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Suppose you’ve been given Rs 2000 and

have to choose between two options:

A. Return Rs 500 immediately and keep
the remaining amount.
B. Flip a coin and return Rs.0 if heads
comes or return Rs.1000 if tails comes
and keep remaining amount.
A shirt manufacturer wants to make that
size of the shirt which is in most demand.
He conducts a survey and found that 40
respondent told 38 size while 60 told 42
size. Based on this information he
manufactured size 40 shirts!
Vimal is a real estate agent . He knows last
year prices of houses that were sold in his
area . The list of prices are given below:
• Rs. 750,000
• Rs. 755,000
• Rs. 780,000
• Rs. 730,000
• Rs. 700,000
• Rs. 800,000
• Rs. 1500,000
• Rs. 790,000

A customer asked Vimal about the prevailing

price of the houses in that area.
A man was to cross a water. He know the
average depth of the river is 4 feet. Since he
was 6 feet tall, so he was very confident.
Hence, he decided to cross the river. What
happened –he drowned.
Ms. Jyoti and Mr. Anuj are two eligible
candidates for the position of chief
Manager (HR) of Xennon Ltd. Their overall
performance rating for the last five years
are summarized below. Who is more
Year Jyoti Anuj
2008 58 81
2009 80 82
2010 90 79
2011 64 78
2012 85 81
• The operations manager of a plant that
manufactures tyres wants to compare the actual
inner diameters of two grades of tyres, each of
which expected to be 575 mm. A sample of five
tyres of each grade was selected and the results
representing the inner diameter of the tyres,
ranked from smallest to largest are as under.
Grade 1 568 570 575 578 584
Grade 2 573 574 575 577 578
Which grade of tyre is providing better quality?
QAM-1 (Dr. Rashmi Pant, 2009)
• Which organization has more uniform wages?

  Organization A Organization B
Number of employees 100 200
Average wage
per employee (Rs) 5000 8000
Variance of wages per
employee 6000 10000
• A company XYL Enterprises has 10 retail
outlets , the sales figure for the last week (in
thousand of Rs) are as follows. The marketing
director want the average weekly sales
amount for some planning purpose, so he is
considering to take last week sales figure.
Comment on the average sale.
90 85 15 5 90 100 10 15
95 5

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