Monitoring and Evaluation: "Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?"

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Monitoring and Evaluation

“Why did the chicken

cross the road?”

ICHD 08-09/ HPF Module

Jurrien Toonen,
09/08/20 1
Learning objectives

At the end of this session the participants will be able

 Explain and discuss the purpose of and approaches
to evaluation in relation to public health
 Indicate and select relevant stakeholders to be
involved in the process
 Specify the elements of a public health programme
to be evaluated

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The issue is not that we need
more data ………..

……… but better use may be made of existing data

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Set-up of session

 What are we talking about?

 Clarification of terms
 Principles behind MandE
 Changes in context (project to program)
 Current challenges in MandE
 Casestudy: set-up of a M&E system on health
reform in Egypt
 Synthesis

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Talk 5 mins with your neighbour

 What is monitoring?
 What is evalation?
 (What is the difference between them?)
 What types of evaluation are there?

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Definitions (1)

 EU 2005: Continuous and systematic process carried
during the duration of an intervention, generates data
on implementation, in order to correct

 WHO: Mechanism of data collection, processing and

interpretation with the purpose to provide information
about progress of activities and to enable management

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Definitions (2)

 DFID: Systematic and objective assessment of the
relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and
sustainability of development activities

 EU (2005): Judgement of interventions according to

their results/ impacts and needs they aim to satisfy

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Definitions (3)

 Originally process by which probity of operations and activities
of an organisation was examined (internal audit) a report on
the annual accounts produced (external audit).
 Now more widely, e.g., clinical audits, management audit
effectiveness and efficiency of organisational and management
arrangements, etc.
In the context of donor relationships:
 Determining whether, to what extent, organizational
procedures of financing agency have been implemented in
accordance to norms and criteria set out in advance.

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Some basic questions –
for general discussion

 Why M&E
 Who
 What
 For whom
 How: methodology
 How: tools

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The results chain:

Results chain

TARGETS in country



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The results chain (2)

 Relevance: extent to which objectives of the

development intervention were consistent with
beneficiaries' requirements, country needs, global
priorities and partners' and donors' policies
 Efficiency: how economically resources/inputs
were converted to results
 Effectiveness: extent to which development
intervention's objectives were achieved, taking into
account their relative importance

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The results chain (3)

 Impact: the positive and negative, primary and

secondary long term effects produced by a
development intervention, directly or indirectly,
intended or unintended
 Sustainability: the continuation of benefits from
a development intervention after major
development assistance has been completed

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the NEW context: effect on M&E?

 SWAp:
 Nat program = heart, then M&E = backbone
 Pooled funding: attribution?
 Impact? Learning oriented monitoring loop
 counterfactual – experimental? Control
 Quasi- or Non- experimental? monitoring

 Value for donor funding? Resource users

 Public Expenditure Review/ MTEF

 Accountability or learning?

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The NEW challenges:
Complex stakeholder setting

 Partnerships:
 Effectiveness/ added value? Or:
 Quality of the partnership?
 Effect on the “classic M&E framework”?

 Complexity of relationships
 Typology of partnerships

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The NEW challenges:
Effect on the M&E framework
Roles of WHO and DFID towards achieving the MDGs
Relevance Scope for added value by DFID
The ISP as a tool of the relationship
Appropriateness ??
Partnership structures
Partnership unity! Values and goals, coherence with corporate objectives

Management – coordination, technical and financial support

Efficiency Communication
Accessibility and mobilisation of resources

Partnership processes – stability, M&E and capacity building

Effectiveness Effectiveness through technical and policy programme tracers – pro-poor
orientation, coherence and interaction

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The NEW challenges:
 Partnership & learning vs accountability
 Complex systems:
 collection of parts at different levels
 Interconnected/ interdependent
 Power relations
 Organizational changes –
 both in donors as in countries
 Overloaded wish-lists rather than strategies
 Difference between “problems” (known structure);
“puzzles” (structured with a specific solution) “messes” (no
defined structure, no specific solution);

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The NEW challenges:
Complex architecture
Outline of the DFID-WHO Relationship
Dept. of Health

•UNCD – First Secretary Health Rep in Geneva
•Chief Human Development Adviser UN Agencies &
•DFID Health Policy Team s Programmes
(e.g. UNICEF;
• Resource management
• Technical teams
•DFID country-based advisers
• DFID TA & Secondees in W HO

Partner countries W HO Regional Offices

Ministries of Health
NGOs W HO Country Offices

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The NEW challenges:
Many levels of info-users

Info needs at different levels changed

• Global Initiatives & UN bodies
• “New” roles of central Government:
• stewardship & resource allocation
• Policy development & performance of the
• Deconcentration vs devolution
• Responsiveness to community needs: SIEC
• Privatization and out-sourcing
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8. Accountability to taxpayers

7. Accountability to donors

6. Accountability to higher

5. Improving internal management

4. Enhancing internal learning

3. Enhancing learning in a
multi stakeholder landscape

2. Accountability to patients,
clients, members

1. Accountability to society

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The NEW challenges:
the effect on poverty (reduction)

 Poverty Reduction – M&E

 Sector program or PRSP
 MDG or “MDG-friendly PRSP”?
 MDG-indicators or “underlying factors”
 Effect on the poor
 Criteria for equitable distribution resources
 Disaggregated data for poverty – DHS or?

