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Csilla Evelin Karolyi
Risty Khoirunisa

Vegetation Analysis & Evaluation

Introduction WSUD Definition

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an approach to

urban planning and design that integrates the management
of the total water cycle into the urban development

WSUD also provides the opportunity to achieve multiple

benefits though sustainable urban water management (South
Eastern Council, 2013).
Introduction Why WSUD?

Increased urban development

Increased Impervious surfaces in catchments

Increased velocity and amount of water from run-off as well as pollutants in the stream

Increased problems such as erosion, flooding, biodiversity and ecological damage thus
impacting the river health

WSUD created to control flows and filter stormwater to remove pollutants

Contribute to multiple benefit such as enhancing liveability

Presentation Structure




Part 1: WSUD Principles

1. Protect/enhance natural water systems

2. Integrate structures into landscape – aesthetic
3. Improve drainage system
4. Reduce runoff
5. Minimise drainage infrastructure costs
Part 1: Aims of WSUD
◦ Urban cycle management – urban planning
◦ Reduce size of drainage system
◦ Aesthetic & recreational purposes
◦ Drainage should mimic natural processes
◦ Reduce impact on water cycle
◦ Treat pollution
◦ Construct around existing structures
Part 1: What Influences The Type of WSUD

◦ Development type and size

◦ Existing waterways dividing the land

Main aim: to minimise changes to existing landscape

Part 1: Urban Water Management Projects
Changes over time

◦ Then: main aim was to avoid flood damage

◦ Now: integrate urban water streams into urban design – ecologists, architects,
planners and social scientists
Trees and Sustainable Water
Part 2:

◦ Traditional: grey infrastructure was constructed to relieve stormwater

◦ Grey infrastructure types: separate (stormwater and household wastewater in different channels and
drainage systems) or combined (both in the same drainage system) – most problems (Cincinnati,

◦ Now: grey infrastructure is upgraded, and green infrastructure is introduced

Part 2: Urban Water Cycle
◦ Inputs (precipitation) and outputs (runoff)

◦ Normal water cycle: precipitation infiltrates into soil

◦ Urban water cycle: precipitation cannot infiltrate into soil if impermeable materials cover the surface
(pavement, road)

◦ Green infrastructure in cities allows precipitation to infiltrate into the soil

◦ If water does not infiltrate into the soil but exists as runoff, it might contribute to the flooding of
nearby channels, water bodies, or drainage systems
Part 2: Problem With Excess Runoff
◦ Pollution
◦ Flooding
◦ Small drainage capacity
◦ Increased water level in rivers

*runoff is reduced via biofilters (soil cover and vegetation or other permeable
*soil cover (allows infiltration) is not enough by itself because it can raise the
water table and cause flooding

◦ Stormwater management
◦ Retaining water
◦ Decreasing water discharge
◦ Decentralised green structures allows runoff to be distributed
Part 2: Trees In Urban Water Cycle
◦ All vegetation absorbs vegetation and loses it via transpiration
◦ Bushes/grass: smaller rate of transpiration
◦ Trees: lose a significant water via transpiration

◦ How precipitation leaves surfaces:

◦ Pavement: runoff into drainage system and water bodies
◦ Soil and vegetation: evapotranspiration
Part 2: Water Storage
Water that is ‘trapped’ by the tree canopy:
◦ Stemflow: runs down the branches and stem
◦ Throughfall: precipitation falls on leaves (evaporates or falls to the ground)

*this water infiltrates into the soil and is later taken up by the vegetation
*excess stormwater can be stored by vegetation until transpiration
Part 3: Assessing The Role of Trees

Part 3: Tree Condition Index
◦ Summing up the ratings of:
◦ Opacity (% of light blocked by live crown)
◦ Vitality
◦ Quality
◦ Twig growth

