to survive.
2. Safety and Security Needs. A human need that
requires an individual to feel protected and safe from
the imminent harm from the environment.
3. Love and Belongingness. The need to be part of a
group that serve a specific purpose in one s life which
may include a need for family, peer, valued
organizations and the like.
Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs…
4. Self Respect. Or Esteem needs. It is one s need for
recognition, affirmation and respect from others. One
s strives to work for this to uplift the self . One s
worth is enhanced through this and so it drives an
individual to achieve for a better status in life.
5. Personal Growth. Or Self-Realization or Self-
Actualization. The peak of one s need to finally attain
the essence of one s humanity. At this point an
individual becomes selfless and a person for others.
ERG or Existence-Relatedness-Growth Theory
ERG Theory by Clayton Aldelfer
Postulated the idea where needs
are divided into three sets.

Existence – Relatedness – Growth

Age may not correspond with the

level rather it is a requirement of
meeting the need to move on to
higher step.
Written Work #11

Provide answers relating to your interest
and credible career.
1. What are your interests? Your Skills?
2. Do you want to do things with others or alone by yourself?
3. Who influences you when it comes to making decisions?
4. What do you thing will you be doing in the next 5 years?
5. Do you think it is possible to enjoy oneself while practicing a certain
6. What profession will you enjoy doing in the future?
7. Are you 100% sure about such field of work?
8. Do you think you can be a mover for such choice and why?

Personal Development : Theory and
by Ethel Magalona & Evelyn

Prepared by:
Ms. Jasper S. Cruz


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