Individual and Group Dynamics Differences at Work: The Individual Experiences

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Differences at work : The Individual Experiences

– Submission (5) by C8

Aashish Gupta – 1911002

Akashdeep Katiyar – 1911014
B. V. N. Meghana – 1911052
Lakshmi Narayana – 1911128
Udit Airen - 1911278
Theories, Theories and Theories..
1. A mix of various behaviours at workplace, creates rich environment for learning
about us and also other place.
2. Social categorisation and stereotyping have become fundamental processes in
the society
3. Stereotypes get constructed socially
4. Many people hold Stereotypes and Assumptions without even being aware of it
5. There would be impacts on behaviour due to Stereotyping and Implicit
6. Thus Individual get to look at distinguishing realities at work
Why should these be understood and analyzed ?
• To understand how people use their own beliefs, and put up stereo types on others, for
self fulfilment
• To understand how being in a major social group would make people judge people from
minor social groups
• To understand how people don’t even know they have certain assumptions on basis of
which they unknowingly assess people
• To understand how Stereotypes can influence the behaviour of the person or a group who
is being Stereotyped

All these help an individual to understand various realities he might face

at work and to react to them accordingly.
Role of the Stereo types in the society
Why are they done ? How are they formed ?

To establish their Identities • Through Implicitly accepted Associations

• By making Associations which set us up with
Implications we are totally unaware of
How do they affect the victim ????
1. The minor groups
choose to remain Silent

3. Continuous fear of being Judged

2. Loss of Self Esteem

How to Utilize them in Organizational Matters ?

• The theories help us understand how different people perceive different

things in different ways and build up their own stereotypes
• To Understand how a considerate number of judgements happen due to
some unknown implications the other person has within him
• To understand how a person feels when he or she becomes the victim
- and thus try not to impose our stereotypes on others

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