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An unpleasant experience of meal
offerings by Bangladesh Railway company
Here is my story

•On 16th March I was

travelling from Chittagong to
Dhaka by SUBORNO express,
early in the morning.
• Ordered a beef burger
expecting a minimum level of
nutrition quality.
• However, it was not fresh
and rather the buns were hard.
Here is my story (Continued)
• After complaining to
the authority, I
received a very
disrespectful behavior
accompanied by a
statement to deny my
complain and take no
action against it.
•As I was travelling alone,
they took the advantage
more and started to argue
with me.
•They neither said sorry
nor gave my money back.
Even did not change the
Learning Facts

 When a firm/ organization operates in a

monopoly market, they do not feel the urge
to listen to customers’ issues/complaints .
 Denying own faults and behaving
inappropriately with the customers leads
might lead to a loss of consumption.
Dissatisfied customers give negative
feedback to others.
On the other hand , admitting own faults
and apologizing to customers politely and
compensating them, can make the
situations better, for a particular issue.
A good service , A happy customer
• I had a very good
experience at Mens
•I went there twice,1st on
January and lastly on
22nd February.
•On both the visits, I was
very satisfied with their
service as well as with
their behavior.
•Beside the core
benefits, I have also
found some
supplementary elements
in their service.
•Like- offering tea,
refreshing juice, giving
some complementary
service (hair massage
Learning outcomes

 Employee behavior at any service play a very

important role gain and retain customers.
 Offering very little complementary service even
can put a positive impression in the mind of the
 “Waiting” problem issues, can be solved in one
way; by involving with an interactive
communications with the customers.
 Satisfied and happy customers stray with the
company for a long term
Serve well , gain well

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