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Acute appendicitis: imaging

findings and current

approach to diagnostic
• Acute appendicitis is the most common cause
of acute abdominal pain which requires
• the negative appendectomy rates decreased
significantly after the introduction of sectional
images such as Computed Tomography (CT),
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and
Ultrasonography (U.S.)
• Measures between 3-20 cm and has a
transverse diameter of less than 6 mm.
• It originates in the posteromedial wall of the
cecum, 2-3 cm inferior to the ileocecal valve
• Variasi anatomy appendix
• Obstruksi  akumulasi cairan di lumen
appendix  proliferasi bakteri  inflamasi
dinding dan jaringan sekitar  ↑ tek
endolumen  iskemia gangren -- perforasi
Gejala Klinis
• Typical (alvarado scale) & atipycal
Imaging diagnostic
Foto Polos Abdomen
• non-specific in 68% of cases, and a sensitivity
• the main usefulness  rule out perforation
and intestinal obstruction
• Normal :
– Struktur tubuler dan memanjang
– Potongan transversal : diameter < 6mm
– Kompresi : bentuk oval
– Sifat : compresible, mobile, tanpa disertai
perubahan ekogenitas jaringan sekitar
Appendicitis akut
• Diameter cross-sec >6mm (98%)
• Non compresibel appendix
• Perubahan ekogenitas lemak periappendicular
• Peningkatan vaskularisasi (87%)
• Appendicolith (30%)  ↑ perforasi
• Tanda perforasi :
– Fluid collection di periappendicular
– Dinding irreguler
– Appendicolith ekstralumen
CT Scan
• CT Abdomen : potongan dibuat dari cupola
diafragma s/d simfisis pubis

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