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Some students sit through hours of lectures

and retain all the information presented while
others benefit more from hands-on lab classes.
Reason? Students have different learning
styles, which present both teachers and
students with a problem when classes are
taught in one set way that might only benefit
one kind of learner. Students can however,
help themselves by finding out what kind of
learner style they belong to and customize their
study habits to that particular style.
There are three major groups of learners,
which are Kinesthetic, Visual and Auditory.
These groups represent three very different
kinds of students, who are all presented with
difficulties during their education.
I. Visual Learner
The visual learner will often lose focus during

long oral lectures, especially if these are not

accompanied by drawings and illustrations. The
visual learner takes mental pictures of
information given, so in order for this kind of
learner to retain information, oral or written,
presentations of new information must contain
diagrams and drawings, preferably in color. The
visual learner can't concentrate with a lot of
activity around him and will focus better and
learn faster in a quiet study environment.
Visual learners are often:
• Good spellers
• Fast readers
• Great at seeing the big picture but often
forget smaller details
• Good at remembering faces but have a hard
time remembering names
The visual learner will benefit from:
• Color-coded notes
• Using drawings to illustrate
• Outlining information
• Using mind maps and flash cards
II. Kinesthetic Learner
Kinesthetic learners are described as the
students in the classroom, who have problems
sitting still and who often bounce their legs
while tapping their fingers on the desks. They
are often referred to as hyperactive students
with concentration issues.
Kinesthetic learners are often:
Gifted performer
Naturally athletic
To get the most of an education the
kinesthetic learner can:
• Choose classes with hands-on labs
• Study with (loud) music in the
• Use memory and flash cards
• Study in small groups
• Take breaks often during study
III. Auditory Learner

For the auditory learner, oral presentations are

crucial for understanding a subject, as this kind of
learner has the ability to remember speeches and
lectures in detail but has a hard time with written
text. Having to read long texts is pointless and will
not be retained by the auditory learner unless it is
read aloud.
The auditory learner often has:
1. Strong language skills
2. A well-developed vocabulary
3. The ability to follow spoken directions
4. A hard time remembering faces but
easily remembers names
For the auditory learner to get the most out of
classes it can be helpful to:
• Record lectures
• Use word associations
• Listen to audiotapes
• Read notes aloud
• Sit in the front of the class where the teacher can
easily be seen and heard.
• Study and discuss subjects with other students



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