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Learning & Knowledge Education - India

Day - 4

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Day 4 Coverage

• Applets
• Exploring AWT
• Swings

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• Introduction To Applet

• Web Browser Accessing A Web Page

• Advantages & Disadvantages of Applet

• Introduction To AWT

• Identify various stages of an applet life cycle

• Create Applets in Java

• Identify various graphic methods in Java

4 © 2007 IBM Corporation
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Introduction to Applet

What is an Applet?

According to Sun:-
"An applet is a small program that is
intended not to be run on its own,
but rather to be embedded inside
another application....

• An applet is a Java program that runs on a web page.

• An applet is compiled on one computer and can run on another

computer through a Java enabled Web browser.

• appletviewer is a program that can run an applet.

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Web Browsers Accessing a Web Page

Request from the

Internet web browser to web
Web Server server

HTML files,

User enters URL for a web site …………..

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Web Server Sending Response To Web Browser

Web Server
HTML file Response from the
web server
HTML file

HTML files,

HTML file embedded with applet tag

sent back from server
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Web Server Sending Response To Web Browser

Web Server
HTML file Response from the
web server
HTML file

HTML files,

Applet bytecode sent by the server is

interpreted by the browser
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Introduction to Applet (Continued)

Advantages of an Applet
• It is simple to make it work across platform.
• It runs in a sandbox, so the user does not need to trust the code, so
it can work without security approval.
• It is supported by most web browsers.
• It will cache in most web browsers, so will quick to load when
returning to a web page.
• The applet can work on all installed versions of Java rather than just
the latest plug – in version only.
• It can improve with use: after a first applet is run, the JVM is already
running and starts quickly, benefiting regular users of Java.

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Introduction to Applet (Continued)

Disadvantages of an Applet
• It requires the default plug-in, which isn’t available by default on all
web browsers.
• It can’t startup until the JVM is running, and this may have
significant startup time the first time it is used.
• It is considered to difficult to build and design a good user interface
with than with HTML-based technologies.

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Introduction To AWT

• AWT stands for Abstract Windowing Toolkit. It is a package in Java

that provides support for building GUI.

• The name of the package is java.awt.

• The API of the AWT package consists of a collection of classes and

methods that enables you to design and manage the Graphical User
Interface (GUI) applications.

• The AWT package supports applets, which help in creating containers,

such as frames or panels that run in the GUI environment.

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Life Cycle of an Applet

• init
 To initialize the applet each time it's loaded (or reloaded).

• start
 To start the applet's execution, such as when the applet's loaded or
when the user revisits a page that contains the applet.
• stop
 To stop the applet's execution, such as when the user leaves the
applet's page or quits the browser.
• destroy
 To perform a final cleanup in preparation for unloading.

Not every applet needs to override every one of these methods.

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Life Cycle of an Applet (Continued)

Initialization an When the applet is opened for the first time.
Applet using init()

Starting an Applet When the applet receive focus or when it is revisited.

using start()

Stopping an Applet When the applet lost focus or when the user leaves the
using stop() page.

Destroying an
Applet using When an applet is destroyed.

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Security Issues in Context to Applet

• Every browser implements security policies to keep applets from

compromising system security.
• Current browsers impose the following restrictions on any applet that is loaded
over the network:
 An applet cannot load libraries or define native methods.
 It cannot ordinarily read or write files on the host that's executing it.
 It cannot make network connections except to the host that it came from.
 It cannot start any program on the host that's executing it.
 It cannot read certain system properties.
 Windows that an applet brings up look different than windows that an
application brings up.

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Creating Applet in Java

Steps To Create An Applet

1. Create a Java program that will be extended from java.applet.Applet

2. Compile the java program.

3. Create a web page that contains an applet.

4. Run the applet.

15 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Creating Applet in Java (Continued)

Steps To Create An Applet

1. Create a Java program that will be extended from java.applet.Applet

IsIsa an
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet; class,
use to
public class MyApplet extends Applet about
draw letters
{ an applet
public void paint(Graphics g) It remembers
{ what color,
g.drawString(“Welcome To IBM”,50,50); font you are
} using.

