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Olivia Wrieth
Choose Fonts that are Easy to Read

Fonts like this can take

away from the lesson itself
and confuse students
Font Size Should Be Clear and
This font size is small and hard to read.

This font size is inconsistent.

Make sure students are able to read whatever font size you choose to use,
and make sure it is consistent throughout the presentation.
Use Relevant Images

If you are teaching a lesson on Tornados, the best visuals to use would be…

This, because it is related to Not these, because they are not related to the topic and will
the topic confuse students.
Make Sure Images are Clear

These images are all blurry and may cause confusion and
distraction from the information.
Don’t Overcrowd the Slide with Pictures
Be Mindful of Length
When presenting a topic to an • Put useful information
ELL student, it is not into short bullet points
effective to group information
into long paragraphs. This can • Do not crowd the slides
be overwhelming for students. with words
Instead, an effective way to
present the information is to • Add relevant visuals to
limit what is put on a slide go along with the words
into short bullet points. This
is clear and to the point and
will not overwhelm students.
Use Charts and Graphs
Use Maps
Use Simple Backgrounds

This background is extremely distracting and will

take away from the information in the slide.

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