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type of angle modulation
wherein the frequency of the
carrier is varied relative to
the amplitude of modulating
frequency (signal)

General Equation of the FM Wave

νFM (t) = Vc sin (ωc t + mf sin ωm t )

Vc = carrier signal peak voltage
ωc = 2Πfc = carrier signal angular frequency
ωm = 2Πfm = modulating signal angular frequency
t = instantaneous time
m = modulation index
Frequency Domain of Standard FM



fc + nfm
fc - nfm
Time Domain of Standard FM
Frequency Deviation (δ)

 the amount of change in carrier frequency produced by

modulating signal
 the maximum frequency deviation occurs at the
maximum amplitude of the modulating signal

δ = fmax - fc
δ = fc - fmin

where δ = fmax + fc
fc = carrier frequency CS
fmax = maximum frequency δ δ = fc - fmin
change of the carrier
fmin = minimum frequency
CS (Carrier Swing)
change of the carrier
The intelligence amplitude determines the a mount of carrier
frequency deviation. The intelligence frequency determines the rate of
carrier frequency deviation.

δ α Em
δ = k Em

Find the carrier and modulating frequencies , the modulation index and
the maximum deviation of the FM wave represented by the voltage
equation νFM(t) = 12 sin (6 x 108 + 5 sin 1250t). What power will this FM
wave dissipate in a 10Ω resistor?

νFM(t) = 12 sin (6 x 108 + 5 sin 1250t)

ωc = 6 x 108 ωm = 1250

fc = 95. 49 MHz fc = 198.94 Hz

mf = 5
δ = mf fm
= (5 x 198.94)
δ = 994.72 Hz

P = 7.2 W
Carrier Swing

the total variation in

frequency of the carrier

Modulation Index

The modulation index determines the number of significant
sidebands in an FM signal. The modulation index for FM is directly
proportional to the modulating voltage and at the same time
inversely proportional to the modulating signal frequency.
A modulation frequency range from 30 to 15000 Hz is permitted in an
FM system, together with a maximum deviation of 50 kHz. What will be
the minimum and maximum possible values
of modulation index in the system.
fm = 30 – 15000 Hz
δmax = 50 kHz

mf max = 1666.67 mf min = 3.33

Deviation Ratio

The ratio of the maximum permissible frequency

deviation to the maximum permissible modulating

Percentage of Modulation
Wideband FM vs. Narrowband FM

Descriptions Wideband FM Narrowband FM

Applications FM broadcast and Mobile
entertainment communications
Modulation index 5 – 2500 ≈1
Maximum 75 kHz 5 kHz
deviation (δmax)
Modulating 30 Hz – 15 kHz 3 kHz (max)
frequency (fm)
For an FM signal in the 88 – 108 MHz broadcast band with a
frequency deviation of 15 kHz, determine the percent modulation.

fm = 88 – 108 Mhz
δmax = 15 kHz


mf = 20%
Bandwidth Formulas for FM

a. Theoretical BW for FM

BW = 2 x fm x no. of highest needed sideband

b. Approximate BW

BW ≈ 2(fm + δ) John Carsons Formula

c. NBFM(Narrowband FM)

BW ≈ 2fm

d. WBFM(Wideband FM)
BW ≈ 2δ
What is the bandwidth of a narrowband FM signal generated by a
2 kHz audio signal and a 110 MHz FM carrier?

Modulation Index (Mf) Sidebands or

J – coefficients
1 3
2 4
3 6
4 7
5 8

fm = 2 kHz
fc = 110 MHz
B = 2 x fm x no. of highest needed sideband
B = 2 x 3 kHz x 7
B = 42 kHz

negligible negligible

The theoretical bandwidth needed in FM is infinite.

Advantages of FM over AM

1.The amplitude of the FM carrier remains constant.