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Creating Applet in Java

Steps To Create An Applet

2. Compile the java program

C:\> javac

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Creating Applet in Java

Steps To Create An Applet

3. Create a web page that contains an applet

C:\> edit MyPage.htm

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Creating Applet in Java

Steps To Create An Applet

3. Create a web page that contains an applet

<applet code=“MyApplet.class” width=200 height=200></applet>

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Creating Applet in Java

Steps To Create An Applet

4. Run the applet.

C:\> appletviewer MyPage.htm

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Output in Appletviewer window

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Output in Web Browser window

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

<PARAM NAME=“parameter_name” VALUE=“value of the parameter”>

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag


 The CODE attribute is used to indicate the name of the class file
that holds the current Java applet.
 The CODE attribute is used when both the .class file and the
.html file are located in the same directory.
 The CODEBASE attribute indicates the pathname where the
.class file is stored.
 The CODEBASE attribute is used, if you store a java file in a
directory different from an HTML file.

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

<PARAM NAME=“parameter_name” VALUE=“value of the parameter”>

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

 Use to specify the height of the applet display area.
 The value may be given in pixels or as a percentage of the
parent element's height.

 Use to specify the width of the applet display area.
 The value may be given in pixels or as a percentage of the
parent element's width.

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

<PARAM NAME=“parameter_name” VALUE=“value of the parameter”>

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

 The HSPACE attribute specify the horizontal space between an
applet and the text.
 The HSPACE attribute controls the space to the left and right
side of an applet.

 The VSPACE attribute specify the vertical space between an
applet and the text.
 The VSPACE attribute controls the space above and below an

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

<PARAM NAME=“parameter_name” VALUE=“value of the parameter”>

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

 The ALIGN attribute specifies the alignment of an applet.
 You can specify various values to the ALIGN attribute, such as

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

<PARAM NAME=“parameter_name” VALUE=“value of the parameter”>

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

• The ALT attribute specifies the alternate text to be displayed if the

browser does not support the applet.

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

<PARAM NAME=“parameter_name” VALUE=“value of the parameter”>

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Attributes of Java Applet Tag

• Passing Parameters to Applets

 You pass parameters to an applet by using the <PARAM> tag. The

PARAM tag contains the NAME and VALUE attributes.

 The NAME attribute specifies the name of the parameter passed to an

applet, and the VALUE attribute specifies the value of the variable to be

 The following syntax sets the value of the color as red:

<APPLET CODE=”MyFirstApplet.class” HEIGHT = 20 WIDTH = 20>
<PARAM NAME= “color” VALUE= “Red”>

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Applet Retrieving Data From A HTML File

• Getting Parameters in Applets

 You retrieve the parameters passed to an applet by using the
getParameter() method in the Java file.

 This method accepts a String argument that indicates the

name of the parameter.

 The getParameter() method returns a String value that

specifies the corresponding value of that parameter.

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Java’s coordinate system

Java uses (x,y) coordinate system
(0,0) is the top left corner (50, 0)

(0,20) is 20 pixels down from (0,0)

(50,0) is 50 pixels to the right of (0,0)

(20,50) is 20 pixels down from (0,0)

and 50 pixels to the right of (0,0)

(w -1, h -1) is just inside the bottom

right corner, where w is the the width
of the window and h is its height

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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Graphics Class Methods

1. drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2)

Used to draw lines.

(x1,y1) (x2,y2)

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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Graphics Class Methods (Continued)

2. drawOval(x,y,width,height)

Used to draw oval or circle shapes.

(starting x
coordinate, starting y height


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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Graphics Class Methods (Continued)

3. fillOval(x,y,width,height)

Used to draw oval or circle shapes with the current color.

(starting x
coordinate, starting y height


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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Graphics Class Methods (Continued)

4. drawRect(x,y,width,height)

Used to draw rectangle or square shapes.

(starting x
oordinate, starting y
coordinate) height


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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Graphics Class Methods (Continued)

5. fillRect(x,y,width,height)

Used to draw filled rectangle or square shapes with the current color.

(starting x
coordinate, starting y


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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Setting a Color

• setColor() – is used to set a color for the graphics object.

• The Graphics class object will remember the color setting until
and unless you are changing it.
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class MyApplet extends Applet { Color is a class
Sample having some
public void paint(Graphics g) {
program static fields like
g.setColor(Color.BLUE); blue, green,
g.drawString(“Welcome To IBM”,50,50); red etc.
g.setColor(new Color(255,0,0));
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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Setting a Font
• Font class is used to define the properties of a font.
• Font object has a:
 Font Name – Arial, Times New Roman, SansSerif
 Font Style – Normal, Bold, Italic
 Font Size - 12 point = normal size
• setFont() – is used to set a font for the graphics object.
• The Graphics class object will remember the font setting until and unless you are changing it.

