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Vision of P&G

• “To create the most successful global

brands in every category everywhere
we compete. And we have the strength
to do it”
Mission Statement

• “To create, maintain and leverage a

positive business environment to build
and protect the business and
reputation of P&G and its brands”
Top Brands
Users Users
Brand Category (m) (%)
1. Safeguard Soap 48.8 72%
2. Colgate Toothpaste 45.7 68%
3. Coca Cola Soft Drinks 40.3 60%
4. Crest Toothpaste 38.7 57%
5. Rejoice Shampoo 38.1 57%
6. Pepsi Soft Drinks 37.7 56%
7. Wrigley’s Doublemint Chewing Gum 34.4 51%
8. Sprite Soft Drinks 32.8 49%
9. Meng Niu Ice Cream 32.5 48%
10. Kang Shi Fu Instant Noodles 29.5 43%
Red text = brands owned by international companies
• Always School Education Program
educates female students about good
health & hygiene practices. The program
reaches 250, 000 girls, 1400 schools /
colleges in 3 cites of Pakistan.
• Safeguard School Education Program
educates 5-9 years old children about
basic hygiene habits and importance of
washing hands in 5000 schools, 20 cities,
reaching close to 2 million children.
Products in Pakistan
SWOT Analysis

• Brand acceptance.
• High quality image.
• Effective distribution network.
• Best germ cleaner.
• Safeguard does societal marketing also.
• Available in different varieties.
• Brand loyal customer.
• Readily available – better stock position.
• Available in two packs, small and family size.
• More concern of social welfare

• Harmful for sensitive skin.

• Have bad image in consumers at some
extent being product of a multinational
• Does not have a good fragrance
• Low distribution commission.
• Comparatively high rates.
• No emphasis on product line

• Specialized product for elders can also be

• Safeguard can introduce shampoo to
develop product mix.
• Due to better awareness of safeguard in
general public, new products may be
• Establishment of factories in other cites of

• Strong competitors.
• Competition in bath Soap market of skin
protection and fragrance will increase.
• Acceptance of low price local brands.

• It is segmented on the basis of

demographics and the variable used is
age and generation.

• “Target market is selecting certain group of

customers and aiming products specifically
at them”
• Safeguard has targeted the children of the
country. Mostly the decision making power lies
with either father or mother but they are
convinced by their children. The majority of
target market is located in urban areas that are
metros and cities however; the rural areas are
also an integral part of secondary target market.
Marketing Mix

• “Marketing mix is the set of marketing

tools that the firm uses to pursue the
marketing objectives in the target

• “The most basic marketing mix tool is

product/service, which includes
product/service quality, design,
features, branding and packaging”
• The main objective is to increase the market share by
another 10% by the end of fiscal year 2009-2010.

• From the day the product was launched i.e. 1996
company is making efforts to increase its sale growth. The
main trust is to:
– Convert the non-anti bacterial soap users into anti bacterial soap
• To induce trial by bath soap users of other competing
• There is lot of investment in term of advertising but the
focus is shifting from product awareness to build brand
loyalty and inducing more purchase and retrial, which will
ultimately lead to more market share. Although the
expenses of advertising has been high but is nothing
compared to the attracted and long run market share.

• “The critical marketing mix tool is

pricing namely, the amount of money
that the customers have to pay for the
• Safeguard is priced as,
• 125 grams RS. 33.00
• 85 grams RS. 23.00
• Pricing objective of the company is to sell high
quality product keeping in mind current price level
in the market.
• Strategy is to lower costs by having the whole pie
to work with instead of only a small slice.
Manufacturing, Engineering, purchases and
customer services are merged into one overall
organization. As an integrated whole a total
system, the principle purpose is to move materials
from supplier to customer, while adding some
value along the way through processing and
packaging in the plant.

• “Placement, another key marketing mix

tool, stands for the various activities the
company undertakes to make the product
accessible and available to target
• Distribution objective is to achieve
maximum territorial coverage as well as
the volume in order to meet sales and

• “The fourth marketing mix tool stands

for the various characteristics the
company undertakes to communicate
and promote to the target markets”
• Objective is to communicate the product benefit
in a way that is so credible and relevant and
appealing that the brand can become trusted
parts of a consumer household.
• Everyone knows that no matter how valuable the
product is, its creation or existence will remain
unknown without deliberate efforts to make the
information available. Different promotional
channels used are mentioned below.
Promotion is done through:

• Camping in schools
• To promote safeguard different teams were sent to different schools where they
created awareness among children through use of different new cartoon characters
that without cleanliness we are infected and there arose different diseases, so
convincing the students to tell their mother or father to bring safeguard. This was
perhaps the first time a company had actually established a direct connection with its
consumers. With the hand on the pulse of its most valuable assets, the consumers,
the company was again to establish a new trend in marketing in Pakistan.
• TV Advertisement
• Safeguard considers TV as the most effective channel as it is the easiest way to
reach the maximum number of target audience. Both the time and cost can be saved.
• The budget allocated for print media and billboards is very small and the amount
spent on print advertisement is very negligible. P&G emphasize on TV and
advertisements and spends 95% of the budget on it. Currently it is only using a single
channel of promotion, which is TV. No single amount is spend on other type of media
i.e. Billboards, magazines and direct marketing.
Qualitative Research

• Qualitative research is used to generate

ideas. It involves small group of people,
and requires in-depth interaction between
the researcher and the participants.
Quantitative Research