2. Increase in the S/N ratio (less noise)
3. It is possible to reduce noise still further by
increasing deviation and fitting with amplitude
4. Less adjacent channel interference because there
are guard bands between FM stations provided
by the FCC and CCIR.
5. It is possible to operate several independent
transmitters on the same frequency with
considerably less interference.
Disadvantages of FM

1. A much wider channel is required by FM, 7 to 15

times as large as that needed by AM.

2. FM transmitting and receiving equipment tends

to be more complex, particularly for
modulation and demodulation, therefore more

3. Since reception is limited to line of sight, the

area of reception for FM is much smaller than
Capture Effect

The inherent ability of FM to minimize the effect of

undesired signals (noise), also applies to the
reception of a strongest signal or stations and
minimizing other signals operating on the same
Block Diagram of an FM Transmitter

RF (the means of Power
oscillator providing an FM amplifier
RF signal )

Audio Pre-emphasis
amplifier network
Frequency Spectrum of the FM Wave

νFM = J0 (mf) sin ωc t + J1 (mf ) [ sin (ωc + ωm)t – sin (ωc - ωm)t ]

amplitude of sidebands
the carrier with
signal frequencies

For a single fm , you can produce an infinite number of
sidebands, in pairs, but most of them would be of negligible
Bessel Functions
Transmitted Power

In FM, PT is constant.

In FM, the total transmitted power always remains
constant, but with increased depth of modulation the
required bandwidth is increased.
Transmitted Power
(means including the sidebands)

• Pt = Pc + 2P1 + 2P2 + 2P3 +…

… P3 P2 P1 Pc P1 P2 P3 …
• An FM signal has a deviation of 3 kHz and a modulating
frequency of 1 kHz. Its total power Pt is 5 W, developed
across a 50 ohm resistive load. The carrier frequency is
160 MHz.
– A. calculate the RMS voltage?
– B. calculate the RMS voltage at the carrier frequency at each
of the first three sets of sidebands.
– C. for the first three sideband pairs, calculate the frequency
of each sideband?
– D. calculate the power at the carrier frequency and at each
of the sideband frequencies found in part c.
•   The signal does not change with modulation.

b. Modulation index must be found first in order to use the

Bessel functions to find the carrier and sideband volatges

From the Bessel function table,

Jo= -0.26 J1= 0.34 J2=0.49 J3= 0.31
Note: Negative sign in the function indicates the phase
relationship between the components

c. The sidebands are separated from the carrier frequency by

multiples of modulating frequency.
•   From the computed values of carrier and sideband voltages,
we can now compute for the power in each component. All
components appear across same 50 ohm load.

= 0.338W =0.576W
=1.2W =0.48W
e. Total power. Add all the components . Remember that each
sideband is a pair.
since we are only required of 3 sidebands
0.338W 0.576W+1.2W+0.48W

*this is not quite the total signal power which was given as 5W.
The remainder is in the additional sidebands.
– E. Sketch the signal in the frequency domain as it
would appear in a spectrum analyzer . The vertical
scale should be power in dBm, and the horizontal
scale should be in frequency.
First, convert all the power values into dBm using
1. An FM transmitter operates at its maximum
deviation of 75 kHz. Find the modulation index for
a sinusoidal modulating signal with a frequency of:
a. 15 kHz b. 50 Hz
2. Use carson’s rule to calculate the frequency of 1
kHz modulating signal and a deviation of 3 kHz.
3. What is the bandwidth required for an FM
signal in which the modulating frequency is 2 kHz
and the maximum deviation is 10 kHz?
4. An FM signal has a deviation of 10 kHz and is
modulated by a sine wave with a frequency of 5 kHz. The
carrier frequency is 150 MHz, and the signal has a total
power of 12.5 W, operating to an impedance of 50 ohm.
A. what us the modulation index
B. How much power is present in the carrier frequency
C. What is the voltage level of the second sideband below
the carrier frequency?
D. What is the bandwidth of the signal in Carson’s rule,
and using the theoretical BW of FM?

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