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More on java.awt.Graphics class

Setting a Font Example

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*; method
public class MyApplet extends Applet {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font(“Arial”,Font.BOLD,15);
g.drawString(“Welcome To IBM”,50,50);

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Write a program in Applet to draw the shapes as given below?

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• An Applet is a Java program that you can embed in a HTML page

and access on a Web browser.
• Java Application Program Interface (API) includes a package
java.applet, which contains the Applet class.
• Applet has limited access to system resources and prohibited access
to other systems on the network.
• All the applets are subclasses of the Applet class.
• The life cycle of an applet consists of the following methods:
 init()
 start()
 stop()
 destroy()
• You can run an applet in an appletviewer or a Web browser.

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Summary (Continued)
• To run an applet in appletviewer, include an HTML tag as a comment.
Compile the applet using javac command and run the applet giving the
following command:
• The parameters of an applet HTML tag are:
 <PARAM> tag
• The various drawing methods in Java are:
 drawString()
 drawLine()
 drawRect(
 drawOval()
 fillOval()
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AWT and Event Handling

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• Overview of AWT
• Components and Containers
• Layout Managers
• Frame
• Panel
• Dialog
• Button
• TextField
• Checkbox
• RadioButton

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Objectives (Contd.)

• Events in AWT
• Types of Events
• Event Dispatching
• Event Handling
• Event Listeners
• Overview of Adapter class

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Overview of AWT

• AWT stands for Abstract Window ToolKit.

• It is a portable GUI library between different platforms
• The user interfaces provided by are implemented by using each
platform’s native GUI interface

Package for AWT:


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Overview of AWT

• Building applications with graphical user interfaces is easily

broken into two parts

1. Making an Interface

2. Defining Its Behavior

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• A graphical user interface is built of graphical elements called

• Different Type of Components are

AWT Components

Etc…. List
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• Components are placed within Containers

• Containers maintain the layout of the components


AWT Containers Frame


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• Each Container comes with a default Layout Manager

What is

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Layout Manager

• Layout Management is the process of determining the size and

positions of the components.


Types of Layout GridLayout
Managers GridBagLayout


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Layout Manager Hierarchy


java.awt.BorderLayout java.awt.FlowLayout java.awt.GridBagLayout


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Default Layout Manager of Containers

BorderLayout FlowLayout

Window Panel

What would be
the Layout of
Frame, Dialog
and Applet????

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• A BorderLayout has five zones

where the components can be
• Each zone can have only one
single Component.
• The container’s add() method is
used to add the component
• It is the default layout manager
of Frame and Dialog

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• FlowLayout arranges components from left to right in a flow

• FlowLayout can use multiple rows if the horizontal space in the
container is too small to hold the components
• It is the default layout manager of Panel and Applet

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Hierarchy of AWT Container and Component

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Package details

• All Container Classes except Applet are placed in :

 java.awt package
• All Component Classes are placed in
 java.awt package

The Applet container

is placed in

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Creation of Frame

• In the Java AWT, top-level windows are represented by the

Frame class
• The most common method of creating a frame is by using single
argument constructor of the Frame class that contains the single
string argument which is the title of the window or frame.

Frame frame=new Frame(“New Window”);

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Example of a Frame
import java.awt.*;
public class MyApp
Frame frame;
frame=new Frame(“My First Application”);
public static void main(String s[])
new MyApp();

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Output of MyApp

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• Panel is the simplest container class. A panel provides space in

which an application can attach any other component, including
other panels.
• The default layout manager for a panel is the FlowLayout layout

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Example of a Panel

import java.awt.*;
public class MyApp extends Frame
Panel p1;
{ super("My Application");
p1=new Panel();

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Example (Contd.)

public static void main(String args[])

new MyApp();

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Output of Example

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AWT Components

• Labels:
 Labels provide user prompts, and for displaying information
that should not be modified by users
Label l=new Label(“Name”);
• Button
 This is the component of Java Abstract Window Toolkit and is
used to trigger actions and other events required for your
Button button=new Button(“Click”);

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AWT Component

• Checkbox
 This component allows the user to change the state of the component
Checkbox Checkbox=new Checkbox(“OptionalCheckbox1”);
• Radiobutton
 This is the special case of the Checkbox component of Java AWT
package. This is used as a group of checkboxes which group name is
 Only one Checkbox from a Checkbox Group can be selected at a
CheckboxGroup cbg=new CheckboxGroup();
Checkbox radiobutton1=new Checkbox(“One”,cbg,false);
Checkbox radiobutton2=new Checkbox(“Two”,cbg,false);

