Lecture 2

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2 Basic Concepts 1

2 Basic Concepts 2

A device or combination of
devices containing a quantity of

A fixed mass system. Matter

does not cross the control volume
boundary Gas

The matter contained in a closed System

system. Boundary
2 Basic Concepts 3

A device or combination of devices containing a quantity of matter.

A system in which matter flows across the boundaries of the control volume.

The volume that contains the matter and devices inside a control surface.



Low Pressure High Pressure

Steam In Steam Out

2 Basic Concepts 4

Valid when the mean free path of molecules is

substantially smaller than the dimensions of the
control volume
2 Basic Concepts 5

• Phase : a quantity of matter that is homogeneous throughout the

system or part of the system (gas, liquid, solid).
• States : condition of matter as defined by specific properties i.e..
temperature, pressure, etc.
• Properties : quantities that define the state of matter i.e..
temperature, pressure, etc.
• Intensive Properties : properties that are independent of mass.
• Extensive Properties : properties that vary with the mass being
• Thermodynamic Equilibrium : when all properties of the
system are in equilibrium, i.e. not changing with time.
2 Basic Concepts 6

• Process : a path of successive state through which a

system passes.
• Equilibrium Process : process in which the
successive states of the system can be described by Piston
the thermodynamic properties of the system.
• Quasi-equilibrium Process : process in which the
deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium is
• Thermodynamic Cycle : when a system starts at
an initial state and undergoes a sequence of System Boundary
changing states and then returns to its initial state.
2 Basic Concepts 7

F= ma
W = mg
g = 9.81 m/s2
g = 32.2 ft/s2

Name Length Time Mass Force

Int’l System (SI) Meter Sec Kilogram Newton
(m) (s) (kg) (kg. m/s2)
US (English - Engineering) Foot Sec Pound Pound
Mass Force
(ft) (s) lbm (lbf)

1 N = 1 kg m/s2 1 lbf = 32.174 lbm ft/s2

2 Basic Concepts 8

• Intermolecular Potential Energy : energy

associated with the force between
• Molecular Kinetic Energy : energy
Water Vapor
associated with the translational velocity of
individual molecules.

• Intermolecular Energy : energy associated

with the molecular and atomic
structure. Liquid Water

• Macroscopic View of Energy : energy

contained in all molecular effects as HEAT
defined by the properties of the
2 Basic Concepts 9

• Specific Volume ( v = 1/ ) : volume per unit mass of a

• Density (  = m/V: mass per unit volume of a substance.

gases solids
gas in a atm Fiber Wood Al Lead

vacuum air
Cotton Ice
Wool Rock Ag Au

δV liquids

v  lim
propane water Hg

δV  δV' δm 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5

Density kg/m 3

δV '  the smallest volume
that can be considered a

V  V
2 Basic Concepts 10

A 1 m3 container is filled with 400 kg of granite stone, 200 kg dry sand

and 0.2 m3 of liquid 25oC water. Use properties from Tables A.3 and A.4
and use air density of 1.1 kg/m3. Find the specific volume and density of
the 1m3 volume.

Table A3  granite  2750 kg/m 3

 sand  1500 kg/m 3
Water Table A4  water  997 kg/m 3

Sand V 1
v 
m 
Granite m  V
2 Basic Concepts 11

VTOT  1 m 3
Vliq  0.2 m 3
Vstone  mv  m/  400/ 2750  0.1455 m 3 Air
Vsand  mv  m/  200/ 1500  0.1333 m 3
Vair  VTOT - Vstone - Vsand - Vliq Water

 1- 0.1455 - 0.1333 - 0.2  0.5212 m 3

m stone  400 kg Sand

m sand  200 kg
m air  Vair /v air  Vair air  0.5212  1.1  0.573 kg Granite
m liq  Vliq /v liq  Vliq liq  0.2  997  199.4 kg Stones
m TOT  m stone  m sand  m liq  m air
 400  200  199.4  0.573  800 kg

v  VTOT / m TOT  1/800  0.00125 m 3 /kg

  1/v  m TOT /VTOT  800/1  800 kg/ m3
2 Basic Concepts 12

Pressure : the normal force exerted by a fluid on its containment vessel. For a
fluid at rest, the pressure is the same in all directions.

P  lim
δA δA' δA

Gas δA'  the smallest area
that can be considered a
P continuum
2 Basic Concepts 13

Gauge Pressure : the pressure measured relative to atmospheric pressure.


