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PART A: Put a check (√) if the sentence is true and correct the wrong
1. If I hadn’t asked, I wouldn’t have known what to do.

2. If I hadn’t been argued with him, we wouldn’t have hurt each other.
If I hadn’t argued with him, we wouldn’t have hurt each other.
3. If they had listen to the teacher, they wouldn’t be in trouble.
If they had listen to the teacher, they wouldn’t have been in trouble.
4. If, as her best friend, you had come to her farewell party, she would
be very disappointed.
If, as her best friend, you had come to her farewell party, she wouldn’t
be very disappointed.
5. If you had studied more seriously, you would have got better marks.

PART B: Match sentences 1–3 with their meanings a–c.
1. If you had reminded me, I would have brought the laptop. b
2. If you hadn’t reminded me, I wouldn’t have remembered to bring the
laptop. a
3. If you hadn’t reminded me, I would have left the laptop at home. c

a. You told me about the laptop so I didn’t forget to bring it.

b. You didn’t remind me as a result I didn’t bring the laptop.
c. You reminded me about the laptop; therefore I didn’t leave it.
PART C: Look at the situations and write third conditional sentences.
1. People condemned him because he committed corruption.
If he hadn’t committed corruption, people wouldn’t have condemned
2. I hurt my eyes because I played PUBG too much.
If I hadn’t played PUBG too much, I wouldn’t have hurt my eyes.
3. Her parents weren’t mad because she obeyed the curfew.
If she hadn’t obeyed the curfew, her parents would’ve been mad.
You’ve finished the exercise.

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