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AWT Component

• TextArea
 This is the text container component of Java AWT package.
 This component can contain multiple lines.
TextArea ta=new TextArea(20,5);
• TextField
 This is also the text container component of Java AWT
package. This component contains single line and limited text
TextField tf=new TextField(20);

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Example of the AWT Components

import java.awt.*;
public class MyApp extends Frame
Label feedback,name,hobbies,gender;
Button submit,cancel;
TextArea ta;
TextField tf;
Checkbox cb1,cb2,cb3,rb1,rb2;
CheckboxGroup cbg;
Panel p1,p2,p3,p4,p5;
GridLayout layout;

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Example (contd)

public MyApp()

{ super("My First Application");

layout=new GridLayout(5,1);
p1=new Panel();
p2=new Panel();
p3=new Panel();
p4=new Panel();
p5=new Panel();

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Example (contd)

feedback=new Label("Feedback");
name=new Label("Name");
hobbies=new Label("Hobbies");
gender=new Label("Gender");
submit=new Button("Submit");
cancel=new Button("cancel");
ta=new TextArea(4,20);
tf=new TextField(20);
cb1=new Checkbox("Reading");
cb2=new Checkbox("Philantropy");
cb3=new Checkbox("Painting")

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Example (contd)

cbg=new CheckboxGroup();
rb1=new Checkbox("Male",cbg,false);
rb2=new Checkbox("Female",cbg,false);

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Example (contd)


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Example (contd)

public static void main(String args[])

new MyApp();

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Output of the Example

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Events in AWT

• An event describes, in sufficient detail, a particular user action.

• There are many types of events that are generated by an AWT
• These events are used to make the application more effective
and efficient.

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Types of AWT Events


AdjustmentEvent ActionEvent ComponentEvent

InputEvent FocusEvent ContainerEvent

ItemEvent ComponentEvent PaintEvent


TextEvent MouseEvent

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AWT Event

• ActionEvent:
 It indicates the component-defined events occurred i.e. the event
generated by the component like Button, Checkboxes etc..

• MouseEvent:
 The MouseEvent class handle all events generated during the
mouse operation for the object. That contains the information
whether mouse is clicked or not if clicked then checks the pressed
key is left or right.

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AWT Event

• WindowEvent :
 If the window or the frame of  your application is changed
(Opened, closed, activated, deactivated or any other events
are generated), WindowEvent is generated.
• FocusEvent:
 This class indicates about the focus where the focus has
gained or lost by the object.

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AWT Event

• TextEvent
 TextEvent is generated when the text of the object is
• KeyEvent
 The KeyEvent class handles all the indication related to the
key operation in the application if you press any key for any
purposes of the object then the generated event gives the
information about the pressed key.

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Event Dispatching

Consider the Following

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Event Handling
Su eC
ge mitb lick
Submit Button to butto
Frame the ha n
does not have a ev ndle
Event Handler

Display Reset

Panel Does not

Control is
passed to the have a Handler
pa ntr Panel
th sse ol i
F r d to s
87 © 2007 IBM Corporation
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Event Dispatch and Propogation

• When the user clicks into “submit” button the java language run-time
system gathers information about the event
• This information is packaged within an instance of the Event Class
• The java-run time then offers the Component to handle the event
• If the event is not handled by the component ,then the next higher
component is given an opportunity

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Event Listener

• An object that would like to be notified of and respond to an

event is an event listener.
• An object that generates a particular kind of event, called an
event source, maintains a list of listeners that are interested in
being notified when that kind of event occurs.
• When the event source generates an event the event source
notifies all the listener objects that the event has occurred.

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Event Listeners

• A Listener must be added to a component to react to the events

occurring on the component
• An event is a component’s way of letting the listener know about
that something has happened
• A component must have a way to register and deregister
• The components must track its Listeners and pass on the events
to those listeners

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Listener Interface

• An event Listener interface defines the methods used by a method to

dispatch events
• Each event will have one corresponding dispatch method in the listener
• A listener Interface takes the following format:
 public interface XXXInterface extends EventListener
somethingHappened(XXXEvent e);
somethingElseHappend(XXXEvent e);

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Some Common EventListeners

Event Listener Listener methods Registered On

ActionListener actionPerformed() AbstractButton, Button,

ButtonModel, ComboBoxEditor,
JComboBox, JFileChooser,
JTextField, List, MenuItem,
TextField, Timer

