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Warm Up Label the Long bone
• epiphysis
• spongy bone
• articular cartilage
• diaphysis
• compact bone
• bone marrow
• Marrow cavity
• blood vessel
• periosteum
• A-diaphysis
• B-epiphysis
• C-spongy bone
• D-articular cartilage
• E- spongy bone
• F-compact bone
• G- Bone marrow
• H- periosteum
• I- Marrow cavity
The Skeletal System: divided into two groups,
the axial and appendicular skeleton for a total of
206 bones in the body.
I. The Axial Skeleton:
consists of 80
bones that revolve
around the vertical
axis of the
*skull, ribs, sternum and
vertebral column
A. Bones of the Axial Skeleton

1. The Skull
A. Cranial bones (8):
*frontal (1)
*parietal (2)
*temporal (2)
*sphenoid (1)
*ethmoid (1)
*occipital (1)
A. Bones of the Axial Skeleton

B. Facial Bones (14):

*mandible (1)
*maxilla (2)
*zygomatic bone (2)
*nasal bone (2)
*lacrimal (2)
*palatine (2
*inferior nasal concha
*volmer (1)
A. Bones of the Axial Skeleton
2. Thoracic cage (25):
*sternum (1)
*true ribs (14)
articulate with the
sternum directly.
*false ribs (6)
*floating ribs (4)
A. Bones of the Axial Skeleton
3. Vertebral Column
*cervical vertebrae (7)
*thoracic vertebrae (12)
*lumbar vertebrae (5)
*sacrum (5 fused)
*coccyx (4 fused)
II. The Appendicular Skeleton: consists of
126 bones that append to the axial skeleton.
A. Bones of the
1. Pectoral girdle (4)
*clavicle (2)
*scapula (2)
A. Bones of the Appendicular
2. The Upper Limb (60)
*humerus (2)
*radius (2)
*ulna (2)
*carpals (16)
*metacarpals (10)
*phalanges (28)
A. Bones of the Appendicular
3. Pelvic Girdle (2)
3 fused pairs
A. Bones of the Appendicular
4. Lower limb (60)
*femur (2)
*patella (2)
*tibia (2)
*fibula (2)
*tarsal (14)
*metatarsals (10)
*phalanges (28)
III. Functions of the Skeletal System

A. Axial Skeleton
*protects the brain and
internal organs.
*provides structure and
*attachment for muscles
III. Functions of the Skeletal System

B. Appendicular
Skeleton Functions:
*attachment for muscles
*support and movement
*blood cell formation
IV. Types of Bones
1. Long Bones: those
that are longer than
they are wide.

*femur, tibia, fibula

*humerus, radius, ulna
2. Short Bones: are as wide as they are long.

*tarsals of the foot

*carpals of the hand

3. Flat Bones: broad flat plates used for protection
and muscular attachment. Most RBC’s are
produce in flat bones.
*rib cage
*os coxae (hip bone)
4. Irregular Bones: have peculiar shapes and
cannot be grouped in the other bone categories.

long bone
V. Anatomical Terminology
V. Anatomical Terminology
5. Proximal: nearest;
1. Anterior: towards the closer to any point of
front. reference.
2. Posterior: towards 6. Distal: remote; farther
the back. from any point of
3. Superior: towards reference.
the head. 7. Lateral: point that is
4. Inferior: towards the more distant from the
feet. median plane.
8. Medial: point that is
closer to the median
Food for Thought
VI. Connective Tissue

1. Cartilage: a flexible
connective tissue
found between the
bones of joints. It
acts as a cushion
between joints and
reduces friction in
VI. Connective Tissue

2. Ligament: dense,
flexible tissue that
connects bone to
bone at a joint.
VI. Connective Tissue

3. Tendon: consists of
dense collagen fibers
and connect muscle
to bone.
VII. Joint: point where two or more bones articulate
allowing movement and mechanical support.

A. Types of Joints
1. Fibrous: held
together by fibrous
connective tissue.
Usually immovable
or slightly moveable.
Ex. Suture joints
between cranial
bones and distal
joint of tibia and
2. Cartilaginous: joints held together by cartilage.
May be immovable or slightly movable.
3. Synovial: freely movable joints characterized by
a synovial cavity (joint cavity) containing synovial

Features of Synovial
a. Articular cartilage:
(hyaline cartilage)
covers the ends of
b. Synovial membrane:
surrounds the
synovial cavity.
c. Articular Capsule: is composed of the synovial
membrane and the fibrous capsule.

d. Bursae: fluid filled

sac that cushions and
reduces friction
between moving
e. Meniscus: disperses
the weight of the body
and reduces friction in
the joint.
Types of Synovial joints

1. Hinge: allow flexion

and extension along
one plane.

*joints in the fingers
Types of Synovial joints

2. Ball and Socket:

allow all movements
except gliding.
Types of Synovial joints
3. Condyloid: allow
flexion, extension,
abduction, adduction
and circumduction.
*between the
metacarpals and
Types of Synovial joints
4. Pivot: one bone
rotates about another.
*the neck
*radius and ulna
Types of Synovial joints
5. Gliding: permit
sliding and gliding
Types of Synovial joints
6. Saddle: same
movement as
condyloid joints.
Write a 1 page essay
outlining the function of
connective tissue.

Discuss the role played

by cartilage, ligaments and
tendons citing examples from
specific joints.
The Muscular System

I. Characteristics of
muscle tissue
*contractibility-ability of
the muscle to shorten.
*extensibility: ability of
the muscle to
*elasticity: ability of the
muscle to return to it’s
normal size.
I. Characteristics of muscle tissue

* atrophy-a decrease in
the size of muscle
* hypertrophy-an
increase in the size of
muscle tissue.
* Controlled by nerve
tissue and fed by
II. Types of Muscle Tissue

A. Smooth: Involuntary
muscle that lines the
walls of hollow
organs, blood
vessels and the
digestive tract.
II. Types of Muscle Tissue

B. Cardiac: involuntary
striated muscle
responsible for
rhythmic contractions
of the heart.
II. Types of Muscle Tissue

C. Skeletal: Voluntary
striated muscle that is
responsible for
III. Structure of Skeletal Muscle
III. Structure of Skeletal Muscle
IV. Muscle Attachment

1. Origin: the point of

attachment of a
muscle tendon to a
stationary bone.
2. Insertion: point of
attachment of a
muscle tendon to a
movable bone.
Muscles of the anterior portion of the body

Quadriceps femoris
Tibialis anterior
Abdominus rectus and External obliques
Biceps brachii
Muscles of the posterior portion of the body
Triceps brachii
Gluteus maximus
Gastrocnemius and Soleus
Erector spinae

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