◦ Different tree species have different tree condition index values

◦ E.g. Acer species (maple) has highest tree condition index
Part 3: Species
◦ Diameter Growth Rate (Same Everywhere For The Same Species)
◦ Rate Of Transpiration Is Higher For Some Species When Used In Bioswales – Some Species
Lose More Water In Urban Climates

*Each Species Acts Differently As A Biofilter – Species Should Be Specially Selected For The
Area In Which It
Part 3: Measurements
1. Water cycle in two areas are examined: 1) parking lot with no biofilters (pavement) and 2) with decentralised green
2. Total water inputs and outputs are measured and recorded. Input is total precipitation. Outputs from paved surfaces are
runoff, and volume of water increase in the local drainage system. Outputs in bioswales (in drainage systems,
infiltration, evaporation).
3. Measure the difference between inputs and outputs. There is more excess water (runoff) in the hydrological system of an
area with an impermeable surface. There is more water retained in the soil in bioswales.
4. Runoff is significantly higher on paved surfaces, and the drainage system usually contains more water near paved surfaces.
Result: soil moisture content is higher in bioswales, this is absorbed by the trees and is lost via transpiration
Part 3: Results and Conclusion
◦ Urban hydrological cycles are disrupted by impermeable surfaces that reduce infiltration rates.
◦ Where the drainage system cannot alone cope with the runoff, it is ideal to introduce a biofilter
that retains water.
◦ Different species are suited to different urban climates.
◦ If the soil is too waterlogged, it is ideal to use a tree whose transpiration rate is higher.
◦ Green infrastructure should be decentralised, to facilitate the maximum rates of infiltration and
The Roles of Trees in Settlement or
Part 4:
Urban Environment

Trees serve as green infrastructure In urban Incorporating trees into urban landscapes Planting trees in structural soils, can allow
systems where runoff volume is challenging can substantially reduce stormwater runoff greater rooting volume and infiltration
to manage by routing rainfall to various and provide stormwater control by capacity under paved urban surfaces
components of the hydrologic cycle improving infiltration
Part 4: Urban Tree Challenge

Water stress
Environmental conditions Inadequate soil volume
Severe weather

Improper pruning techniques

Human Activities Vandalism
Root disturbance during construction

Primary threat to urban trees

Invasive pests and pathogens Example: the emerald ash borer outbreak in North
Some Researches Related to Urban
Part 4:
Tree (1)
Scharenbroch et al (2016) found that trees in Research was conducted in the Morton Arboretum’s
bioswales accounted for 46 to 72 % of total water main parking lot, one of the first and largest green
outputs via transpiration, thereby reducing runoff infrastructure in the midwestern United States with 7
and discharge from the parking lot. different species as indicators.

Research found that not all species are equally Species with high stomatal conductance and large
suited for bioswales and that not all are equivalent in mature form are likely to contribute best to bioswale
their transpiration and growth rates. function.
Overall mean diameter growth rate was significantly (P = 0.0095) greater for trees The stomatal conductance differs among species, regardless of whether
planted in bioswales (Scharenbroch et al, 2016) trees were inside or outside the bioswale

Tree condition index (i.e., the sum of scores for vitality, quality, opacity, and twig Soil moisture and organic matter were significantly greater in the non-
growth) did not differ among trees planted in bioswale or null planting locations. swale environments
Some Researches Related to Urban
Part 4:
Tree (2)
Research has shown that trees can play a substantial role in
reducing stormwater runoff via canopy interception loss,
transpiration, facilitating infiltration, and by coupling trees
with other green infrastructure technologies such as
bioswales and structural soils (Berland et al, 2017).
There has been a tremendous commitment to tree
planting in cities across the US and beyond. For
example, New York City, Los Angeles, and
Researchers have noted good health among trees integrated
into infiltration-based green infrastructure systems (Denman et
al., 2016; Scharenbroch et al., 2016), so trees may survive
longer and grow larger in these settings compared to more
stressful urban sites like tree pits along streets.
Part 5: Some Example(s) of WSUD Measures
Rainwater tanks to reuse Distributed raingardens to
Green roofs to reduce runoff
water, e.g. irrigation, vehicle Permeable paving to reduce improve stormwater quality
volume and provide thermal
washing, toilet flushing, and runoff volumes and smooth peak discharge
smooth peak discharge flow flow