ItemListener itemStateChanged() CheckBox,Choice etc

MouseListener mouseClicked(),mousePressed(),m Component


TextListener textValueChanged() TextComponent

MouseMotionListener mouseDragged(),mouseMoved() Component

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Some Common EventListeners

Event Listener Listener methods Registered On

WindowListener windowActivated(), Window

windowClosed(), windowClosing(),

FocusListener focusGained(),focusLost() Component

KeyListener keyTyped(),keyReleased(),keyPres Component


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import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyApplication extends Frame implements ActionListener
{ Button b1,b2;
TextField t1;
Panel p1;
{ b1=new Button(“Display”);
b2=new Button(“Clear”);
p1=new Panel();
t1=new TextField(20);

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Example contd.

wi tton
th s
an reg
Ac ist
tio ere
nL d
b2.addActionListener(this); en

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Implementing the Action Listener

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

{ if(e.getSource()==b1)
{ t1.setText(“Welcome to IBM”);
{ t1.setText(“ “);
public static void main(String s[])
{ new MyApp();

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Output of Example

Click on the Display Button Click On the Reset Button

Welcome to IBM Message is Removed

Message Appears

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import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyApplication extends Frame implements MouseListener
{ Button b1;
TextField t1;
Panel p1;

b1=new Button("Display");
t1=new TextField(20);
p1=new Panel();

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Implementing MouseListener

b1.addMouseListener(this); Re Butto
p1.add(b1); Mo ister n is
use ed
add(p1,BorderLayout.NORTH); Lis to a
add(t1,BorderLayout.SOUTH); er
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
{ t1.setText("Welcome to IBM");

99 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Implementing MouseListener

public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)

{ Though the
b1.setBackground(Color.BLUE); application doe
s not
} need to respon
d to
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) these activities
{} blank
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) implementation
must be provid
{} ed

public static void main(String s[])

new MyApplication();

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Output of the Example


ed Button eP
nter oin
t er
E E xi
int er Clicke ted
P o
e d

Welcome to IBM
Message Appears

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Overview of Adapter Classes

• Adapter classes are used to reduce the code for Event Listeners
• We can avoid implementing all of the unneeded methods by
taking advantage of the adapter classes

All adapter classes are in:

java.awt.event package

102 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Adapter classes

• ComponentAdapter
• ContainerAdapter
• WindowAdapter
• MouseAdapter
• MouseMotionAdapter
• WindowAdapter
• FocusAdapter

103 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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MouseAdapter class

package java.awt.event;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MouseAdapter implements MouseListener {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {}
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {}
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent evt) {}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent evt) {} }

104 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Example using an Adapter class

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class MyApplication extends Frame
Button b1;
TextField t1;
Panel p1;

b1=new Button("Display");
t1=new TextField(20);
p1=new Panel();

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b1.addMouseListener(new HandleEvent())
Inner Class
extending the
Mouse Adapter
public class HandleEvent extends MouseAdapter
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)

106 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)

{ t1.setText("Welcome to IBM");
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)``
public static void main(String s[])
new MyApplication();

107 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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• AWT stands for Abstract Window ToolKit.

• It is a portable GUI library between different platforms
• All AWT components are found in java.awt package
• The defaut layout of Panel is FlowLayout
• The other layouts also can be set on the containers by using setLayout()
• A Panel has to be placed on another container to make it visible
• Some of the common AWT Components are:
• An event describes in sufficient detail,a particular user action

108 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Summary (Contd.)

• Some of the different types of AWTEvents are:

• An object that would like to be notified of and respond to an event
is an event listener
• An object that generates a particular kind of event, called an event
• A Listener must be added to a component to react to the events
occurring on the component
• A component must have a way to register and deregister listeners

109 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Summary (Contd.)

• An event Listener interface defines the methods used by a method to

dispatch events
• Common EventListeners are:
• Adapter classes are used to reduce the code for Event Listeners
• We can avoid implementing all of the unneeded methods by taking
advantage of the adapter classes
• Common Adapter classes are
ComponentAdapter, ContainerAdapter, WindowAdapter,

110 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding

1. Frame is a subclass of .
a. Panel
b. Window
c. Applet
d. Dialog`

2. The default layout of Frame is

a. GridLayout
c. BorderLayout
d. GridBagLayout

111 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

3. Consider the following code:

Frame f=new Frame()
Button b1=new Button(“One”);
The buttons b1 will be added in
a. Northern region of the Frame
b. Southern region of thr Frame
c. Central region of the Frame
d. Eastern region of the frame

