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Name of group :
1. Delfi Wahyuni
2. Nurul Syafika
3. Yoga Pratama
Class : 1A Sanitation

• A. Definition
The degree of comparison is comparing the quality of the
trait (adjectives) or quality of work (adverb) of two or more
• Teori perbandingan yang biasanya membandingkan kualitas
sifat atau kualitas pekerjaan dari dua pelaku atau lebih.
Example : -You are samrter than syila
( Kamu lebih pintar daripada syila )
- Lola was taller than Bobby
(Lola lebih tinggi daripada Bobby)
• B. Type Degree of Comparison
• Degree of Comparison in english are divided into 3 types
of levels :
• 1. Positive is comparing two or more people or something
that has the same quality of work or characteristics.
*membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang
mempunyai kualitas kerja atau sifat yang sama.
• FORMULA : S + V + as adjectives/adverb as + O
• Example : - Yoga’s voive as good as Fikri
(Suara yoga sama bagusnya dengan Fikri)
- Delfi drive bicycle as fast as her sister
(Delfi mengendarai sepeda sama cepat dengan kakaknya)
• 2. Comparative is comparing two or more people or things
that have different quality of work or characteristic, one of
which is more the the other.
*membandingkan dua atau lebih orang atau sesuatu yang mempunyai
kualitas kerja atau sifat yang tidak sama, dimana salah satunya lebih
jika dibanding yang lainnya.
S + V + adjectives/adverb-er OR more adjectives/adverb + than + O

Example : - The red house is bigger than the grey house.

(Rumah merah lebih besar daripada rumah abu-abu)
- This chair is beautiful than the more chair.
(Kursi ini cantik daripada kursi lainnya)
• 3. Superlative is to comparing someone or something with a
• *untuk membandingkan seseorang atau sesuatu dengan grup atau

• FORMULA : S + V + the + adjectives/adverb-est or most

adjective/adverb (+O in/of O)

• Example : - He is the most diligent guy in my school.

( Dia adalah pria yang paling pintar disekolahku)
- Yola is the richest among her friends.
(Yola adalah yang paling kaya diantara temannya)
Irregular Degree Of Comparison
Irregular comparison rate in terms of comparison, there are
some exceptions where the adjectives or adverb changes instead of
using –er/est and more/most. That is, the changes are not based on
the number of syllables in the word.
Ada beberapa pengecualian dimana kata sifat atau keterangan
berubah sepenuhnya alih-alih menggunakan –er/est dan more/most.
Artinya, perubahannya tidak berdasarkan pada jumlah suku kata pada
kata tersebut.
Here are some of the most common forms :
Positive Comparative Superlative
Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Far Farther/Further Farthest/Furthest
Little Less Least
Regular changes to adjectives.
Adjective dengan satu atau dua suku kata

Positive Comparative Superlative

cheap (murah) cheaper cheapest

clean (bersih) cleaner cleanest

clever (pintar) cleverer cleverest

fast (cepat) faster fastest

Adjective dengan perubahan double konsonan

Positive Comparative Superlative
big (besar) bigger biggest
hot (panas) hotter hottest
sad (sedih) sadder saddest
Adjective lebih dari satu atau dua suku kata
Positive Comparative Superlative
beautiful (cantik) more beautiful most beautiful
boring (bosan) more boring most boring
careful (hati-hati) more careful most careful

Example sentence degree of comparison with changes in adjective

regularrly :
1.Your house is big. (Positive)
My house is bigger than yours. (Comparative)
Nina’s house is the biggest one among all. (Superlative)
2.Hani, Susan and I are smart. (Positive)
Hani is smarter than me. (Comparative)
Susan is the smartest student in the class. (Superlative)
3.Andi, Susi and Wika was happy. (Positive)
Andi was as happy as Susi. (Positive)
Wika was happier than Susi and Andi. (Comparative)

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