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Presented by Syed Wadud Shah

Financial leverage
• A firm’s use of assets & liabilities using fixed costs in an attempt to rise potential
returns to shareholders
• Primary motive of using financial leverage is to increase returns on the fixed-charged
funds such as loans, debentures etc instead of just using equity.
Financial leverage & DFL
• High debt = High financial Leverage
• Relationship between Earning before interest & tax and profit before tax or EPS
• “Interest” is key to this Relationship
• Relationship is called “ Degree of Financial Leverage”
• Denoted as DFL
Degree of Financial Leverage *(calculation)
  percent change in firm’s earnings per share(EPS) or Profit before tax (PBT) divided
by percent change in Earning Before interests and Taxes(EBIT)

When; DFL = 1 ( neutral)
DFL > 1 (favorable)
DFL< 1 ( unfavorable)

• Variability of EPS caused due to the use of financial leverage

• If a firms wants to intensify their returns, they have to face risk for the purpose
• Financial leverage increases the chance of Insolvency (liabilities > Assets)

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