Consumer Behaviour

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Consumer Buying

Types of Buying-Decision
Difference Involvement Level
between brands High Low

Significant Complex Variety-seeking

Differences buying behavior buying behavior

Dissonance- Habitual buying
Differences reducing buying behavior

The Buyer Decision
• Five Stages:
 Need recognition
 Information search
 Evaluation of alternatives
 Purchase decision
 Postpurchase behavior
The Buyer Decision
Process Stages • Needs can be triggered
• Need recognition  Internal stimuli
• Information search  Normal needs become
• Evaluation of alternatives strong enough to drive
• Purchase decision
 External stimuli
• Postpurchase behavior  Advertisements
 Friends of friends

The Buyer Decision
Process Stages • Consumers exhibit
heightened attention or
• Need recognition actively search for
• Information search
• Evaluation of alternatives • Sources of information:
 Personal
• Purchase decision
 Commercial
• Postpurchase behavior  Public
 Experiential
• Word-of-mouth
The Buyer Decision
Process Stages • Evaluation procedure depends
on the consumer and the
buying situation.
• Need recognition
• Most buyers evaluate multiple
• Information search
attributes, each of which is
• Evaluation of alternatives weighted differently.
• Purchase decision • At the end of the evaluation
• Postpurchase behavior stage, purchase intentions are

The Buyer Decision
Process Stages • Two factors intercede
between purchase
• Need recognition intentions and the
• Information search actual decision:
• Evaluation of alternatives  Attitudes of others
• Purchase decision  Unexpected situational
• Postpurchase behavior factors

The Buyer Decision
Process Stages • Satisfaction is important:
 Delighted consumers engage
in positive word-of-mouth.
• Need recognition  Unhappy customers tell on
• Information search average 11 other people.
 It costs more to attract a new
• Evaluation of alternatives customer than it does to
• Purchase decision retain an existing customer.
• Postpurchase behavior

Factors Influencing Consumer
• Cultural
• Social
• Personal
• Psychological

Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour

• Culture:
 Basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviours
 Learned from family and important institutions
• Subulture:
 Group of people with shared value systems
 Based on common life experiences and situations
• Social Class
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour

• Social factors:
 Groups: reference, membership, and aspirational groups
 Opinion leader
 Family
 Roles and Status
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour

• Personal factors:
 Family life cycle
 Occupation
 Economic situation
 Lifestyle: activities, interests, and opinions (AIO’s)
 Personality and self-concept: brand personality

Principles of
Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour

• Psychological factors:
 Motivation: needs and motives, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
 Perception: selective attention, distortion, and retention
 Learning: drives, stimuli, cues, responses, and reinforcement
 Beliefs and attitudes

Principles of
The Buyer Decision Process

• Need recognition:
 Triggered by internal or external stimuli
 Must reach an intensity high enough to become a drive
• Information search:
 Memory (internal) search
 External search: personal, commercial, public, experiential
sources of information
 Word-of-mouth sources are most influential
The Buyer Decision Process

• Evaluation of alternatives:
 The process of evaluating information to make a decision
 Attributes and importance weights are chosen
 Alternatives compared against the criteria
• Purchase decision:
 Attitudes of others and unexpected situational factors
 May come between purchase intention and decision
The Buyer Decision Process

• Postpurchase behaviour:
 Relationship between consumer expectation and perceived

 Customer satisfaction is key to customer loyalty

Adoption of New Product Innovations
• Stages in the adoption process:
 Awareness, interest, evaluation, trial, and adoption
• Types of customers
 Innovators
 Early adopters
 Early majority
 Late majority
 Laggards

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