Street trees to increase

Wetlands to provide amenity, Carbon and sand filters to
Green walls to slow runoff permeability and provide
detention, stormwater treat runoff where space is
and smooth peak discharge shade, wind shelter, amenity
treatment and biodiversity. limited
and habitat.

Retention and detention

Vegetated swales to intercept Vegetation cover to reduce Centralised raingardens or
ponds to attenuate, store
and slow runoff and allow runoff and enhance wetlands integrated into
runoff, smooth peak flows,
infiltration infiltration public open space.
and provide habitat
Part 5: Example : Bioretention Swale

Bioretention swales are bioretention

systems that are located within the base of a

Swales can be used as an alternative to a

conventional pipe system, resulting in
construction cost reductions. Bioretention swales are often well suited to highly urbanised areas such as
commercial precincts or car parks.
Part 5: Example : Bioretention Basin/ Raingardens

Bioretention basins and rain gardens treat stormwater

Raingarden tree pit
by passing runoff through prescribed filter media
(commonly vegetated).
They can be positioned at regular intervals along streets to entry
into an underground drainage system or be located at drainage
system outfalls to provide treatment for larger areas.
Part 5: Example : Vegetated Swale
Vegetated swales convey stormwater and provide removal of coarse and medium sediment

Vegetated swales are similar to bioretention swales, but are less effective in removing nitrogen
from the stormwater, as they do not feature the filtering component and convey water on the
surface only.
Part 5: Example : Constructed Wetland

Constructed wetland systems are shallow, extensively vegetated water bodies that remove
pollutants through enhanced sedimentation, fine filtration and pollutant uptake processes.

Wetlands are well suited to treat large volumes of stormwater runoff and have the advantage of
improving local amenity and providing habitat diversity.
Another Example : WSUD Wellington
Part 5:
City, New Zealand (1)
Another Example : WSUD Wellington
Part 5:
City, New Zealand (2)
Example of an Overall WSUD Strategy for a Typical Suburban Schematic of a WSUD Multi-unit Layout Utilising Groundwater Recharge and
Dwelling Stormwater Reuse
Diagram of Water Sensitive Residential Streetscape Showing Bioretention Swale Street Vehicle Parking Area Layout Example Incorporating
Drainage WSUD Measures
Industrial or Commercial Site Layout Example Incorporating WSUD Public Open Space differences between Conventional Urban Layout
Measures and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Urban Layout
1. South Eastern Councils. (2013). Water Sensitive Urban Design Guidelines. Melbourne Water, State Government of Victoria,
2. Fletcher, T. D., Shuster, W., Hunt, W. F., Ashley, R., Butler, D., Arthur, S., Trowsdale, S., Barraud, S., Semadeni-Davies, A., Bertrand-
Krajewski, J.-L., Mikkelsen, P. S., Rivard, G., Uhl, M., Dagenais, D., & Viklander, M. (2015). SUDS, LID, BMPs, WSUD and more
– The evolution and application of terminology surrounding urban drainage. Urban Water Journal, 12(7), 525–542.
3. Scharenbroch, B. C., Morgenroth, J., & Maule, B. (2016). Tree Species Suitability to Bioswales and Impact on the Urban Water
Budget. Journal of Environmental Quality, 45(1), 199–206.
4. Berland, A., Shiflett, S. A., Shuster, W. D., Garmestani, A. S., Goddard, H. C., Herrmann, D. L., & Hopton, M. E. (2017). The role of
trees in urban stormwater management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 162, 167–177.
Thank You For Kind Attention
Csilla & Risty

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