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Health- related

Fitness Tests for
Family Wellness
Physical Fitness
- the state of being
physically fit.
- Physical Fitness a general
state of good health, usually
as a result of exercise and
HRFC - Health Related
Fitness Components
- Fitness Components
that are prescribed to
improve individual’s
1. Cardiovascular
- is the ability of the
circulatory system (heart
and blood vessels) to
supply oxygen to working
2. Flexibility – it is the
ability of the joints to
move through its full
range of motion.
3.Muscular Endurance – it is the
ability of the muscle group to
maintain a continuous contraction
or repetition over a period of time.
4. Muscular Strength – it is the
ability of the muscle to exert or
produce force.
5. Body
Endurance – refers to
proportion of lean body
mass to fat body mass.
- Skill Related
- Fitness Components
important for success in
skills in skillful
1.Agility - as defined by the President's
Council, refers to the ability to change
your entire body position in space
rapidly with accuracy and speed.
2. Balance - is your ability to maintain
equilibrium, or control your body's
position in space.
3. Coordination - is a skill that
recruits the senses such as sight
and hearing in conjunction
with body parts to perform
tasks accurately and with
efficiency of movement.
4. Power - A combination of
strength and speed, power is the
ability to exert maximum force
in a quick, explosive burst.
5. Speed - is the ability to
perform a movement in a short
period of time.

6. Reaction time - is
the amount of time it
takes to respond to a
Healthy Habits
1. Intake Proper Nutrition – eating the right
food that provide nutrients.
Suggestion – food rich in proteins, vitamins,
mineral, carbohydrates, fats and water.
2. Adequate sleep – recharges the brain and
allows the body to rest.
Suggestion – about seven to nine hours of
sleep at night.
3. Proper Exercise – helps reduce stress,
improves health, sense of well-being and quality
of life.
4. Personal hygiene – helps you feel good
and clean every day that will also help you
prevent infections in communicable diseases.
Suggestion – regular bathing and
changing of underwear, brushing teeth every
after meal, trimming of nails.
5. Medical and dental check up – prevents
you from getting more serious diseases.
Suggestion – visiting the school physician
at least once a month.
6. Recreational activities – activities that give
immediate satisfaction.
Suggestion – games, sports.

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