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The District of Columbia Public Library

FY 2011 Year-to-Date Report

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Document # 12B.1 1
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
FY 2011 Budget Status
• The Mayor’s proposed FY 2011 gap closing plan to address the projected $188.4M deficit has been
• Spending restrictions, including the hiring freeze and quarterly apportionments, have been lifted for DCPL
and other independent agencies.
• In addition to DCPL’s previously reported cut of $852K, another $449K was cut to reflect the Council’s
passage of four furlough days for all employees (except essential public safety employees) and the
Mayor’s proposal for all employees to pay the 3% increase in Health Care Premiums.
• Thus, a total of $1.3M is reduced as follows:
– A decrease $475K and 5.7 FTEs in Library Services;
– A decrease of $394K for four Furlough Holidays;
– A decrease of $317K that represents a 20% NPS reduction in each Activity, with the exception of Facilities
Management, IT and Local book collections;
– A decrease of $60K budgeted for staff training under “O” Type Funds; and
– A decrease of $55K for savings by raising employees’ contributions to health care from 25% to 28%.

• Spending to Date - With 25.2% of the fiscal year elapsed, 24.4% of the Gross and Local personnel
services (PS) budgets and 39.3% of the Gross and 52.6% of the non-personnel services (NPS) have
been obligated.
• Potential Spending Pressures - DCPL remains concerned with its maintenance budget.
• As of January 18, 2011, the Federal stimulus budget is $4.9M, with spending at $1.4M.
• The Fourth Continuing Resolution (P.L. 111-322) was signed by the President on 12/22/10 and is set to
expire on March 4, 2011.
FY 2011 Budget Status
(YTD - as of December 31, 2010 - Gross)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 20,370,400 5,082,045 15,288,355 24.9%
12 Regular Pay- Other 2,619,756 448,466 2,171,290 17.1%
13 Additional Gross Pay 572,425 171,949 400,476 30.0%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 4,825,895 1,211,910 3,613,985 25.1%
15 Overtime 222,470 70,917 151,553 31.9%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 28,610,946 6,985,287 21,625,659 24.4%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 428,201 239,697 188,504 56.0%
30 Energy and Utilities 0 34,864 (34,864) 0.0%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 0 15,000 (15,000) 0.0%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 0 0 0 0.0%
33 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 0.0%
34 Security Services 0 0 0 0.0%
35 Occupancy 0 0 0 0.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 2,143,704 1,148,556 995,148 53.6%
41 Contractual Services & Other 1,951,936 840,628 1,111,308 43.1%
50 Subsidies and Transfers 75,000 26,852 48,148 35.8%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 6,228,741 1,950,786 4,277,955 31.3%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 10,827,582 4,256,383 6,571,199 39.3%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 39,438,528 11,241,670 28,196,858 28.5%

FY 2011 Budget Status
(YTD - as of December 31, 2010 - Local)
Cost Categories Budget Obligations Variance ($) % Oblig
Personnel Service
11 Regular Pay- Cont Full Time 20,190,769 5,064,287 15,126,482 25.1%
12 Regular Pay- Other 2,335,712 347,743 1,987,969 14.9%
13 Additional Gross Pay 572,425 171,303 401,122 29.9%
14 Fringe- Benefits- Curr Personnel 4,729,198 1,188,087 3,541,111 25.1%
15 Overtime 222,470 70,955 151,515 31.9%
Total Personnel Service (PS) 28,050,574 6,842,375 21,208,199 24.4%

Non-Personnel Service
20 Supplies and Materials 416,419 232,583 183,836 55.9%
30 Energy and Utilities 0 34,864 (34,864) 0.0%
31 Telephone, Telegraph, Telegram & Etc 0 15,000 (15,000) 0.0%
32 Rentals - Land & Structure 0 0 0 0.0%
33 Janitorial Services 0 0 0 0.0%
34 Security Services 0 0 0 0.0%
35 Occupancy 0 0 0 0.0%
40 Other Services and Charges 1,992,534 1,063,106 929,428 53.4%
41 Contractual Services & Other 898,336 629,038 269,298 70.0%
50 Subsidies and Transfers 0 0 0 0.0%
70 Equipment & Equipment Rental 3,807,853 1,766,781 2,041,072 46.4%
Total Non-Personnel Service (NPS) 7,115,142 3,741,373 3,373,769 52.6%

Grand Total: PS + NPS 35,165,716 10,583,748 24,581,968 30.1%

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