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Lesson 10:

Offense Against Truth

Prepared by:
Mr. Esmhel B. Briones
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Truthfulness in Thoughts, Words, and Deeds
“faith without works is dead” (Jas. 2:26)
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
In Telling the Truth
“Catechism for Filipino Catholics no. 1241” explains
when to speak and reveal the truth.
First, truth is a value in itself.
Second, we owe the truth to those who have the right
to know, but not everyone has the right to know
everything we know.
Third, the common good can demand at times for
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
 “lying is the most direct offense against the truth. To lie is to
speak or act against the truth in order to lead someone in
error. By injuring man’s relation to truth and to his neighbor,
a lie offend against the fundamental relation of man and of
his word to the Lord” (CCC, 2482).
 It consist in “affirming as true what we know to be false, or
denying as true what we know to be true” (“Catholic
Morality,” by Fr. John Laux). It is “the intentional
misrepresentation of the truth by word, gesture, or even
silence” (CFC, 1233).
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
The problem about lying is that it can seriously harm:
1) The integrity and reputation of the person lied about;
2) Those hearing thee lie who are thereby led into error;
3) The peace and harmony of the community; and
finally, 4) The genuine good of the person who lied (cf.
CFC, 1236).
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
Lies according to kinds, motivations, and situations
1. White lies of boasting (pasiklab)
2. Escapist lying (palusot), or saving face
3. Careless lying (sabi-sabi), or simple flattery (bola)
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
Other serious lies are:
1. Lies told from malice
2. Lies of propaganda or for profit
3. Lies of hypocrisy or of half-truths
4. Contrive flatter of others
5. Silence (pa-simple)
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
The lies that are directly against our neighbor are:
1. Contumely
2. Detraction
3. Calumny or slander
4. Tale bearing
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
Daniel L. Lowery distinguished secrets:
• Natural Secret
• Promised Secret
• Entrusted Secret
• Confessional Secret
• Seal of Confession
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth
Lying: Nature and Effects
A secret maybe revealed:
1. To avoid or prevent serious harm from the one who
keeps the truth and to other innocent individuals;
2. To protect the community form possible danger.
Lesson 10: Offense Against Truth

Life Response: How can you avoid the offenses against

the truth?
1. Practice honestly.
2. Be thankful for who you are and what you have.
3. Have courage.
4. Value your reputation.
5. Pray for the virtue of truthfulness.
End of Lesson

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