112 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

4. The setVisible(true) method can make a Panel visible

a. True
b. False

5. An object that would like to be notified of and respond to an event is an ______________

a. Event Listener
b. Event source
c. Adapter Interface
d. Action Class

113 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

6. Consider the following code and select the correct statement

Button b1=new Button(“Click”);
a. The button component is registered with ActionListener
b. the code will give a compile time error
c. buttons cannot be registered with ActionListener
d. none of the above

114 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

7. MouseListener interface is within the package

a. java.awt.event
b. javax.event
c. java.swing.event
d. java.event
8. An object that generates a particular kind of event, called
a. event handler
b. event adapter
c. event source
d. event dispatcher

115 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

9. Consider the following program and select the correct statement

class Test extends Frame implements ActionListener
{ Button b1;
{ b1=new Button(“Click”);
public static void main(String s[])
new Test();

116 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

a. Code will result in compile time error because ActionListener is an

adapter class and has to be extended
b. Code will result in compile time error as Test class cannot extend and
implement at the same time
c. Code Compiles without error

d. Code will result in compile time error as the method

actionperformed(ActionEvent e) of the ActionListener interface has not
been given an implementation

117 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (contd.)

10. Adapter class belongs to the package

a. java.awt.event
d. javax.event

118 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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User Interfaces with

Java Foundation
Classes (Swings)

© 2007 IBM Corporation

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• Overview of the JFC API
• Features of Swing
• Compiling and running Swing Programs
• Swing Components Hierarchy
• Creating Interfaces in Swing
• Frame
• Panel
• Dialogs
• Label
• Text Field
• Button
• Combo Box
• Table

120 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Overview of the JFC API

• JFC is composed of Five main Components:
 Java 2D
 Accessibility
 Drag and Drop
 Swing

121 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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What is Swing?
• The Java Swing provides the multiple platform independent APIs
interfaces for interacting between the users and GUIs

All Java Swing

classes are placed
in javax.swing package 

122 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Swing overview
• Pluggable Look and Feel

 Increases the reliability and consistency of applications and

applets deployed across platforms.

123 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Swing Overview
An object that controls a
component in such a
• MVC Design
way that it responds to
The visual screen user input.
representation of a
View Controller
component View

An object that defines the

Model component's state

124 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Swing Overview
• Delegate
 A vital part of Swing's
pluggable L&F mechanism
is a user-interface (UI)
object called a delegate.

125 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Swing Component Hierarchy

• The JComponent class is an abstract class. It is the root of
almost all of Swing's user-interface components.
• JComponents's root class is the Object class, which is defined in
the java.lang.Object file.
• JComponent also inherits from the AWT Container and
Component classes.

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Swing Component Hierarchy





127 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Swing Component Hierarchy


JTextComponent AbstractButton

JToggleButton JMenuItem JTree

JTextField JTextArea

JCheckBox JRadioButton JMenuBar

JRadioButtonMenuItem JMenu
Awt Equiv Swing Components JTable
128 © 2007 IBM Corporation
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Look and Feel (LAF)

• "Look" refers to the appearance of GUI widgets

• “Feel" refers to the way the widgets behave.

• One can change the look and Feel at Runtime

129 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Available Look and Feel

• Cross-Platform Look and Feel
• Also known as:

Java LAF

130 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Available Look and Feel Contd.

• SystemLookAndFeel

The System LAF is

at Run Time

131 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Setting the Look and Feel programmatically

• To change the LAF use the Following:

Pacakge: Class:
javax.swing UIManager


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Windows Look and Feel

133 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Motif Look and Feel

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Setting Native Look and Feel

• Most applications should use native look, not default “Java” look.
• Changing is tedious, so use static method.

public class WindowUtilities {

public static void setNativeLookAndFeel() {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error setting native LAF: “+ e);

135 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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• Content pane
 A JFrame contains a content pane in which to add components.
Changing other properties like the layout manager, background
color, etc., also applies to the content pane.
• Layout manager
 The default layout manager is BorderLayout
• Auto Close Behavior
 The JFrame can be automatically closed on clicking on the Close
• Look and feel
 The default look and feel is Java (Metal), so you have to explicitly
switch the look and feel if you want the native look.

