Lesson 10: Truth As A Liberating Power: Prepared By: Mr. Esmhel B. Briones

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Lesson 10:

Truth As A Liberating Power

Prepared by:
Mr. Esmhel B. Briones
Lesson 9: Truth as a Liberating Power
Life’s Truth
“I am the light the light of the world; no follower of mine
shall ever walk in darkness; no , he shall possess the light
of life. If you live according to my teaching, you are truly
my disciples; then you will know the truth, and the truth
will set you free” (Jn. 8:12, 31b-32).
Lesson 9: Truth as a Liberating Power
Truth as Liberating
Truth liberating us in many different ways.
First, truth free us from doubts.
Second, truth frees us from irrational fear especially
fears of uncertainties.
Third, truth frees us from illusions.
Lastly, truth frees us from sin.
Lesson 9: Truth as a Liberating Power
Truth, a Gift and a Task
 Christ says: “if you remain in my word you are truly my disciples
and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (Jn.
 “if you keep my commandments you will live in my love… you are
my friends if you do what I command you” (Jn. 15:10-14).
 “The liberating power of truth intensifies the universal need to seek
the truth, and brings out more sharply its intrinsic social
dimension. The inescapable human need for truth is grounded on
the dignity of every man and woman” (CFC, 1230).
Lesson 9: Truth as a Liberating Power
Truth, a Gift and a Task
As disciples of Christ, we have to give a faithful account on
what we have experienced:
This is what we proclaimed to you:
What we have heard, what we have seen in your eyes, what we
have looked upon, and our hands have touched…
-the Word of Life-we have seen and bear witness to it,
And we proclaim to you the eternal life that was present to the
Father and became visible to us.
What we have seen and heard, we proclaim in turn to you,
So that you may share life with us.
This fellowship of ours is with the Father
And with His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Jn. 1:1-3).
Lesson 9: Truth as a Liberating Power
Life Response: Truth is a both gift and a task.
1. Reflect over the beliefs.
2. What you saw is what you reap.
3. Choose what you are reading.
4. Avoid engaging in gossips and back fighting.
5. Honor and obey you parents.
6. Share what you have.
7. Pray for the spirit of truth.
End of Lesson

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