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Group 8
Analyze the data
• The researcher finally has data to analyze so that
the research question can be answered. The
researcher now analyzes the data according to the
plan. The results of this analysis are then reviewed
and summarized in a manner directly related to the
research questions. In the obesity study, the
researcher compares the measurements of weight,
percentage of body fat, and cholesterol that were
taken at the first meeting of the subjects to the
measurements of the same variables at the final
program session.
Analyze the data
These two sets of data will be analyzed to determine
if there was a difference between the first
measurement and the second measurement for each
individual in the program. Then, the data will be
analyzed to determine if the differences are
statistically significant. If the differences are
statistically significant, the study validates the
theory that was the focus of the study. The results of
the study also provide valuable information about
one strategy to combat childhood obesity in the
Analyze the data
• Asyou have probably concluded, conducting
studies using the eight steps of the scientific
research process requires you to dedicate time
and effort to the planning process. You cannot
conduct a study using the scientific research
process when time is limited or the study is
done at the last minute. Researchers who do
this conduct studies that result in either false
conclusions or conclusions that are not of any
value to the organization.
Why do I have to analyze data?
• The purpose of analyzing data is to obtain usable
and useful information. The analysis, regardless of
whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, may:
describe and summarize the data.
identify relationships between variables.
compare variables. 
identify the difference between variables.
forecast outcomes. 
What is data analysis?
•Data analysis is the process of scanning, examining and
interpreting data available in tabulated form. The purpose
of data analysis is to understand the nature of the data
and reach a conclusion. Data analysis actually provides
answers to the research questions or research problems
that you have formulated. Without data analysis you
cannot draw any conclusion. Data organization alone
cannot help you in drawing conclusions but data analysis
helps you in this regard. After analyzing data you get an
organized and well examined form of data that can help
you know whether your hypothesis got accepted or
How to analyze data?
• There is not a single hard and fast rule for
data analysis but you need to look at your data
and decide on the method of data analysis.
There are some basic tips you need to follow to
analyze data in research papers and
Data analysis in research
• Research analysis is one of the main steps of the
research process, it is by far the most important
steps of the research. How to analyze the data is an
important question that every researcher asks. The
researcher collects the data using one of the
qualitative or quantitative methods of data
collection. Data analysis highly depends on whether
the data is a qualitative data or a quantitative data.
Data organization
• Organize your data before scanning,
examining or interpreting it. Data
organization is necessary because you cannot
analyze haphazard data. You can arrange and
organize data in tables or groups. This is
easier to do if your data is quantitative on the
other hand qualitative data is difficult to

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