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Healthy organization
Happy employees in the organization always make
the organization healthy…..
Are successful organizations always healthy?

Dedicated people
How to develop healthy organization??
Responsiveness to


Cost effectiveness Innovation Speed of response

Reasons for organizations being unhealthy

1. Faulty strategy
2. Poor organizational design
3. Unclear link of vision and mission to strategy
4. Company culture
5. Quality of employees
For determining the number of hierarchy of your organization, size
of the job or value of the job ….which one will be of primary focus?
7 intelligences: Verbal, visual, auditory, kinaesthetic,
musical, interpersonal and intra-personal
Decision-making accountability(DMA) set –
genetic code
Some basics

• Decision
• Considered act in response to a demand to progress or solve a problem

• Accountability
1. Answerable to higher authority
2. Statement of personal promise
3. If for results, only activity is not enough
4. For employees, it is commitment and adherence
5. For managers, additionally setting expectations of delivery and resources /
at 2 levels: to the top and to the bottom
6. Managerial accountability: managers decide who comes in their team
Healthy means appropriate or optimal number of layers or levels and the quality of decision making at every level, each
level having a differential decision making accountability that the other. Hence an accountability for a superior will be
different than accountability of a subordinate
Healthy organization also needs healthy people – physically and mentally.
Critical success
Mission & Vision Strategies Values


Three fundamental principles

1. At every hierarchical strata, decisions have to be taken for

objective satisfaction, with the constraint of environment and
2. Balance or ‘burden’ of accountability can be measured by
identifying which task takes the most time
3. Each accountability level above the first requires one and only one
layer of management.

Role of the boss and the subordinate have

to be vastly different and specific
Working of DMA solution set

1. Identify type and level of work to be carried out

2. Identify number of layers to add value to decision making
3. Provide insight into the development and growth of individuals
4. Establish how people should be paid by linking levels of work
(operational-strategic) / responsibility to national or industry market
5. 7 critical elements for linking accountability and organizational
health: expected work, resources, problem solving, change, lateral
teams, environment, time horizon
6. Deciding which will be line and support jobs
Works and their levels

• Line and support

• Operational vs strategic vs governance
• Levels of work (1-6) (n-1 or n-2 in terms of DMA): n = strata or level
Is there a difference between accountable and
responsible? ?

RACI = responsible, accountable,

Extrinsic versus intrinsic
consulted, informed
The salmon fallacy!!!!!!

Tracking the salmon…..

Broad-banding – fool’s gold

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