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Analysis/Overview of NSSD

Milad Alucozai
South Korea, officially the Republic of
Korea (ROK)
Neighbored by China to the west,
Japan to the east, and North Korea
to the north.
Capital: Seoul
Motto: Benefit all mankind

Korean history begins with the founding of
Gojoseon in 2333 BC

After liberation and occupation by Soviet and
U.S. forces at the end of World War II, the nation
was divided into North and South Korea.

Established in 1948 as a democracy,

Foundation of the Sixth Republic in 1987

Resulting war between the two Koreas ended
with an Armistice Agreement, but the border
between the two nations is currently the most
heavily fortified in the world
CIA Fact Book
48,636,068 (July 2010 est.)
urban population: 81% of total population(2008)
Life expectancy at birth:
total population: 78.81 years
Religions: Christian 26.3% (Protestant 19.7%,
Roman Catholic 6.6%), Buddhist 23.2%, other
or unknown 1.3%, none 49.3% (1995 census)
Literacy: total population: 97.9%
Quick Facts

developed country with a very high standard of

Asia's fourth largest economy and the world's
12th (purchasing power parity) largest

member of the UN, WTO, OECD and G-20
major economies. Founding member of APEC

26 March: South Korean warship,

South Korea has the world's sixth largest
number of active troops, the world's second-
largest number of reserve troops and the
eleventh largest defense budget.
Overview: NSSD

1960s boom in development-oriented economic

Pollution exceeds auto-purification capacity

Sustainability evaluated to be weak

Lack social welfare system; public health &
welfare. Wealth distribution

Large population, environmental pollution

the ‘New Millennium National Environmental
Vision’ by the President in June 2000. (PCSD)
Becoming an Advanced Country in
the 21 Century

Vision: Balanced development of economy, society

and environment. Common Prosperity of the
present and future generations.
Goal: Enhance integration of economic, social, and
environmental policies.
Strategic policy areas: Sustainable natural resource
management, social integration and national
health promotion, sustainable economic growth,
dealing with climate change and global
environmental issues
Korea: 0-10 ranking

Healthy life: 8.4

Education opportunities: 9.9
Gender equality 6.3
Sufficient food: 10
Sufficient water: 9.8
Safe sanitation: 10
Good governance: 6.4
Income distribution: 7.2
Population growth: 7.3
Preservation of biodiversity: 4
Use of renewable water: 7.3
Forest area: 6.8

SSI Korea: 6.5

SSI US: 6.2
30th overall ranking in World-Korea
50th overall ranking in World-US

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