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Course Code : Math-3101

Course Title :
Engineering Mathematics-IV (Solid
Geometry, Fourier Analysis and Statistics)
Course Content
Frequency distributions, Mean, median, mode
and other measures of central tendency,
Standard deviation and other measures of
dispersion, Moments, Skewness and kurtosis,
Elementary probability theory and discontinuous
probability distributions, e.g. binomial, Poisson
and negative binomials, Continuous probability
distributions, Elementary sampling theory,
Estimation, Hypothesis testing, correlation and
regression analysis.
Reference Books :
1. An Introduction to Statistics and Probability
( 4th revised edition).
Author: M. Nurul Islam.
2. Fundamentals of Mathematical
Statistics(12th thoroughly revised edition).
Authors: S.C. Gupta and V.K. Kapoor.
3. Schaums outline of Theory and Problems of
Probability and Statistics
Md. Mashud Parvez
Assistant Professor
B.Sc.(Hon’s), MS in Applied Mathematics(DU)
M.Phil.(on study), BUET
Statistics is concerned with scientific
methods for collecting, organizing,
summarizing, presenting, and analyzing
sample data from a specified population
of interest as well as drawing valid
conclusions, and making inferences
about the population characteristics and
finally reaching a reasonable decision.
Frequency Distribution
A frequency distribution is a set of
mutually exclusive classes or
categories together with the
frequency of occurrence of items,
values or observations in each class
or category in a given set of data,
presented usually in a tabular form.
Problem 1:
Construct a frequency distribution
from the following data containing
six equal groups with equal size of
class interval:
54, 57, 49, 45, 53, 46, 55, 50, 59, 63,
60, 57, 64, 66, 49, 56, 65, 62, 54, 48,
66, 78, 69, 80, 72, 68, 57, 68, 75,68.
Solution :  

Here, Total data = 30,

Largest data = 80, Smallest data = 45
Range = Largest data – Smallest data =
80 – 45 = 35
Class interval = = = 5.833 6
Frequency Distribution Table

Class Interval Tally Frequency, Class Mid- Cumulative Relative

value, Frequency, Frequency

45-51 IIII I 6 48 6 20
51-57 IIII 5 54 11 50/3
57-63 IIII I 6 60 17 20
63-69 IIII III 8 66 25 80/3
69-75 II 2 72 27 20/3
75-81 III 3 78 30 10
Exclusive Method :
49-54, 54-59, 59-64 etc.

Inclusive Method :
49-53, 54-58, 59- 63 etc.
Problem 2 :
Prepare a frequency distribution from
the following data with suitable class
interval :
45, 30, 19, 7, 33, 28, 15, 9, 11, 21, 16,
19, 24, 33, 35, 27, 18, 14, 22, 17, 26,
38, 17, 22, 17, 23, 16, 15, 19, 40.
Solution :  
Here, Total data, N = 30,
Largest data = 45, Smallest data = 7
Range = Largest data – Smallest data
= 45 – 7 = 38
Using Sturges formula,
No. of classes, k = 1 + 3.322 log N
= 1+ 3.322 log 30 = 5.906594
∴ Class interval = = = 6.33 ≈ 7
Frequency Distribution Table
Class Tally Frequency Class Cumulative Relative
Interval , Mid- Frequency, Frequency

5-12 III 3 8.5 3 10

12-19 IIII IIII 9 15.5 12 30

19-26 IIII III 8 22.5 20 80/3

26-33 IIII 4 29.5 24 40/3

33-40 IIII 4 36.5 28 40/3

40-47 II 2 43.5 30 20/3

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