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• re-formulation of the basic tertiary
What is • Learner-centered, results-oriented
• Making students demonstrate that
Based they “know and are able to do”
Education? whatever the required outcomes are.
Goal of OBE…

The emphasis in an Outcome-based

Education system is on measured
outcomes rather than “inputs”
“Essence” of Outcomes-based Learning

1. What matters ultimately is not what is taught but what is Learned.

2. Teachers must set appropriate course intended learning outcomes, instead of
teaching objectives.
3. Constructive alignment : What we teach, How we teach and how we assess
ought to be aligned with the intended learning outcomes.
4. Quality of teaching is to be judged by the quality of learning
5. All approaches take a criterion-based view of assessment
How does OBE system work?

1. What the student is to learn must be clearly identified.

2. The student’s progress is based on demonstrated achievement.
3. Multiple instructional and assessment strategies need to be available to
meet the needs of each students.
4. Adequate time and assistance need to be provided so that each student can
reach their maximum potential.
Performances of these Outcomes of Student Learning reflects
3 things:

1. What the student knows

2. What the student can actually do with what he or she knows
3. Students confidence and motivation in carrying out the demonstrations
OBE’s 4 Basic Principles

1. Clarity of Focus

This means that everything teachers do must be clearly focused on what

they want their students to know, understand and be able to do.
2. Designing Down

It means that the curriculum design must start with a clear definition of the intended
outcome that students are to achieve by the end of the program.

3. High Expectations

It means that teachers should establish high, challenging standards of performance in

order to encourage to engage deeply in what they are learning.
4. Expanded Opportunities

Teachers must strive to provide expanded opportunities for all students. This principle is
based on the idea that not all learners can learn the same thing in the same way and in
the same time.

Traditional Method OBE

• Students are given grades and rankings • OBE system generally tracks and reports
compared to each other not just a single overall grade for a
• Content and performance expectations are subject but also give information about
based primarily on what was taught to several specific outcomes.
student in the past • OBE-oriented teachers think about the
• BASIC GOAL: To present knowledge and individual needs of each student and give
skills of the old generation to new opportunities for each student to achieve
generation. at a variety of levels.
Features and Beliefs of OBE
• 1. All students can learn and succeed • 4. It centers curriculum and
but not on the same day in the same assessment design around higher order
way. exit outcomes.
• 2. Schools control the conditions of • 5. It is accountable to the stakeholders,
success. learners, teachers, employers and the
• 3. It emphasizes authentic, achievable
and assessable learning • 6. It leads to change of schooling,
including the curriculum and
If we imply OBE in nursing
OBE education, our students can easily
in focus and identify what kind of
Nursing important information can help
them in their nursing profession.

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