Ordinary pressure guage

ΔP  Pabs,1  Patm

Ordinary vacuum guage
ΔP  Patm - Pabs,2

Barometer reads
atmospheric pressure

2 Basic Concepts 14

A piston/cylinder with cross sectional area of 0.01 m2 has a piston mass

of 100 kg resting on the stops, as shown in the figure. With an outside
atmospheric pressure of 100 kPa, what should the water pressure be to
lift the piston?
Po A

Wpiston  m g
Water Water
Pwater A
2 Basic Concepts 15

The force acting down on the piston comes from gravitation and the outside atmospheric
pressure acting over the top surface.
Po A

Wpiston  m g
Water Water
Pwater A

Force Balance:
F  F 
Po A  m p g  PA

P  Po 
 100 
 100   9.81 kPa
A  .01  1000 
P   100  98.07  kPa
P  198 kPa
2 Basic Concepts 16

Pressure Measurement – Manometers

FBdown  FBup Po  Patm

P0 A  m A g  PB A  m B g A
P0 A  ρA gAH  PB A  ρB gAhB FBdown
P0  ρA gH  PB H PB
PB  P0  ρA gH
P   gH
2 Basic Concepts 17

Two cylinders are filled with liquid water,  = 1000 kg/m3, and connected by
a line with a closed valve. Cylinder A has 100 kg and cylinder B has 500 kg
of water. Their cross-sectional areas are AA = 0.1 m2 and AB = 0.25 m2 and
the height H is 1 m. Find the pressure on each side of the valve. The valve is
opened and water flows to an equilibrium. Find the final pressure at the
valve location.
Po  Patm

Po  Patm
B g
hB AB  .25 m 2

m B  500 kg

H hA A
AA  .1 m 2
m A  100 kg

2 Basic Concepts 18

Po  Patm

P  gH
Po  Patm
B g
hB AB  .25 m 2
m B  500 kg

H hA A
AA  .1 m 2
m A  100 kg

2 Basic Concepts 19

Po  Patm 
P  gH
Po  Patm
B g
AB  .25 m 2
m B  500 kg

h2 A
H AA  .1 m 2
m A  100 kg

2 Basic Concepts 20

Po  Patm

Po  Patm
VA  v H2Om A  m A /  0.1  A Ah A  h A  1 m
B g
hB AB  .25 m 2 VB  v H 2O m B  m B /  0.5  A Bh B  h B  2 m
m B  500 kg

hA PVB  P0   g(h B  H)  101,325  1000  9.81  3  130,755 Pa

AA  .1 m 2
m A  100 kg
PVA  P0   gh  101,325  1,000  9.81  1  111,135 Pa
Equilibrium: same height over valve in both
VT  VA  VB  h 2 A A  (h 2 - H)A B 
Po  Patm
h2   2.43 m
Po  Patm AA  AB
B g
AB  .25 m 2 (1000  9.81  2.43)
m B  500 kg PV2  P0   gh 2  101.325   125.2 kPa
h2 A PV2  125.2 kPa
H AA  .1 m 2
m A  100 kg

2 Basic Concepts 21

Two bodies have an equality of temperature if when they

are in thermal contact with each other, we can observe no
changes in their observable properties.

When two bodies have equality of temperature with a third

body, then they have equality of temperature each other.
2 Basic Concepts 22

• Temperature Based on the

Boiling Pt.
Thermodynamic Behavior of a
Substance : freezing and boiling point of
• Absolute Temperature Scale :
temperature scale independent of the
thermodynamic properties of a particular Freezing Pt.

K  C  273.15

R  F  459.67
Absolute Zero
2 Basic Concepts 23

The density of mercury in a manometer changes approximately linearly with

temperature as
Hg = 13595 - 2.5 T kg/ m3 (T in Celsius)
so the same pressure difference will result in a manometer reading that is
influenced by temperature. If a pressure difference of 100 kPa is measured in
the summer at 35°C and in the winter at -15°C, what is the difference in
column height between the two measurements?


PB A  Patm A  ρHg gH  ρv ghv A  patm H

2 Basic Concepts 24

The manometer reading h relates to the pressure difference as pv
P  H g  H 
g patm H

The manometer fluid density from the given formula gives

 su  13595 - 2.5  35  13507.5 kg/m3

 w  13595 - 2.5  (-15)  13632.5 kg/m3

The two different heights that we will measure become

100  103 kPa (Pa/kPa)

H su   0.7549 m
13507.5  9.807 (kg/m 3 ) m/s 2
100  103 kPa (Pa/kPa)
Hw   0.7480 m
13632.5  9.807 (kg/m 3 ) m/s 2
H  H su - H w  0.0069 m  6.9 mm

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