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Electronic Circuits


• Unit 1 Small Signal Analysis of Amplifiers:

Introduction to h-parameter model, Small Signal model of BJT, Analysis of CB, CE and CC configurations using h-
parameters– simplified hybrid model – miller’s theorem – dual of miller’s theorem. Analysis of Cascaded Transistor
Amplifiers- RCCoupled amplifier, Frequency response of RC Coupled, Direct coupled and Transformer coupled amplifiers
• Unit 2 Feedback Amplifiers:
Concept of Feedback, Classification of feedback amplifiers, Transfer Gain with feedback, General characteristics of
negative feedback amplifiers. Voltage series, voltage shunt, current series, and current shunt feedback amplifiers with
discrete components (Topologies).
• Unit 3 Oscillators:
Condition for oscillations. Oscillator Types, Frequency and amplitude stability of oscillators, LC oscillators-Hartley and
Colpitts oscillators, RC-phase shift and Wien bridge oscillators, Crystal Oscillators.
• Unit 4 Large Signal Amplifiers:
Classifications, Class A power Amplifiers- Direct coupled and Transformer Coupled, Class B power Amplifiers- Push-pull
and Complementary Symmetry-Transistor power dissipation, Power and Efficiency calculations.
• Unit 5 Linear Wave Shaping & Non-Linear Wave Shaping:
LINEAR WAVE SHAPING: High pass & low pass RC circuits, their response for sinusoidal, step, pulse, square, ramp and
Exponential inputs. NON LINEAR WAVE SHAPING: Diode and Transistor clippers and clampers, clamping circuit
Course Objectives and Outcomes
• Course Objectives:
This course will provide the student with the ability
• To analyze and design the transistor and feedback amplifiers.
• To understand and analyze the concepts of oscillators, linear and nonlinear wave shaping circuits.

• Course Outcomes:
Student will be able to Blooms Level of Learning
1. Analyze the single stage amplifiers using h-parameter model at low frequencies. L4
2. Understand the feedback amplifiers and oscillators L2
3. Analyze the concepts of large signal amplifiers. L4
4. Design and analyze linear and nonlinear wave shaping circuits. L6
• An amplifier is an electronic device or circuit which is used to
increase the magnitude of the signal applied to its input. 

• Amplifier is the generic term used to describe a circuit which

produces and increased version of its input signal.

• Amplifier can amplify current, voltage, and/or power.

Type of Based on No Type of Based on Based on Based on Based on Based on
Signal of Stages Configuration Frequency of type of Conduction type of Load Application
Operation Coupling Angle

Small Signal Single stage Common Direct Direct Class A Resistive Voltage
Emitter Current (DC) Coupled Amplifier Amplifier

Large Signal Multi Stage Common Base Audio RC Coupled Class B Inductive Current
Frequencies Amplifier Amplifier

Common Radio Transformer Class AB Based on Power

Collector Frequencies Coupled Amplifier type of Load Amplifier

VHF, UHF and Class C Resistive Tuned

SHF Amplifier Amplifier
Two port Network and parameters
• Two port devices & Network Parameters:→
A transistor can be treated as a two part network. The terminal behavior of any two port network
can be specified by the terminal voltages V1 & V2 at ports 1 & 2 respectively and current i1 & i2,
entering ports 1 & 2, respectively, as shown in figure.

This leads to various two part parameters out of

which the following three are more important.
Z – Parameters (or) Impedance parameters
Y – Parameters (or) Admittance parameters
H – Parameters (or) Hybrid parameters.
Hybrid Parameters or h-parameters
Small Signal Amplifier Analysis
• We represent the transistor amplifier circuit in the form of a two port network as shown
in fig.
• This two port network represent the transistor in any one of its three configurations
In the process of analysis, we obtain the expressions for the following parameters of an
• 1 - Current gain
• 2 – Input resistance
• 3 – Voltage gain
• 4 – Output resistance
Analysis of transistor Amplifier circuit using
Current Gain (AI )

We know that
Overall Current gain (Ais )

From circuit b, Using Current Division rule

Hence the Current gain taking Rs into account is given by

Input Impedance Zi
The input impedance Zi is given by

We know that

Dividing both sides by I1

We get
Voltage Gain (AV) & Overall Voltage gain
(AVS ) The ratio of output voltage V2 to the input
voltage V1 gives voltage gain of the transistor Av

The voltage gain taking source resistance into

account is called over all voltage gain Avs

Then the overall voltage gain Avs is given by

The Output Impedance (Zo)
The output impedance Zo=1/Yo is obtained by setting
the source voltage Vs to zero and load impedance ZL
to infinity . If the current drawn from V2 is i2, then,

We have

Dividing both sides by V2 we get

Applying KVL to input loop with Vs=0


 Zo=1/Yo

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