Strange Customs Around The World: Sara Galeano Rojas

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strange customs

around the
Sara Galeano Rojas
Eat the ashes of the dead

In the Yanomami tribe, from Brazil and Venezuela, people

usually eat the ashes of the dead. They do it because they
believe that this will save the person's soul, and all family
members participate by eating a part.

The Masai tradition of spitting

The Masai, a tribe of Africa, have a celebration where they

spit their acquaintances. In addition, they spit out their
hands to greet the elders of the tribe and also salivate
over the children, to give them a good future.


This festival in Spain consists of throwing

tomatoes all over the place in absolute chaos. In
any other place in the world, this would be
considered totally strange, but for Spaniards it is
a tradition that cannot be missed

The Groundhog Day

Every February 2, the people of Pennsylvania gather to observe Phil, a groundhog. If its
shadow is seen because there is sun, then there will be six more weeks of winter, if it is not

seen, then spring will come early.

Giraffe women

In the Kayan tribe, Thailand, women put rings on their

neck to lengthen it more and more. This type of
appearance is considered beautiful and elegant,
something that many fail to understand.


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