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New tools/ methods

Staying busy

is not the same as achieving results –

the challenge is
to demonstrate outcomes and impact”

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New tools/ methods
Making choices

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New tools/ methods
Type of Model
making choices (1)
System Questions
Result Models
a. Goal-attainment Model To what degree have the goal(s) and/or objectives been
B. System Model How has the performance functioned as a whole?
Were inputs, structure, outputs, outputs and expected
results realized?
c. Effects Model Which outcome can be uncovered?
What effects / impact (results that can not all be controlled
by the intervention alone) can be uncovered?
What were other consequences that were not aimed for?
Explanatory process Model
Is the level of activity satisfactory?
Are there implementation problems?
Did processes, needed to come to the desired results, work?
Did organisational forms in a multi-stakeholder environment
Economic Model
a. Cost-efficiency Is productivity in relation to inputs satisfactory
b. Cost-effectiveness Is effectiveness (outputs and/or objectives) in relation to
inputs satisfactory?
Is effectiveness (impact) in relation to their inputs
c. Cost-benefit Is utility in relation to inputs satisfactory?

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New tools/ methods
making choices (2)
Actor Model
a. Client-oriented Are clients satisfied?
b. Stakeholder Are stakeholders satisfied?
Is the system open or closed?
Which stakeholder is the principle information user?
c. Partnership What was the quality of the partnership, unity of direction?
d. Peer review Is professional quality in order?
What can others learn from this organization?
Programme-theory Model
(theory-based model) What works why – for whom in what context?
What were strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
Is it possible to ascertain errors in program theory?

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New tools/ methods
making choices (3)

Criteria for selection

 Is the information system aiming at monitoring or at
 What is the leitmotiv
 Which models are best for learning purposes.
 Who is the information user:
 Adapted to the type of intervention level:
 Characteristics of the system or organisation to be
evaluated or monitored:
 Is it feasible to appreciate the results:

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New tools/ methods (1)

 Log-frame
 Results Based Management (RBM) and
 Results Based Budgeting (RBF)
 Accountability at decentralised level
 Poverty monitoring systems
 Poverty Social Impact Assessment (PSIA)
 Public Finance Management instruments (PFM)
 Value for Money analysis
 Service Delivery Surveys

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New tools/ methods (2)

 Qualitative/ process orientation

 OECD tool for budget support
 Outcome Mapping
 Most Significant Change (MSC) technique
 Result Based Management/ Budgeting
 Stakeholder analysis/ SWOT
 CORMAC and SPR-tool for policy-M&E
 Impact evaluation (?!)

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MandE the Egypt Health Reform:
criteria for indicators

 1. only be selected if the health reform may influence it ;

 2. a “minimal package of essential information”;
 3. adapted to the information users (specific needs per
 4. should enable to take evidence-based decisions;
 5. should address the pace, the effects and the direction of
the HSRP;
 6. impact of the HSRef should be measured (use proxy
indicators, tracer diseases );
 7. SMART indicators.

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HIO- Central level
Information flow Non-reformed HIO Facilities
HIO intermediate level Reformed HIO Facilities Vertical
FH Fund- Central FHF Programs
Reformed MOHP facilities
TSO Non reformed PHC-Fac.

District Hospitals

HIS (District Level)

MIS- Moderrya
Central level Operational Level
Data Data
(TSO-Produces) (TST-Produces)

Health Reform
M&E system
(Data base)

Operational Level Central level
Indicators Indicators
(TST Construct) (TSO Construct)

HIO- Central level

Health System Research FH Fund- Central

impact indicators
Demographic Health Survey TSO-users
FH Fund-operational


Governorate HA


Data producers
Reformed Facilities HIO-Ref. Facilities
Data users: Non-reformed facilities HIO Non-ref. facilities

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Egypt HDS Reform M&E system


C o n d i ti o n s B

Health Facility
Q u a l i ty o f c a re

U ti l is a ti o n Impact

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Support LIC & MIC in building systems

Enable decision-makers to take evidence-based decisions

Support decision-makers in defining information needs

Adapt Indicators to the information users (situation, level)

•Simple, clear and feasible indicators and SMART
• Address the pace, the effects and the direction

• Not unnecessarily increase the workload.

• Development of systems: info-flow etc
• Linking M&E
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Further reading:

e4.3.pdf: Monitoring guidelines by AusAid
Evaluation guidlines by Ausaid
/guidance-evaluation.pdf: DFID with loads of extra
 of the OECD

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