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Characteristics of

Ten basic Characteristcs

• Since the concept emerged, world isn’t same.

• Most debated aswell as most blamed phenomena as well.
• Globalization is actually blamed for everything it tried to
• 10 basic characteristics.
• 1.not a new concept
• 2. basically a mindset.
• 3.An opportunity
• 4.interdependence
• 5.caring and sharing
• in service of man
• 7.inevitable and irreversible
• 8.Linked politics with Economics
• 9.Raised standards of living
• 10.demands and respect Excellence

• 1. Economic Globalization
• 2.Social and cultural Globalization
• 3.Technological Globalization
• 4.Other forms
Dating Globalization

• Interaction and connection across societies have existed long ago.

• Connections are economic, political,cultural,social.
• Trade has connected areas.
• Interaction created more connections due to migration and
exchange of ideas.
• Despite the spread and blending societies were more independent
than interdependent.
• Economic and political actors were not free.
• Even nat the end of 20th century, when trade and travel was high,
impacts of society on one another were limited.

• Theorist view globalization in 2 perspectives.

• some view it as inter societal connections while other see it as
extension of capitalism.
• Robertson divided globalization into 5 phases.
• Despite depiction of globalizations ad centuries long process,
theorists recognize modern period as distinctive phase because of
new trends.
• Economic globalization has surpassed all prior waves.
• Globalization is unique reorganization of social life.
• Giddens says globalization has created world of options along

• Castells declared globalization as network society.

• Many globalist see it as continuity of modernity brought by
enlightment, rationalization and industrialization.
• Others argue that it has undermined modernity. They were of the
point of view that before 1960s modernity eans harmony of
institutions . All supported each other.
• 1960s is considered beginning or transformation of globalization.

• Germinal phase:1400s-1700s
• Incipient phase: Mid 1700s-1870
• Takeoff phase: 1870s-1920s
• Struggle for hegemony:1920s-1960s
• Uncertainty phase:late 1960s-2000
• Millennial phase:2000 till now

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