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El Filibusterismo Overview
1. Is the SECOND NOVEL of Jose Rizal, comprised of 38 Chapters;
2. This novel is indeed a continuation of the Noli which exposes the real picture of
Filipino society at the hands of the Spanish authorities;
3. Rizal dedicated the novel to the memory of the priests, Don Mariano Gomez,
Don Jose Burgos, and Don Jacinto Zamora;
4. This novel’s title is derived from the simpler term filibuster which means “a
dangerous patriot who will soon be hanged or well, a presumptuous man”.
5. El Fili offers various means of attaining social reform;
6. Rizal wrote Fili about four years after the Noli sometime in October 1887 and
had finally completed it by March 29, 1891;
7. The author reveals the cruelty and exploitation suffered by the natives at the
hands of colonizers.
The Printing of Fili

1. Rizal initially financed the printing by pawning his properties but decided
that printing should be suspended for lack of funds until Valentin Ventura
offered him financial help;
2. Even with the help of Ventura, Rizal found it necessary to shorten the novel
erasing 47 pages from the 279-page manuscripts to save expenses;
3. The printed Fili came off the press by the middle of September 1891;
4. The government bought the manuscript for 10,000 pesos and is now kept
in the National Library.
El Filibusterismo The Synopsis
1. The Main character of the Simoun who is an affluent jeweler who is
actually Crisostomo Ibarra of the Noli whom everyone thought had been
killed but as a matter of fact escaped, fled to Cuba, became wealthy and
made connections with influencial Spanish Official;
2. Simoun’s grand plan is to take revenge against Spanish officials and rescue
Maria Clara from the convent;
3. The planned revolt however, was not carried out because Maria Clara died
in the nunnery;
4. Another plan is made and Simoun plants many explosives at the venue of
the wedding reception of Juanito Pelaez and Paulita Gomez. Explosion shall
be started by the gift he will give to the newly weds – a kerosene lamp
with an explosive;
The Synopsis
El Filibusterismo
5. Isagani, the rejected lover of Paulita, upon learning that the
lamp will blow up, rushes into the house and grabs the lamp. He
throws it into the river where it explodes;
6. Padre Salvi identifies the handwriting in the note left by Simoun
and confirms that it is indeed Ibarra’s handwriting. The note
bears the message “You will die tonight”;
7. Simoun is hunted by the law enforcers. He manages to escape but
is seriously wounded. He finds shelter in the home of Padre
The Synopsis

8. The Guardia Civil learns his presence in the house of the

priest and Lieutenant informs the priest that he will come
to arrest Simoun;
9. Simoun takes poison so that he will not be caught alive;
10.Before he died, he confesses to Padre Florentino his true
identity and his plan of revenge through bloody revolution.
The priest absolves him from his sins; He died and the
priest throws his treasure into the sea so that it will not be
used by the greedy.
Themes of Fili
El Filibusterismo
1. El Filibusterismo is a continuation of Noli;
2. It exposes the real picture of Filipino society at the hands of the Spanish
3. What makes Fili different from Noli is that it offers various means of
attaining social reform and somewhat hinted what author believed was
4. Closing chapter insinuate that freedom must be attained without
5. El fili is more serious than Noli as there is less humor and more bitterness
in the treatment of situations;
6. Rizal depicts a society at the brink of rebellion as the natives’ minds have
been awakened and revolutionary forces have been formed.
“ You must shatter the
to spread its perfume,
and smite the rock to
get the spark ”
- Jose Rizal -
Thank you…..

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