136 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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JFrame Hierarchy






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Creation and Displaying a JFrame

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class JFrameExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("This is a test");
f.setSize(400, 150);
f.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
f.add(new JButton("Button 1"));
f.add(new JButton("Button 2"));
f.add(new JButton("Button 3"));

138 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Output Of JFrameExample

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Swing Equivalents of AWT Components

• JLabel
New features: HTML content images, borders
• JButton
New features: icons, alignment, mnemonics
• JPanel
New feature: borders

 Refer to the Component Hierarchy

140 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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• HTML content
 If text is "<html>...</html>", it gets rendered as HTML
 JLabel fonts are ignored if HTML is used. If you use HTML, all
font control must be performed by HTML.
 You must use <P>, not <BR>, to force a line break.
• Other new features:
 images, borders

141 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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JLabel Example Code

String labelText =
JLabel coloredLabel =
new JLabel(labelText, JLabel.CENTER);
labelText =
"<html><B>Bold</B> and <I>Italic</I> Text</html>";
JLabel boldLabel =
new JLabel(labelText, JLabel.CENTER);
labelText =
"<html>The Applied Physics Laboratory is..." +
"of the Johns Hopkins University." +
"<P>" + ... "...</html>";

142 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Output of Label example

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• Main new feature: icons
 Create an ImageIcon by passing the ImageIcon constructor a
String representing a GIF or JPG file (animated GIFs are
 Pass the ImageIcon to the JButton constructor.
• Other features
 HTML content as with JLabel
 Alignment: location of image with respect to text
 Mnemonics: keyboard accelerators that let you use Alt-
someChar to trigger the button.

144 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Example of JButton (contd.)

JButton button1 = new JButton("Java");

ImageIcon cup = new ImageIcon("images/cup.gif");
JButton button2 = new JButton(cup);
JButton button3 = new JButton("Java", cup);
JButton button4 = new JButton("Java", cup);

145 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Output of JButton Example

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• Main new feature: borders
 Create a Border object by calling
 Supply the Border object to the JPanel by means of setBorder.
JPanel p = new JPanel();
• Other features:
 Layout manager settings
Can pass the layout manager to the JPanel constructor

147 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Standard Borders
• Static methods in BorderFactory
 createEmptyBorder(int top, int left, int bottom, int right)
Creates an EmptyBorder object that simply adds space
(margins) around the component.
 createLineBorder(Color color)
 createLineBorder(Color color, int thickness)
Creates a solid-color border
 createTitledBorder(String title)
 createTitledBorder(Border border, String title)
The border is an etched line unless you explicitly provide a
border style in second constructor.

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Example of JPanel
public class SixChoicePanel extends JPanel {
public SixChoicePanel(String title, String[] buttonLabels) {
super(new GridLayout(3, 2));
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
JRadioButton option;
int halfLength = buttonLabels.length/2;
for(int i=0; i<halfLength; i++) {
option = new JRadioButton(buttonLabels[i]);
option = new JRadioButton(buttonLabels[i+halfLength]);

149 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Output of JPanel
• Left window uses createLineBorder
• Right window has three SixChoicePanels

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Other Simple Swing Components

• JCheckBox
 Note uppercase B
(vs. Checkbox in AWT)

• JRadioButton
 Use a ButtonGroup to
link radio buttons


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Other Simple Swing Components

• JTextField
 Just like AWT TextField

• JTextArea
 Same as AWT TextArea
 Place in JScrollPane if
you want scrolling

152 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Dialogs in Swing
• There are three basic forms of Dialogs:
 Basic Dialog

 Option Dialog

 Chooser Dialog

153 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Using Dialogs
• Use dialogs only for actions that deviate from the primary task
• Any dialog pauses the interaction of an application with the user.
• Dialogs should ideally be designed such that they could be
ignored altogether, without disrupting the user's ability to
complete their job.

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• It creates a window possessing a title bar, control menu, and
other familiar elements.
• It implements an instance of JContentPane so other components
can easily be added.

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Example of a JDialog
import javax.swing.*;

class TestDialog

JFrame parentFrame; Frame on Which the Dialog will be added
JDialog dialog;
JButton button1,button2;
Components which will be added to the Dialog
JLabel label;
JPanel panel;

156 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Example of a JDialog contd.

public TestDialog()
parentFrame=new JFrame();
dialog=new JDialog(parentFrame,"This is a simple Dialog");
label=new JLabel("Want to continue?");
panel=new JPanel();
button1 =new JButton("Yes");
button2=new JButton("NO");

157 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Example of a JDialog contd.

public void showDialog()

