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Vikings sailed

around Europe
Harpa, Hreiðar and Elsa
The Viking age
• The Vikings became Europe's
most accomplished sailors
when they started sailing
extensively in the 8th century. 
• The Viking Age is thought to end
in the 11th century when most of
the Vikings had settled down.
• During the Viking age Nordic
people had more influence in the
world than at any other time.
• Nordic people were in better
connection with Europe than ever
• The Vikings sailed
around Europe and
• First, they went to
• They also went east,
all the way to Russia.
• Some went to the
Mediterranean and
the Black sea.
• Some traveled inland
by sailing the rivers.
Where did the Vikings sail? • Many went northeast.
Reasons for sailing 

The main reasons for Viking trips were:

•Less space due to overpopulation.
•Better ships which could navigate the
•Concentration of power.
•Adventure and wealth.
The Vikings were sailors, traders,
robbers and settlers. 
War Ship:

How did the ships look like?

•The Viking ships were small, open and had only one
main sail.
•They were designed to sail rivers, fjords and coastal Merchant Ship:
•There were two categories of Viking ships:
• merchant ships which were more spacious.
• war ships which were narrower for fast sailing.
•The merchant ships could navigate open ocean, but
the war ships could sail smaller rivers. 
Where did the
Nordic people
settle down? 
•The Vikings settled down
mainly in Britain, France,
Faroe Islands, Iceland and
•Some few settled down on
Europe´s continent and
some even going as far as
to North-America.
How could the •They had neither maps nor compasses but found their
way by following the sun and the stars. 
Vikings find their •They used solar stones which allowed them to know
way? where the sun was on cloudy days.
Cultural impacts

• In the years following their first

raid on Britain the Vikings left a
permanent impact on the land,
culture and language.
• The Vikings assimilated to the
communities they became part
of by learning the language and
• After raiding Europe, the Vikings
abandoned their pagan gods
and converted to Christianity.
• Nordic language and culture
prevailed in their colonies in the

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