Sports Psychology PPT (Autosaved)

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Sports performance is the bi-product of

(a) Skill
(b) conditional ability
(c) Total personality
(d) tactical ability. •Ans (c) Total personality
13. Which need is on top of the Maslow’s hierarchy of
 (a) Self-actualization
(b) Esteem
(c) Belongingness
(d) Safety. Ans  (a) Self-actualization
14. Alderfer’s theory categorizes needs into three
categories. The most important is
(a) Growth needs
(b) relatedness need
(c) Existence need
(d) none of the above. Ans(c) Existence need
15. The ‘trial and error’ theory of learning was
propounded by

(a) Newton

(b) Pavlov

(c) Thorndike Ans (c) Thorndike

(d) Homer
16. The cause of frustration among sports person is
(a) Result of own performance
(b) Normally due to mismatched
level of aspiration and ability
(c) Result of good performance
(d) Natural outcome of competitive Ans B):Normally due to
sports. mismatched level of aspiration and
17. ‘Exercise for the body and music for the soul, in
which country the common adage was used?
(a) Italy
(b) France
(c) Greece
(d) Germany. Ans (c) Greece
18 When catching a ball, your hand knows when to
grasp because
(a) Your parasympathetic nervous
system is active (b) Alpha waves
are being generated by your brain
(c) participating muscles receive
efferent signals from the brain Ans(c); participating muscles
receive efferent signals from the
(d) afferent signals inform your brain
hand that the ball is about to make
19. Who said, “sound mind in a sound body”?

(a) Discartes

(b) Thales
Ans: (B) Thales
(c) Aristotle

(d) Plato.
20. Which law of learning is also called the law of use
and disuse?
(a) Law of exercise
(b) Law of readiness
(c) Law of effect
(d) Law of intimacy. Ans(a) Law of exercise

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