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• Very rich class with many options for different types of dialog boxes.
• Methods for different types of Dialogs
 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog
Icon, message, OK button
 JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog
Icon, message, and buttons:
OK, OK/Cancel, Yes/No, or Yes/No/Cancel
 JOptionPane.showInputDialog (2 versions)
Icon, message, textfield or combo box, buttons
 JOptionPane.showOptionDialog
Icon, message, array of buttons or other components

159 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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JOptionPane Message Dialogs

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JOption Confirmation Dialog

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• To Open a Color Palate
 Call JColorChooser.showDialog
First argument: parent component
Second argument: title string
Third argument: initially-selected Color
• Return value
 Selected Color if "OK" chosen
 null if "Cancel" chosen

162 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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JColorChooser Example
• Button that lets you change color of window

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

Color bgColor
= JColorChooser.showDialog
(this,"Choose Background Color",
if (bgColor != null)

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JColorChooser Output

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• Is a user-interface component that presents data in a two-
dimensional table format.
• Displays a grid of data consisting of rows and columns similar to
a spreadsheet.


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Features of JTable
• Reassessable and reorderable columns.

• Cells that can be displayed using any components through the

use of the Renderer interface. For example, cells can be
equipped with Checkbox controls, choice controls, and so on.

• Cells that can be edited using an editor interface.

• Support for large data sets.

166 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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JTable Example
Columns of a Table
String[ ] columnNames = {"First Name", "Last Name", "Sport", "# of
Years", "Vegetarian"};
Data to be displayed on the Table
Object[][] data = { {"Mary", "Campione", "Snowboarding", new Integer(5),
new Boolean(false)}, {"Alison", "Huml", "Rowing", new Integer(3), new
Boolean(true)}, {"Kathy", "Walrath", "Knitting", new Integer(2), new
Boolean(false)}, {"Sharon", "Zakhour", "Speed reading", new
Integer(20), new Boolean(true)}, {"Philip", "Milne", "Pool", new
Integer(10), new Boolean(false)} };
Constructing the Table
JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames);

167 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Output of JTable

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• Every table object uses a table model object to manage the
actual table data. A table model object must implement the
TableModel interface.
• If the programmer does not provide a table model object, JTable
automatically creates an instance of DefaultTableModel

169 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Overview of JTree
• JTree is a powerful Swing component for displaying tree-
structured data
• JTree relies on a separate model object to hold and represent
the data that it displays


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• The Java Swing provides the multiple platform independent APIs
interfaces for interacting between the users and GUIs components
• The Java Swing follows the MVC design pattern
• All swing based Components are situated in javax.swing package
• JComponent is the supermost class for all swing based components
• Available Look and Feel :
 SystemLookAndFeel
 CrossPlatForm Look and Feel

171 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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• There are various Swing equivalents to AWT components with
addtions of HTML labels, Borders, images…etc
• Various components has been added viz
 JTable
 JTree…etc

172 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding

1 The Java Swing provides the multiple platform independent APIs interfaces for
interacting between the users and GUIs components
a. true
b. false

• 2. All swing component classes are placed in

a. java.awt
b. javax.awt
c. javax.swing
d. java.swing

173 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (Contd.)

3 In MVC pattern the controller contols
a. the visual screen representation of a component
b. the objects state
c. a component in such a way that it responds to the user input
d. the life cycle of an object

4. A vital part of Swing's pluggable L&F mechanism is a user-interface (UI) object

called a______________
a. model
b. object
c. class
d. delegate

174 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (Contd.)

5. The root class of the swing components is
a. JFrame class
b. JPanel class
c. JComponent class
d. JWindow class

6.Cross platform look and feel is also known as:

a. Metal
b.System look and feel
c.Windows look and feel
d. Motif look and feel

175 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (Contd.)

7. .Which component in swing represents data in rows and columns?
a. JTextArea
b. JTable
c. JPanel
c. JtabbedPane

8. Every table object uses a table model object to manage the actual table data
a. true
b. false

176 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (Contd.)

9. Consider the following code and select the correct option
String col[]={"FirstName","LastName","marks"};-----line1
Object [][]data={{"Mary","Adams",new Integer(90)},{"Allen","Jones",new
Integer(57)}};-----line 2
JTable table=new JTable(col,data); -----line 3

a. Compilation error at line 1

b. Compilation error at line 2
c. Compilation error at line 3
d. None of the above

177 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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Test Your Understanding (Contd.)

10. If the programmer does not provide a table model object, JTable automatically
creates an instance of

a. DefaultTableModel
b. JTable
c. JDefaultTableModel
c. JTableModel

178 © 2007 IBM Corporation

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