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Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Concrete is brittle material. Weak in tension
Tensile strength = one tenths of compressive strength
Fibers are small, discrete randomly oriented fibers
Fibers reinforce the concrete in tension
Fibers increase tensile strength and ductility
In conventional concrete, micro-cracks develop before loading
 Shrinkage
When structure loaded, micro cracks open and propagate
Fibers reduce cracks and improve properties
Small fibres dispersed and distributed randomly in concrete at
mixing, improve concrete properties in all directions
The fibers transfer load between internal micro cracks
FRC improve
 Flexural and tensile strength
 Impact resistance
 Durability (Frost, Freeze-thaw)
 Toughness and shock resistance
 Plastic shrinkage cracking
Steel fibers improve structural flexural strength to reduce the
heavy steel reinforcement
Fibers are produced from different materials
Steel, glass, Polymer, carbon, and natural materials
 Different shape and size

Aspect ratio (AR) = Length divided by equivalent diameter [L/d]

Typical AR range from 30 to 150 for length of 10 mm to 75 mm
Typical fiber diameters 0.2 to 0.8 mm steel
 0.02 to 0.5 mm plastic


Plain concrete fails suddenly when deflection correspond ultimate
flexural strength
FRC sustain higher loads and higher deflections
Fiber Volume Fraction
Low volume fraction (less than 1%)
 Slab and pavement  shrinkage cracking control
Moderate volume fraction (1 to 2%)
 Shortcrete  Increase Flexural, Splitting, Toughness & fatigue
High volume fraction ( > 2%)
 High strength concrete
 Repair of RC elements
Mix Design

Cement increase by 15%, CA & FA Decrease by 10%

Fibers reduce workability of concrete
Loss of workability proportion to fiber volume
Adding 1.5 Vf of steel or glass fibers to concrete with 200 mm
slump reduce slump to 25 mm
Fibers impart stability of fresh concrete  slump test is not good
Vebe test is used to evaluate workability of FRC
Steel FRC
Diameter 0.2 - 0.8 mm
Length 35 - 60 mm
Different shapes and geometry (Straight, Hooked, Crimped)
Crimped  Highest Bond

 Hooked Crimped
Steel FRC
Generally SFRC is very ductile and used in structures
High structural strength
Reduce crack widths and control crack
Less steel reinforcement
Improve ductility
Improve impact and abrasion resistance
Flexural Strength &Toughness
Flexural Strength & Toughness
Steel Fibers
Properties of FRC
Compressive 30%
Tensile 60%
Flexural strength 100%
Flexural toughness 250%
Flexural impact 100%
(Stair case)
Flexural fatigue 100%
Glass FRC
Glass fibers used in non-structural construction elements
 Facing panels (about 80% of the GFRC production),
 Piping for sanitation
 Decorative products
React with Alkali in cement paste  More Brittle Degrade
New types of alkali-resistant (AR) glass fibers
Mortar additives that prevent brittleness of Glass fibers
FRC is generally made with high cement content and low w/c ratio
Well compacted and cured SFRC  excellent durability
 Fibers protected by cement paste
In chloride environment, fibers remain uncorroded.
Long-term test of steel-fiber concrete durability showed minimum
corrosion of fibers and no adverse effect after 7 years of exposure
to deicing salt.
Ordinary glass fiber is not used in concrete because of chemical
attack by alkaline cement paste
Zirconia and other alkali-resistant glass fibers  higher durability
to alkaline environments, even those showed gradual deterioration
with time
Natural fibers (cotton and wool, synthetic polymers) lack durability
to alkaline environment of cement paste

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