• Quantitative research is used to generate

quantitative habits data or to evaluate new
ideas or prototypes. It involves larger
groups statistical analysis of data.
• Focus Group Discussions
• Safeguard uses a common technique for exploring ideas
and making initial asked to talk about certain topics. The
advantage of the group interaction is that people can
build on one another’s ideas and comments.
• In-Home Visits
• Customers who use the product are interviewed at
schools and also their parents. They are asked questions
about the task they use the product for, the desire end
result, how they judge the end result and which
improvement they would like. Being in the home provides
an opportunity to understand the actual conditions under
which the task is performed and what the constraints are
from the user’s point of view.
• In-context Visits
• People who use the safeguard are interviewed while they
are performing the task or using the product. The task
maybe anything related to the product, such as washing
their hands and faces or taking a bath. This type of
research provides valuable insights into the details of
how people use the product, how they judge the end
result, and which improvements they desire.
• In-Store Interviews
• One-on-one interviews with the customer while they aloe
them to better understand how the actual purchase
decisions are made at the point of sales.
Promotional Strategies

• The success of safeguard can be

attributed to its germ protection superiority
versus other laundry brands as well as
innovative and break through marketing
SAFEGUARD- Developed Cartoons
Characters to create Awareness
among Children
• For the purpose of making to be more effective safeguard developed 7 main
new cartoon characters, and as we know there is attraction in cartoons for
• The main characters are:-
• Commander Safeguard
• Dirtoo
• Dirty
• Kachra Rani
• Ghumsunna
• Alghum
• Germander
• First they will be attracted towards cartoons then they will be conscious
about their health and will want to be protected from germs and so finally
attracted towards product. When talking about cartoons kids told that a
specific germ leads to a specific disease. Brief introduction of the characters
is as under:-
• Introduction of the Cartoon Characters
• To attract children and to leave a long
lasting effect in their minds Safeguard
introduced Commander Safeguard
website. On the website they are placed
different types of games, e-cards for the
children and also reserved places for
creative drawings and poems sent by the
children. This facility is increasing interest
in the children and helping to grow their
mutual and extra curricular activities.

• A very comprehensive promotional strategy of

safeguard consists of advertising. Daily on
different TV and radio channels a story and a
song is shown for children. A large amount of
budget is allocated to the advertisement of
Safeguard. The advertisement of safeguard
consists all the information about product, its
desire benefits and more importantly their
advertisement is related to the target market as
the best germ protector.

• The main advertising objective of

Safeguard is to convert the other non anti
bacterial soap users to anti bacterial soap
users, first by making new customers of
younger ages and then retaining them for
whole their life. Today’s one children will
create a complete family of consumer in
the future.

• The current strategy which is being used by safeguard is

to target school going students who do not care about
their health and are easily caught by different diseases.
They are in way influencing children and their parents as
well who consume a large time in watching TV.
Therefore, TV is being used as the primary medium to
attract the audience. This is probably because of the fact
that more than 60% of people living in Pakistan have an
access to TV. So, this medium is quite cost effective.
They are also emphasizing through the favorite cricket

• Safeguard continuously tries to appear with new

advertisements and is a pioneer in using young children
rather than making advertisements with actors. They try
to show reality and real students from different fields of
life narrating how safeguard has helped them to keep the
disease at a distance. If we notice the format on which
the other advertisements are made these days, we
would come to know that kids are the target market and
almost they remain on the screen during the
advertisement. Currently Safeguard is showing much
advertisement on TV. These advertisements can be
mostly seen on PTV, PTV WORLD, ATV, ARY DIGITAL,

• It is told that the doctor’s first choice is

Safeguard while providing protection
against germs.

• P&G designed an effective media strategy

regarding Safeguard. Safeguard
advertisements are broadcast on PTV,
These advertisements are broadcast at
the peak time, that is when everyone is
watching TV, mostly during Drama serials
and News breaks.
• Safeguard after its launching in Pakistan has
been the flagship brand of P&G in such a short
span of time, Safeguard became the leader and
P&G the biggest soap company in Pakistan.
• P&G has spent over $5 million a day on R&D.
Safeguard is a result of extensive research. It is
tested and proven product and one of the
highest contributors to the company’s profit.
• The company experienced remarkable growth
building upon its solid foundation the company is
uniquely positioned to grow in future.
• Company should give discounts to the retailers.
• The advertisement budget allocated for billboards and
print median should be increased.
• Company should increase their offices in major cites like
• Company should also emphasize on product line like
telling that they also offer ALOE VERA,HERBAL, and
LEMON etc.
• Company should also target the elder’s community of the
• Company should introduce Safeguard shampoo.
• P&G directly contributes to sustainable development by providing
products and services that improve the lives of consumers, whether
in terms of health, hygiene or convenience. Safeguard lives in the
hearts of its customers due to its high quality, protection against
germs, and sincerity with customers and contribution to the
betterment of the nation. The marketing strategy is very strong as it
is devised after through market research and marketers have been
successful in grasping the true psychology of the consumers.
• As for as the questionnaire is concerned, the most of the people are
using LUX. Most of them told they look at the brand name while they
purchase bath soap. All of the people told that the buying behavior
is affected by the advertisement. Another thing which was the most
obvious is that the safeguard is popular in kids. We were thinking
that the younger child will not be aware or conscious of skin
protection, but this was proved to be wrong. Many of them have
given the view that the Safeguard can not be used by sensitive

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