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Didik Setiyo W.

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Usage and stage:
To describe the stage of identifying the factor which
may affects the result
To describe the designing of the experiment, so that
the effects of uncontrolled factor are minimized
To describe the statistical analysis to sparate the
effecct of various factor involved

The factor: any aspect of the experimental condition

which affects the value obtained from an experiment
(controlled and uncontrolled factor)

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

 Ex. sample
Anova take one

with 3 diff.
assumptions: uncontrolled treatments, 4
variation is random (in replicates
single run measurement)
Measurement over a
period of time result in (01 02 03 04)
uncontrolled variation B
may produce a trend in the (05 06 07 08)
result (no longer random, C
succesive randoms are (09 10 11 12)

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Complete randomization fails to take advantage of any natural
subdivisions in the exp. material.
Day 1 A C A No info. if the diff. between A
Day 2 A C A and B is genuine or was
caused by the effect of diff.
Day 3 C B B
pair of day
Day 4 B C B
Alternative: each treatment in a day
Day 1 A C B A group which contain one
measurement for each treatment is
Day 2 A B C
known as a block (and the design:
Day 3 C B A randomized block design
Day 4 B A B

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

General form of table for two-way ANOVA
of N measurements devided between c treatment level
and r bloks (N = cr)

1 2 ... j ... c Row total

Block 1 x11 x12 ... x1j ... x1c T1
Block 2 X21 x22 ... x2j ... x2c T2
.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Block i xi1 xi2 ... xij ... xic Ti
.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Block r xr1 xr2 ... xrj ... Xrc Tr
Column Total T.1 T.2 ... T.j ... T.C T = grand total

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Formulae for Two-Way ANOVA
Source of Variation Sum or Square Degree of Freedom

Between treatment j T.2/r - T2/N c-1

Between block  iTi.2/r - T2/N r- 1
Residual By substraction By substraction
Total  ij xij2/N - T2/N N-1

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Each treatment appears once in each row and once in each
Separate the variation into between-treatment, between day,
between-time-of-day, and random error
Day 1 A B C
Day 2 C A B
Day 3 B C A
same number of blocks and treatment
If the design is more than 3 x 3, there is more than one design that
one must be choosen randomly
Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University
Nested and Cross-Classified Design

1 2 3


Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Asumsion on Two-Way ANOVA: effect of the two
factor is additive
The two-way ANOVA will valid if fulfill the condition
Random error is the same for all combination of the
level of the factor
Random error are approx. Normally distributed

Level of A
a1 a2
b1 Y1 y2
Level of B
b2 y3 y4

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Free of random error
y2 – y1 equal to y4 – y3 (additive)
If there are not additive, there is interaction between A
and B

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

Factorial vs One-at-a-time design
Detect and estimate any interaction
If the factor effect are additive, factorial design need
fewer experiments to give same precision
Factorial Design

Dept. of Chemistry Diponegoro University

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